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. EXPEDITED PERMIT PROCESS FOR SMALL-SCALE PV SYSTEMS <br />STANDARD STRING SYSTEM <br />Ttle info?mation in rhis guideline is inrended to help local jurisdictions and conrractors identify when Pv system installations <br />are simple. needing only a basic review and when an installarion is more complex. lt is likely thar 50%-75% o,f all residential <br />'ry'"1 <br />ro scale, bur ll <br />on dwellings <br />systerns will cornply wirh dresc sirnple criteria. For proJects that farl <br />;l-aJ <br />iteria. resol sICIJ <br />suggested ro provide as a parh to permit approval <br />Required Informatiotl Jor Pefinit: <br />l. Site plan showing locarion of major componenrs on the p need nor be exacrly <br />should rcprcsent relatrve locatioll of componcrrts at site (see supplled eJ<arnplesite plan). PV arrays <br />with a 3 perimeter space at ridge and sides may not need separale tlre service re!rew. <br />2 Electrical diagram showing PV array conhguralion, \,iri o nec <br />required signs. and ac connection Io building (see supp <br />l. specif,cation shects and installation manuals (if availab :{nol <br />limited to, PV modules, inverter(s), combiner box, disconnecfs, and mounting system <br />Step '1 : Structural Review of PV Ar.,ay Mounting System <br />Is the array to be mounted on a dehned, permitted roof structure? Ely". Eno <br />tf No due to non-compliant rool or a ground mount. submit completcd wothdvel Jd the structure wKSl. <br />RooJ lnJonnation: <br />L Is the roofing type hghtwelght (Yes = composition, lightweight masonry, mEal, etc...) <br />I 1/2 and 12 pounds per square foot <br />Yes= Standard Weight <br />If No, submit completed worhsheet for roof structure WXSI (vo = heavy masonry, slate, etc...) <br />2 Does the roof have a single roof coveringt Elyes Eno <br />IJ No, submit completed worksheet for rool structure WKS I . <br />3. Provide merhod and type of weatherproofrng roof penetrarions (e.g. flashing. caulk)SOLARACK <br />Mounting Systen Informat ion: <br />l. ls the mounring srructure an e1qrneered product designed to mount PV modules with no more than an lS gap <br />beneath the module frames? EYes E no <br />IJ No. prwide detdib ol structural ottachment certiled by a design proJessional. <br />2. For manuFactured nlounting systems. hll out information on the mounting system below: <br />a Mounrinp svsrem Manufacrurer SOLARACK Product Name and Model i, Adjustable- Tile Hook IGB-SR-ADJS <br />b. Total Weigh r ol pv Modules an6 6211q 7i7.60 lbs <br />c. T()tal Number of Atuchment Point 32 <br />d <br />e <br />Wcight per nttachment Poin( (b = c 22.43 bs (if greater than 45 lbs, sce WKS I ) <br />Maximum Spacing Berween Arrachme nr Points on a Rail 48 nches (sce product manual for <br />maximum spacing allowed based on maximum design wind speed) <br />t. <br />g <br />Total Surface Area of PV t\4odules (square feet)334.57 fI <br />Disrributed weight of PV Module orr Roof (b - l)2.14 lbs/ft' <br />II distributed weight of the PV system ts greater than 5 lb li, see Wl<Sl. <br />Step 2: Electrical Review o[ PV System (Calculations lor Electrical Diagram) <br />In order for a Pv systrm to be considered for an expedit€d permit prccess, the followinE must apply: <br />I PV modules, utilit!./-interactive inverters, and combiner boxes are identined for use in PV systems. <br />2. The Pv array is composed of 4 series strings or less per invener. <br />3. The toral invener capacity has a conrinuous ac power ourput 13.440 watrs or less <br />4. The ac interconnection point is on the load side of service disconnecting means (6q0.64(B)). <br />5. One of rhe srandard elecrrical diagrams (E L I , E I I a, E I I b, or E I . I c) can be used to accurately represent the PV <br />system. lnteractive PDF diagrams are available at <br />Fiu out the stundard elcctic<tl di*lrum completely. A quide to the electrical dingrdm ts provideLl to h(lp thc (pplicdnt <br />undcrstand each blank to lll in. If the electrical systcm is nore coltplex than the statldat d electrical diagratn catl elfectivtly <br />communicate. provid.e an allerno.tive diagram wilh appropriale detsil <br />2 E,XIIDITTI) PI.I\MIT PIIOCESS I.OIr PV SYSTI.MS <br />^