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SITE-WORK <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Stee l/Holdowns <br />Erecti on Pad s <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subfloor/Vent/lnsulation <br />Roof Sheathina <br />Shear Wall <br />Framinq <br />lnsulation/Enerav <br />Drvwa ll <br />Ext.lint. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Maso nrv <br />Pool Fence <br />DATE ID/SIG. <br />BUILDING-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />COMMENTS OWNER llUILDER DF.LCARA TION <br />l hereby affirm under penalty o f 1>erju1y th;it I am exem pt fro m the Contractors· L ice nse Law fo r the fo ll owing reason (Sc c.70 3 1.5 <br />Business and Profession Code): J\ny Cit y or Co unty which req uires a pcm1i1 to conslruc t. alt er. improve. demo lis h or repa ir any <br />s trnclurc. prior 10 its issuance. also requires the ap plicant for such permit lo lile a signed statement tha t he or s he is licensed pursuant <br />to the prnvisio ns of the Cont ractor·s Licensed Law (Chapter 9 . Commencing with Sect ion 7000 o f Divisio n J. o f the B usiness a nd <br />Professions Code) o r he or s he is c.xcmpt there from and t he bas is fo r the a lleged exemption. Any violation ofSec tiOn 70 3 1.) by any <br />applicant for a pcnnit subjects the applica nt to a civil penalty o r not more than fi ve hu ndred doll ars ($500). <br />_I. as owner orthe property. or my employees with wages ns their sole compensat ion. will do 1he work and lhe structure is not <br />intended oroO'ered for sn lc (Scc.7044. Business and Professions Code: The Contracto(s License Law does no1 app ly 10 an owner of <br />the prope11y who builds or im proves thereon. nnd who does such work himself or herself or through his or her own employees. <br />provided th at such improvements are not intended oroITcrcd for sale. If. however. !he build ing or improvement is so ld within one year <br />of completion. the Owne r Builder will have the burden of pro ving that he or she did not build or improve the propcny for the purpose of ,1 <br />sale). <br />_I. as owner of the property. mn C,\:Clusivcly contract ing with licensed contractors to constrnct the project (Sec. 7044. Business <br />and Profession Code: The Contrac1or·s License Law docs no t app ly 10 an owner o f pro pcny who bui lds or improves thereon. <br />and w ho co ntracts for such projects with a Contmctor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). <br />_I am exemp t under Sect ion ________ • B. & P.C. forthi s reason. <br />D:'1e: __________ Owner:. _______________________ _ <br />WORKERS' C OMPENS ATI ON <br />DECLARA TIO N <br />I hereby affirm un der pena lty of perjury one o f the foll owing declarat ions: <br />_I have and w i ll ma intain a Cc11ificatc of Consent to Self.Insure for wo rkers· compensat ion. as provided for by Section 3700 of the <br />Labo r Code. fo r the pcrfonnance o f the work for which the pem1it i'i issued <br />_I have and w i ll maint ain workers· compe nstll ion insurance. as req uired by Seccion 3700 of the Labo r Code. for the perfon nance of T-Bar the work for which this pennit is issued. My workers· compensat ion insurnnce ca1Tier and po licy number nrc: <br />1-H..::....a_nd"-' _____ -+------+---+-------------1" ,,.;." o!dlf~L) G~H .. / I,,~ <br />Deputy Final Report Mcy Numbcr A ~~ JI 1/"(Jtooo E,p;rcs 1 0 ~/-I 7 <br />Enainee r Final Reo o rt <br />Flood Zone Certif. <br />' _I cert ify thnt in the performance of the work fo r which this permit is issued . I shall not employ a ny person in an y mann er <br />so as to become subjecl 10 the work ers' compensat io n laws of California. and ag ree that if I sho uld become subject to the <br />wo rkers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code. I shall. forthwi th comply wilh those provisions . <br />,I"'\ civil fines up to one hund red thousnnd dollnrs ($100,000). in addit i the c st o o snt ion, danmges as pro vided for the <br />/_I Scc1ion 3076 of the Labor Code. interest nnd allorncy·s fees . <br />WARNING: Fail ure to secure workers ' compensation cove~age is unl aw nnd all su ~eel an employer to criminal pena lties ;ind <br />.,__F_IN_A_L ________ __._.,//.._-_~_~_-/i_r\l''---',~Y.J'--=F-.. ./J~lJ_.___ _________ ,,.q,.,1/Date: //-'f-/ {, A ppl;c:mt:==6'==-=c-::=-::-------- <br />Certificate of Occupancy v ....._,, / 1.1cE~~;:i~;·1~~c roR <br />1-------------..:..--...::-----------------------------------~ I hereby a!Ttrm under penall y o f perjur y that I a 111 licensed under pro vis io n o f Chapter 9 (commenc ing wit h Section 7000) of Division 3 <br />Notes I Remarks I Etc . of the Business and Profess ions Co de. :ind m y license is in fu ll force nod eITcct. <br />\ <br />' <br />i <br />I <br />lce,~e Class ~ 0 S (, 2-L, Licenre~~ <br />Dat e: //--4-/ {, C untrnctor: ___ ~_,._1<.... _________________ _ <br />CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY <br />I hereby affi rm under penalty of perjury thm there is a constrnct ion lending agency for 1hc performanc e of t he work for which th is permit is <br />issued (Sec. 3097. c;v_ C.). <br />Lender 's Nnmc: __________________________ _ <br />Lender's Address: _________________________ _ <br />APPLICANT DEC LARA TIO N <br />I hereby nninn under penalt y of pc1j ury one of the fo llowing declara tions: <br />Demoli tion Pcrmit s·Asbcstos Notification Federal Regulat ions (Titl e 40. Pan6) <br />_Required Le tt er o f Notification <br />_1 cer11fy the federal regu lat1ons;~cga1d111g as bc tos removal ru e 110 1 appli cable to this proJect <br />_I cc11 1fy lha l I have read this appllcat mn and nt hat th vc mfommt1on 1s correct I agree to comp ly with all City and Coumy <br />ordmanccs and State La,~s relating to bll!,ld11 stni n. and hereby authonze represcnta\lves ofth1s City and Counly to ente r upon the <br />\. ~vc mentio ned property for msp~ _ <br />t----------------------------------------------------ft,v--'Apphc:rn l 01 Agent S 1gn,1t urc r/ /1 D,llc '/ -9,,_ r' <br />1-----------------------------------------------------,o/'-----1!\Permitee name (print): ___ ,_12,/(_j.i!~.!4,/~1--~-.J/;;,.<,._.,~:.,~{v'.!,!...4/e::.... ________________ _ <br />✓ <br />Rev. 08-07-2015