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BUIt.DING INSPECTOR RECORD <br />COMMEN fSSITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG. <br />Set Backs */ <br />Forms/Steel/Hol downs -rZ3/.l* <br />Erection Pads / '{1? <br />UFER Ground L.r-L . <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenUl nsulation <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lnsulation/Ene rgy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coal <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence [/4At 'A 1-W+u ,;;lt &. <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL ?5.06t41 ,*r<(( <br />Certificate of Occu pancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />-+ <br />OWN'R AU!LDER DELCANATION <br />I h6.try lmrn undr p.f,ally ol pdjury rhat I o cr.mpl 6om thc Co ra.lou l-ic@ r!$ lor lh. follo*in8 rmn (Sc.7oll5 <br />l}[inss rnd Pn'fsnr ( od.) Anr ( iry or Q)unry \rhich reluirF r pnmir tu conqd.t, alrd, improve d.nolisn or rqnt any <br />slrudurc. Fi k, rts isutuc., als. rcquir B lh. appli.M( aor 3u.h trmil to fiL s siBn.d statmol thal hG or shc ai lico€J FUNmI <br />ro rh. t.\i.n,6 Drrh. ( onlra.i 3l.i.cns.rl Ir* { s, conm.n.ins $irh s.crion 7000 of Dnision I oflh. Busin6s and <br />I'Nl6rions (ird.)or lhrl lE or sh. ir dcm/ rh6cfron dd rh. hsL lor rht all.s.d.rmEion Any vioklionofs..rion TOll 5 h) ai) <br />ippl'crnlftrrDdniliubj<tsllclpplic.nlx'rcivilp.ndllrolnolmor.lfi6fi!.hu(L.ddollrs(t500). <br />,r) <br />UK3r$.ncrrh.I'nFn\.orn).mth\6{hq,F6d'rh.trrn.ccmrsr'"nUlldnrh.{nAdrlrh.eddd.6nor <br />itrldildl or olT6.J n! $1. ( sc 7()l4, ausi.c sd ProldioB (inL Tfi. ( onkkrois ticN tis do6 nol .rply lo u o\ n6 or - <br />rh. Fr)tdy *lf,' tr,l& or imF\ 6 rtFrd\n. rd rtr) &E sch \r.rt him..lror h*lforrhrouEh his or hd.$n mploy6. <br />p' ov'drd thsl such i'nr$ ErHr3 {r qr id-xbi d ofiold f.r sL lt hovB 6, rh. buikting or nryi)rmr 6 $H s irhin on. !n <br />ofcompl(l6n, lhc (IrE trull& tr ill h.!. lh. hr&n of F!\inr lhn h. or shc dld ml taild tr iqro\. lh. pmFl) r.r lh. OrI$s or <br />l,a\owns.frhcp.op6rt..rclusnclyconrradinArirhlrds.n.onrradoErosf,nru.1th.trojccr(Sc704-1,Bunn6 <br />dxl lh,tsir (i)& I h. (i\nt&rois Li$ do6 nor ,fiilr- ro d o* nd o f proFnt $ ho buil& or inpr.\ 6 th6sn, <br />'nd uho lor such rmj..r *nh ! Co.'lracro(st licoi.d p!B6l hrh. Codrlcrois I ic@ ljsJ <br />.:"ilgiiz <br />I rm.n und6 FDxyof Fjur_a.n. <br />I h$.ril$ll ru'nrrin, Ccd'frdr orcot6r to tor *r 6'ohpdsio.. a FlriLd for by SErirn 171)l)of rh. <br />I ilitr Cd.. lor l,E rEfolM. of th. w* tu stth !h. Ftrn k isu.d <br />I h.\...d *rll m.mru *orld-.omr.M,Kr rBur .- s r.qunrd hy Sdn.r'70o ofrb.labor co&, aorrlrFfolll1&.of <br />!h. f,{rt frf, shth rhc Finir ir islrn M) $o.t6- NnFEdh. tuu@.c.mid in tolkr. numh.r ft <br />l..nrtlhd ,tr rrE FforuN. orrlE rort am trhrchrhkFmn is iis.d,I nrllml dploy eI Fen inelmd6 <br />$ 6 to tRrm $bd ro rh. $!ird'comFBhn rr$r.f (tl'fom{ ad rsr rhd if I nhuH hcom $tid ro tlE <br />u.n6 onFBrbn F.\itioc of Sdion 17m.f rh. t lr C6dc I drll. lodhe ih ompl $nhrhorFrrbi.E <br />ttARNItC F.ilurc ro sE {erl6 snFF hr m\6ia. t uLufirl md lrdl $bj.d u qiph}q ro miBl tEDhE nri <br />huqtcd rh.@nd ttll16 (tlm,ooo). in rddnn, ro !h. con of c.dF6aion. drnu{6 s Fo\iloi f.i !h. <br />I <br />7 <br />mr6d tuxl dk lF s lc <br />I h6.b .tlm u.&r Frh) or Fju r_ rhd I m li.aEd un<lq Forisi]n .f (]416 9 {.offiirB $ nh sd i.n 70(x)) oI Dn ishn I <br />or rh. U!,n6 d'd P,ntBri.E Co{k. d n} li@ ir h tull aorr !d.lld <br />(AIiIBUCIAILLENDIICIGI!(A <br />I h6.b .mm uidd Fuht o f tE ur_v rhd rhd. L . odMir. ldisg .!ny aor rlE Ftolllffi. o at,E $oit fo. *tth lh6 Fna it <br />!s.n ts- 1m7, civ ( ) <br />AIIIIIAILTICIdEAIIA! <br />I hsdr dIm undd Fn.hy ol p.rju.y oE of rh. folhs in8 d..lrdrnr <br />l).mli6n P6milr-Artal No'ificrrion F.n ..l R.exlrl,a llnk 40. Pd6) <br />R.q!i..1t ldd olN$llicdhn <br />I ccrift rhrr th. t n6d rcBuldioB .q..din8 6bdos rmo\ al a. nor rpqlkabk ro lhis pmJc(i <br />L/ttd,0rhdItu'.r€JrhBdnnl'ca!!nerts.r.rhdrh..t!\.i.aomaronBcondIa*rerommplynnh.llCnyandCoun'yoidrurc6 ud Sr3r. I .st Ek'lu ro t{ild'ry corurrucriotr rn h6cb_v lurtFriz. icFend n B otlhis Cny ed Counly ln 6rs uF,n rh. <br />!tr,!. nmron.J prop.n, for iNpdio. plrpos <br />,\ppll.rnr dr ,{g.nt Si*nrrtrrr <br />K dlL5 ,q^ <br />e 0 <br />t- <br />I <br />I <br />I I <br />I <br />tA-g