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SITE-W ORK DATE ID/SIG. <br />Set Backs <br />Form s/Stee l/Ho ldowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Grou nd <br />SLAB Fl oor <br />Subfl oor/Vent/lnsulati o n <br />Roof S heathin g <br />S hear Wall <br />Framinq <br />Insu lation/Energy <br />Drywa ll <br />Ext.II nt. Lath <br />B rown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T -B ar <br />Handicap Req . <br />Deputy Fin al Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Fl ood Zone Cert if. <br />_.,. <br />FINAL "r'f'] I I 1i ~ I/,/ 2..:1 <br />Ce rtifi cate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />BUILDING-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />crnv'IMENTS <br />• <br />O WNEI{ IIUILIJl,R IJEI.C'Al{ATION <br />l hereby amrm und er pcnn lt y or pc1jury thm I run exempt from the Co n1rn c101-s· License Lnw fo r 1hc followi ng rc:iso n lScc. 703 1.5 <br />Busi ness and Pro fession Code}: Any C'ity or C'ou nt)' which requires a perm it 10 co nst ruct. .ihcr. improve. dcmot~h or repair any <br />s1ructure, prio r t o i ts iss unnce, nl so requires t he npplirant for 5uch pennit to fil e n signed s1n1c111r 111 1hn1 he o r she is l icensed pursiAant <br />to the provisio ns of the Contrncl or's Licensed Law (Clrn pl er 9. C'om menci11g with Sect ion 7000 (,f Division _l t1 f the Business bnd <br />Pro fessions Code) or t he or she is exemp t lh crcfrmn and the basis for the alkgeU e:-:cmpt km. /\ny violat ion of SecliC1n 7031.5 by any <br />a pp licant fo r a permit subjects t he appl ica nt to a civil penalty of not 111orc th.tit five hundred dollars ($500). <br />_I. ris owner of1h e propert y, or my employees with w ri ges m; their sole compensr11io n. will do 1hc work :md the s1ruct 11re is no t <br />intended or o ffered for sale (Sec. 7044. Business and Pro fessions Code: The C'o ntrnctor's License L.1w do(.'S no t npply lo 1111 nwner of <br />t he propc1ty who bu ilds or impro\·es th crron. and who does such wo rk himsel f or herself or 1hmugh his or her own employees. <br />provided that s uch imp rovements arc not int ended oroff1.,·ed for sale. ir: howc\·er. the buildi ng or impro\'cment ls sold wi1 hin one year <br />of complc1ion. the Owner Bui lder will hm·e 1hc burden of proving that he or she did not bui ld or impl'O\'C !he propt . .,1)' for the purpose of <br />sa le ). <br />_I. as owner o f the propt..'t1y, am exdusi\·ely contract ing wilh licensed co 111 n1c101-s to co11strn c1 1hc project (Sec. 7044. Ot1sincss <br />and Profession Code: The Contractor's Li cense Ln w docs 1101 apply to an owner fl f propc1iy who builds or impmves thcrenn. <br />;md who co nlrac ts for such projects with n C'ontraclor(s) licensed purs u;mt to 1he Cn ntrnctor's License Lm..,·). <br />_I am e:'<e mpt under Sect ion ________ . 13. & P.C. for thi s reason. <br />Date: __________ Owncr:~==·========~------- <br />WOllKEllS' CO~l l'ENSATION <br />IJEC LA llATION <br />I hereby affirn 1 under pena lty of pc1j uryonc of1l1c fo llowin g dct.·larat io1 1s: <br />_I hnve and will maln ta i,1 a Ce11 ilic at c of Consent to Self-Insure for workers· co mpensat io n. as provid ed for by Sect inn J700 of1he <br />La bor Cod e. fo r tl1c pcrfonmmce oft he work for whic h 1he perm it is issued. <br />_I have and wil l nm intnin workers· compc nsnt ion insurnncc. ns rc(]tti rcd by Sec1 ion J7UU of the Labor Code. for 1hc pcrfonrnlnce of <br />th e work for wh ich th is pcnn it is issucxl My workt..,·s· compcnsntiu n insurance CtHiicr aml 1xilicy num ber arc: <br />Ca11"ier: __________________________ _ <br />Policy Numlx:r :. _____________________ E:(pircs: __________ _ <br />_I cert ify in the performance of1l1c work for wh ich this permit is iss1 1ed. I sh.ill nnt employ any person in :111 y 111:-inncr <br />so :-is to become s ubject to the worker s' compensatio n la ws l,f (';ili fornin. and rig.rec tlrnt if I should bccumc subject 10 the <br />workers' compensat ion prnvisinns of Sect io n ~700 of the Lnbn r Cod e. I shall. fm1hwi1 h i.:m nply with 1hose µrovisiim s. <br />WARN IN C : Failu re to secure workers' compensation coverngc is unlaw ful. and sha.11 sub,iect an employer to criminal pcrinlties and <br />civil fines up to one hundred tho usand dollars ($100.000). in addit ion to the cost of co111pc11~.11ion. damngcs a s proviUcd for the <br />Section 3076 of the Lalxll' Code. interest and attorney's fees. <br />Uatc: ___________ A1l plic;1111: _____________________ _ <br />LIC ENSlcll C O NTllACTOll <br />IJECLAl{ATIO N <br />I hereby nllirm under pena lty of perjury thi11 I nm licensed under pnwision of Chapter 9 (commenc ing \\'ilh Section 7UUU ) nf Uivision 3 <br />o f th e Business and Pro fessio ns Code. and my lice nse is in full fo rce mid effect. <br />L icense C tnss: ______________ Liccnsc Nu mber: _______________ _ <br />Dn1c: ___________ Contrac1o r : _________________ _ <br />CO NST l{UC TION LENDI NG AGENCY <br />I hereby affirm uml ~r pcm1lt yof perjury th at I here is a c-onslruct ion lend ing .igcncy for the pcrfon nancc of t he work fo r which this pennit is <br />issued (Sec. 3097. ('iv. C.). <br />Lendcr"s N.ime: _________________________ _ <br />Lender"s Address: _________________________ _ <br />A PPLICANT D ECL ARATIO N <br />I hereby allinn under penal ty of pe1jury one of th e following. declarations: <br />De molitio n Permits-Asbestos Not ification Fede ral Reg ulalions (Till e 40. Pm16) <br />_Rcqui,·cJ Lcttcrof Notificat ion <br />_I cer1 ify 1hnt the fcdcrn! regulatio ns regnrdin g asbestos remova l nre not npp!icable lo this project. <br />_I ccii1fy th nt I Im c rend tlus npplu.·.111011 and st nte th nt the nbg~ 1nfmnm t1on 1s con eel I ag1ce 10 comply wi th :ill C ity :iud County <br />01dmn nces nn d Srnt e L1\\S 1ela1,111g 10 budd111 <br />1 <br />~'~)11c11~11. nnl rebyJ1utl/e 1ep1ese11tnt1\es of1l11s Cit y and Counlytu t.:nler upon the <br />nbove mentioned p1 opcrty fo1 m ·tton pu1 (.;s/ , tr"" .-:--1 .0 Q. <br />Ap pli ca11l or Age111Si g1m1t11e -i Dale r-L _o~ I I <br />Perrrritcc na me (11ri111):~=J--~•----<T"I---./~ •~.1...+-,,_,_/}~-f-Jc__b-j-_.,_ __ -1\~/_.f..,A'-'----------•-_ <br />I V