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APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG. <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Liqht Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Siqns (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab/ Floor <br />Bondinq / Groundinq / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factorv Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Wall s (Rough) <br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Soffit Rough <br />Ceilinqs (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />,, <br />Rouqh {,/1 ·1/{7 ~(• ) <br />Service Meter l <br />FINAL <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />COMMENTS O WNER UUILDER DELCARATION <br />I hereby aflirm under penalty of pc~jury that I run exempt from the Contractors· License Lnw for the following rc.lson lSec.7031.5 • <br />Business and Profession Code): Any City or County which rcq l1ires a pcnnit lo constnict, alter. improve. demolish or rc;.ia ir iny <br />strncture. prior to its issuance. also requ ires the applicant for such pt::n nit to rile a signed statement t hat he or she is licem;ed pursu ant <br />to the provisions of the Contractor's Licensed Law (Chapter 9. C'nmmencing with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Ousiness aqd <br />Profossions Code) or that ht: or she is exempt thererrom and 1he basis for 1hc nlleged C:'1:cmption. Any viola1 ion or Section 703 1,5 by any <br />applicant for a permit subjccls the applicant lo a civil pen.i lly of not more t han five hundred dol!n rs ($500). <br />_I. as owner or 1he prope11y. or my employees with wages as thi:ir sole compt:ns.ition. will do the work and the structure is not <br />intt.,u.led or offered for snle (Sec. 7044, Business nnd Prorcssions Code: The C'ontractor's License Lnw does not apply to a11 nwner or <br />the propt..-,1y who builds or improvt'S thereon. a11 d who docs such work himselr or herself or t hrough his or her own employees. <br />prm1 idcd 1hat such impro\'ements nre not intended or offered ror ~,le. 1r. howevt.·r. th e buil ding or impro,·cment is sokJ within one year <br />of complelion. the Owncl' Builder will have the burdl.,1 of proving he or she did not buikt or improve the propci1y for the purpose of <br />s.1le). <br />_I. a.,owner of1he propei1y. am exclusi\·ely contracting with licensed c011lr.1cfors 10 constmct the project (Sec. i044. Business <br />nnd Profession ('ode: The Corllraclor's License Law docs ncH apply to ;111 owner of property \\"ho bu ilds or imp roves tl1ereon. <br />and who contracts for such projects with a Contractor(s) licensed p ursuant lo the Contractor's Licens.e Law). <br />_1 am e:-.empl ~nder Section ,. B. & P.C. for this rcasan <br />Dnlc ,J '1 /.I} 9 () ""> l,C';;,,.nc,: X /;?}.re,;;:;?~/___, - <br />I WQ1.n.-E n s· COl\ll'E~TION <br />D ECLARATION <br />I hereby .tflirm under penalty of pc.,jury unc of the fo ll owing declarations: <br />_I have aml will maintain n Certificate o f Consent to Self-Insure for workers" compensation. as provided for by Scctilln .HOO o f the <br />Labor Code, for the perforn,nnce of the work for which the permit is issued. <br />_I and will mnintain workers' compensation insu1T111l·c. as required by Section 3i00 of the L ,bor Code. for the pci·fonmmce of <br />the work for which this pcnnit is issutd. My workers' compensation insurnncc canicr and policy 1mmber arc: <br />C'mrier:. __________________________ _ <br />Po licy Number: _____________________ ,Expires: ------·-__ <br />_I certify t hnt i11 1hc perfonn:mcc of1hc work for wh ich th is permit is issue d. I shall not employ any pt.:rson in nny nmtm~r <br />so ns to become subject io the ,vo rkcrs' compensation laws ofCaliforn i:,, and agree thm if I should become subject 10 the <br />workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of th e Labor Code. I shall. forthwith comply with those provisions .. <br />WARNI NG: Failure 10 secure wol'ke rs ' compcnsaticm coverage is unlawful. and s hall subject mi employer to t.1·i111inal 1x.1mltics and <br />civi l fo1es up to one hu ndred thousand dollars ($100.000). in addit ion 10 tu1e n ompensntion. damages as provided for the <br />Scctio11 3076 ofthJ Labo1· Code. interest and allomey's fets. -/ <br />Dn lc: /' J /.1/ 9 <),, l ~plicn n1:V /--/. '/~/'?/?.- <br />/ 1A1\1!,NSErl C O NTRACTOR - <br />'DEC L ARATION ·· <br />I hereby a ffirm under pen.illy of pe1jury tlm1 I nm licensed under provision ()f Chapter() (commencing with Sectio n 7000) of Di\'ision:; <br />of the Business and Professio ns Code. an<l my license is in fu ll force an d effect. <br />Li1.:cnsc Class:. ______________ Liccnsc Number: _______________ _ <br />IJate:. __________ _ Co11tntclu1·:. _____________________ _ <br />CONSTRUCTION LENIJINC AGENCY <br />I hereby ;.1ffin11 under penalt y o f perjury thilt lhere is a cons111..1ction lending agency for lhc performance of the work for which this p<..i·mit is <br />issued (Sec. 3097. Civ. C .). <br />Lcnder·s Name; _________________________ _ <br />Lcnd er·s Address: _________________________ _ <br />APPLICANT llECLARATION <br />I hereby affinn un der penally or perj ury one of the followi ng declarntions: <br />De moliti on Permit s-Asbestos Notification Federal Rcgulc1tions (Ti1lc 40. Pmt6) <br />_Required LetterofN01ilicmion <br />_I ct.11 ify that the !Cderal regufations reg~di ng asbestos remornl arc no t applicable to th is project. <br />_I CL-iiify th;it I have re:-id this applicnt ion nnd state that th e aOOvc infonnation is co11·1.:ct. I agree to comply with nil City and C'ounl y <br />01dmancc., and State Lnws 1clatmg to build mg cons~1 n. nd hc1eby authorize 1ep1escntnt 1,cs o f tl11s City nnd Count y 10 en1L'T upo n the <br />obo\'C menl1oncd propc,1y fo, ,nspccllon pu,poses( / ~ , c... / <br />Appli cnnlor Agcn l Signaliorc ~ ,~ V??~ IJ,1l c 12 f//2 2u0 <br />Penni1ee name (pr-in t): ;) J ~ /1.--1 ~ AJ?:",,-r .vi.-:.-,., __ ) 1