<br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS owNEt altl-Dta Dsl,caf, TtoN
<br />I ls.tt .,Im un& Fr,ry ol Fjury rhr I D (ofl nlh rh. Codrxr6 tiog l^ for rlr folb*i.g l!e. (s< 70! I J
<br />&ainB rn Prot6ion Co&): An, cnr 6r crd, {t.h rcquG r Fni t. odM. .!r., inFlrq (bmlih oq rQ.i ey
<br />tudc Fir 'o
<br />iB surE. .ho E+ic thc +dtd lor 3u.h Fnn to fik. rEr.d (nd6 lhd lE or lE b li(.!E n Fnd
<br />b rlE FDririo6 6l rlt co.Udorr LiaE d t * ((1r9rc 9, cmmming wnh Sdrbn 7000 of DvEion I ol rlE B6ilB dd
<br />Prfsionr Co&) tr th, lE $ !h. ir crsrCr rhqdrcd rnd rh. b6ir for rh. .ll.s.d d@Fri An, violrion of Scri.n 70.11 , br dy
<br />'ll9li(ar for ! Fnnn $bd! rh. lrpli.ot ro r .i!il pdhy ot nor tuE rhd fiv. hun<ncd rhlld (ltoo)
<br />l. s ow.d of rh! Iro|tny. or ny mploxd snfi {{16 s lh.n Fk .omp.el io.. trill & tlE wo t th.ntucle b ml
<br />ifldd.d or ollqld for dc (Sd 704!. B*in* bd Pirrdn]n! Cod. Tl,. Conrrdol! Lic.e trw &6 .ol +dy lo m o*n6 of
<br />th.F.lFly wh. hildsor itrrp.o\6 E@E !,n who *8.!dr $!* hiNlf ort*llorlhrush hi! or hd or,.rrployd,
<br />Flrilal ih.r ru.h mF.\€ca c d idai.d o..ltrd n'r sL lt rb*6r, E b.itlilu r nls.utu ir -ld vnhin onc )6
<br />of otrpHbc rlE O*c B{itt6 sill hr* tIE heln orFoviic rld lr o {E dit d hrild or i,qmt! dE FFy 6r dE FI.FE of
<br />l. 6 orG oatlE thFry, @ 6.h6ir.ly odcrnlg tr nh lrcia.d c6ddc ro NdM rh. F.j.< (SG 7o,lt. &a!B
<br />.rd Eokir Co& TIE (ii trtor's Lk.N L* d,6 rul .mlr ro e o*E of pmD.ny sho b{ildt.. iop$6 lba6(
<br />od rho $dB1! f( !u.h Flitl3 trin. C6 raro(.) ltded FG@r lo rh. (-odrho.r t.k.E kw)
<br />I m.&nrpl ud.. Scl'on
<br />voaf,!8li:-(uM&llArtq!
<br />I hd.by imd undq pdilry of pgrury oG of$. folL*i.S d<k4r ir
<br />I h.rc in srll tuind, . Cdifr{. of coMI ro s.lt-16!rc td *orld' omFdhn. G FoviLd lor br Salp. I700 oalh.
<br />Iihor Co&. fd llE Ffl,rMr of rlt srl ad rni.h rn Fin ir isEd.
<br />{z(6...d *ill mi.r.'. $ortd .omFcdn. iBurd., 6 r.qliEn h! kirn ]TID orrt l.bor Co&. iot rh. Ff(ffi..1tlr $ut l{ \hth th6 psnd ir isEd My rort6 omFE hn iluffiG 6it id polty nuhta ..
<br />" ,'-i= r6i * t--ra<e.] vr.c==_
<br />",*, n.,* P€ L?42\Rbo -z- r*,* ta { t-.1 r-1
<br />-,! cqriryrhd in th. Ffolrucc orlh. *orl tor whi<h rhi Ff,ir B Bu.4 l3h,ll nor nflot r", *-\," "", *"-
<br />$ d to h.&G sbi.rr ro rh. $otd 6oFuio. 1.tr! ot(llifomc Md .er fir if I nsuld tEom ubj.<l lo lh.
<br />*ort6 omFerirn Fovati,a ofs-lh.lTm 6f E trlir (6d..l Jull. fonh*ilh omply with lhr prtrvirioE.
<br />II'ARNING t,'tur. h s(. *{ 6 onp.Mrn (rd.r. s unh{tol dn sh.llruhFr u ophF lo qimiul Frl-..dcril li.6 !p ro .E hurnal tlbussd .hll6 (troo.o(tl. in nltnhn h rh. coE .r $m9.'!nion. do.s6 a pr.*l.d lor rh.
<br />SdFn 1076 of'lE lrEr c.d., im6d !d fiorE !ac
<br />D",.. l1q / a-S bt'(
<br />DllLdMrlax
<br />I hd.by arm u.dd Folry of p.rjury lhd I m li.6s.d u.dr t ovilion ofchrfld s (.omn6qing silt s..lion ?000) olDivis6o r
<br />ol lhc Burhar dd Pmf6ioB Co&. &d my licN n i. full forc. and cfi..I
<br />rtmctrrs C- _ \ O
<br />-*\11[zo ("\<_e_$ .
<br />( o\\ r Rr ( r r1lf_ul!I]1il!ilf1 !
<br />I bdrbt dfm uid.r Fuxy of Fjur, th, rlEc i . .onrodb, Lrldlc .gay for lh. Ftul]I:.e 6arh. wrt ft,r "tah lhn pahi ir
<br />L*!Gd {SE. 1097, (iv. (.)
<br />I had)'lrEh unld F.hy of FrrD om ol llE folhwin8 d..bahnt
<br />D.mlirF. Ps{3-Artr!G Ndii.dioD F.ddrl R.!!ld.N ( Ink .10. Pd6)
<br />R.q!ir.d ldrd of |*ri6ciid
<br />j,rrrb rhd rh. Ldod,quhn"6 Es&dns ab6r.r Fn r.l@ndspplrabl.rorh.pr.F
<br />Vi.d'ryrhdIhA.@drhird ii.ar ion e'd ndr. rhd rh. *ov. i.aomd io. is cotrccl. l sgr6 ro .omply wilh lll Ciry !.d (.u y
<br />r'(lna 16 xnd srri.l rtr\'rlxr rl!n] btrrldrd! ro n'udnnr.3 11h.'cht r!
<br />abor. nroii,ncJ p()Ddlr ntr h
<br />Appridnr o.Ardr srrn.rur. X't t --'
<br />P.mir6 nrm. I prlnr |: F-l-!t- V\€c-c. t
<br />hir ( n, ed Couryto ord ua^'n rh.,'iee
<br />Site-Work
<br />Underground
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Light Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Fountains
<br />Signs (monument)
<br />Life Safety /Low Voltaqe
<br />Fire Alarm / Dampers
<br />Communications Cable
<br />Building
<br />Under Slab / Floor
<br />Bonding i Grounding i UFER
<br />Transformers
<br />Torqueing
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Roof Top Equipment
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rouqh)
<br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough
<br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough)
<br />lvleter Release
<br />Rough
<br />Service Meter / /FINAL , /o1/loS-Zc</tLt t {
<br />Notes, Rem'atks, dtc
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I I
<br />I I
<br />I