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SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG. <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pad s <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subfloor/Vent/lnsulation <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framinq <br />Insulation/Energy <br />Drvwall <br />Ext.l int. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req . <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif. <br />FINAL <br />Certificate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks , Etc . <br />BUILDING-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />COMMENTS OWNER UU IU>E R IJ ELCARATION <br />I hereby affirm un der pe nalt y o f pc1jury 1hm I am exempt from the Con1rac1011i License Law fo r 1hc follow ing reason (Scc.7031.5 <br />Business and Profession Code): Any C'il y or Coun ty whic h requires a pcnnit to constmct. a lter. improve. demolis h or repair ;my <br />stniclllre. prio r to its issuance. ;11s0 requires the nppli cant fo r such permit 10 fi le a s igned sta teme nt tlml he or she i.c; licensed p ursuant <br />to the provisions o f the Cont ractor's Licensed Law (Chapter 9. Comm encing with Section 7000 of Di vision 3 ., .. f tl1e Business an d <br />Profess io ns Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis fo r th e exemption. Any vio lal ion o f Section 7m l .. ~-½y any <br />applicant for a pennil subjects the applicant to a civil pen.i.lty of not more th an fi ve hundred doll ars ($500}. <br />_I. as owner oft he property. or my employees with wnges as their sole compensa1ion, wil l do the wo rk ,·md the struct ure is not <br />int ended or offered for sale (Sa:. 7044. Bu siness nn d Profess io ns Code: The Cont ra ctor"s License Law does not apply to an owner of <br />the pro pci1y who bui ld,; or improves thereo n. and who does such work hims e lf or herself or t hrough hi s or her own employe~. <br />provided that such improvements are not imended or offered for sale. If. however. the bu ild ing or i1nproveme nt is sokl wit hin one year <br />of complet ion. the Owner Builder will have the burden of proving he or she d id not build or improve 1he proj)Cl1y for the p11rµoscof • <br />sale), <br />_I. as owner of the propeny. am c:..;:cl us i\·cly contrn cling with licensed conl ract ors to conslruct the project (Sec. 704<1. Business <br />and Pro fession Code: The Contract or's Lice11se La w does 11ot apply to an owner ofprnpcr1y who builds or impro,·cs thereon. <br />a nd who con1rncts for suc h projects with a Co111rac101~s) licensed purs11at11 to th e ('ontrr1c1or·s License Lnw ). <br />_1 mn exemp t un der Section ________ • R & P.C. for this reason. <br />D 1Hc: __________ Owner: _______________________ _ <br />WORKlcRS' CO~I PENSATION <br />llECL A RATION <br />I hereby affirm under penalt y of perjury one of the fo llowing declar ations: <br />_1 have and will main ta in a Certificate ofC011scnt to Sclf•lns ure fo r workers· co mpensat io n. as provid ed for by Sect io n .HOO of the <br />Labor Code. for the perfonnance of the work for whi ch the pennit is issued. <br />_I ha ve anti will maint ain workers' compensation ins urance. as requi red by Sec1 ion 3700 of th e L1bor Code. for the performa nce of <br />the work for wh ich this pennit is iss ued. My workers· compensation insu ra nce cmTier and po lic y number .i re : <br />Carrier ~,. "l'!::-(oN 1~'r ~Hl) \)~ <br />Policy Num ber: ~ 0 \ ~? " l\ ~ I!:; <br />::;'\JJ'IO <br />~xpir••= -~-l-=zC.L., _,__J_,-"',b- <br />_I ce1tify 1hat in the performance of the work fo r wh ich this permit is issued . I slm.11 no t employ any person in an y rn a1111er <br />so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of Califomin. and agree that i fl should become subjccl to the <br />workers' compensat io n provisions of Sect ion 3700 of the Labor Code. I shal l. fort hwith comply with those pnwisi(l llS. <br />WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation covcrnge is unlawfu l. and shall subject an employer to crim inal penalties and <br />civil liucs up 10 <br />11 <br />,onc hundred thousand dollars ($!00.000). in ndd it ion 10 the cost of compcnsr11ion, damages as provit.l cd for the <br />Section 3076 oftl • Labo,Codc, interest and attomcy·s ~fees. n \f\. . <br />IJ ale: q \ "2 / / l,. A p1>lica11t: ~ ~ ~ """--"' "I-'-' <br />U C •NS)m C O NTllACTOll <br />IJEC LA RATION <br />I hereby amrm under penally of perjury tha t I am li censed 1111der provision o f Chapter 9 (comme11cii1g wi1h Sect ion 700 0) of Div ision 3 <br />o f the l3 usin ess an d Pro fessions Code. an d my lic ense is in run force and effect. <br />CONSTRUC TION LENIJING AGENCY <br />I he reby affirm m1dcr penalt y o f pc1jury t hat there is a constrnctio n lending agency fo r the perfon nnm:e of t he wo rk for which this permit i.,; <br />iss ued (Sec. 3097. Civ. C.). <br />Lender's Name: _________________________ _ <br />Lend cr ·s Address: _________________________ _ <br />A PPLICANT llECLARATION <br />I hereby affi1111 under penalty of perj ury one o f the following dcclarn tions : <br />Demoli 1ion Permits-Asbestos Noti ficat io n Federal Regu!Jl ions (Til le 40. Par16) <br />_Required Le11erofNotificnt ion <br />_I ce11ify t hat the federal regulations regardin g asbestos removal are not a ppli cnble to this proj ect. <br />_I certify that I have read th1s app\1ca11011 and state 1hn.1 the nbo\e 111 fonnnt1on 1s correct I 10 com1>ly w11h nil City .ind County <br />oidmanccs and State Laws relating to bu1ld1ng. cons1mc11011. and hereby autho1 1 e reprcscntat1vcs oftlus City an d~\u1nty:1 1e11ter upo n the <br />above mc ntJoncd prope11y for ms~t17 n ~cs. <br />Applirant orAgcnt S ignalu1 c ~ ~....,,,._, ~~",;__;::., Oal c ~ lZ )-1, <br />t--------------------------------------------------~ Permilee11a111e (pri111): __ ~ __ cc:f'--'~'-'\S_\.c.>--_L-'--_M __ 0_'(1 __ ~_1V __ () ______________ _