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BUILDING. INSPECTOR BECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Sublloor/VenVlnsulation <br />Roof Sheathinq l/[o/L <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lnsulation/Enerqy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certit. <br />FINAL tt0\/(t 5Aift <br />Certificate of Occupancy I <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />7, <br />\ <br />OWNI]R BUILDER DNI,CARATIoN <br />I hcrcb, umn undcr ,. rlry of lrcrjury rhat I m crcnrPl ircm rhc c.ntu.k'N Li(cns ljr r{- rhe idloqin8 rcasn is( 70ll 5, <br />Bu\incss Md Pnrtssiotr Codc) Any Cirt or Counry whi.h rcqui.\ ! Pcrnril k' cotr( .t. rltcr, inProvc. dcmNh r rntrn rtr, <br />nrucrurc, Dior ro irs i\sunc., trlso rcquncs drapplica itr such Fcnrir i' lllca 1i8trcd dllcnEnl rhlr hcor\hc t liccnscd l)llrr'3!r <br />k) rhr nn)lisons or f Cotrtrs.lor'l Liccrqi Law (Chrflft t). cunnncrcin-s wilh S.crn,n 7uD oi Divisiotr:l ofrh. Btr(nr\\ rRl <br />Pn,fcsri,,ns Codd) orrhd h.orshc iscrcnpr lhrrcfionrnid rhc brsn totlhc rllcgcd crcnlJ)rdr' Anyviohtn'nofSslionT0:tl 5 by rn) <br />dppli.a lbr d p.irnii suhjslslhc rprri., k,,.ivil Nnilry or nol flDre rhu fivd hundr&l dollah ($50) <br />-l- <br />0s owmr ofihc pn,lcny. or my cnlloyccs *irh {agcs E\ rhct $L .!mD.nerion. *i!l do rh. wolt ond rtE srulr i1 i.' <br />id.nd.d or olttrcd lor slc (S( 7l}14, Busiftss anrt PflJlcssions Codc:-fhc G,ntacror's Liccns ll* do* nur.nplv to 0n osncr of <br />rhc pnlrdy wk, hdilds or iDpr.vcs rhc't,n. turd who d@s su.h wnt hi'nrcllor h.rsclfor rhouah hk o' hc, owncmplovcc\. <br />providcd rh|r skh i'nptuvcnEns ffe mr inrcDdc,l or olTcftd fd s L ll ho$cvcr. rhc buildi'r8 or iDlrot,mnl is *,H wiihi'r o c F{ <br />or coq,hrion. lhc (){ nc. Brildd will hrv. th. burdcn of rovinB thll h. o' $c dil m! noik or iqtrov hc Popcny for thc I)!{b( of <br />-1.asow.eroalhcp'.ndy.,mcrclusilclycont,uclirgwirhliccn*d.onrntosloconsrtu.rrrrrn,jN(Se7L!t'1 <br />3 ri'*s <br />and E lssbncodc:ThcConlrocroirl-ic.ns.trwdocstrorqrplytootrosncr.rrn'pc ywho huiklsor i'nltuvcs thcrcon- <br />ud who conracls ft, ruch Imj(h with i G'.rruclo( o liccnrd p!^und ro rhc Conrrack,\ Li.crsc hw). <br />liNcxcm|l utrdcrS.cri{rr-- l} & PC ttrrhi\rcnn <br />}IABtr]i&):(AMIINSA]ION <br />D&CLABAIIO <br />I hcr$y nl'itDundcr pcnrlrrofp(rjrryotrc olihc tulb* inr .lcrhrd trrs <br />-lhrvcudaillmidindccnilicnlcolConsclllr.s.lalrsurcrorworkcr'dnnP.nsdnnr.asflovn[dforbvscction]700oitbeIjhor Codc. forlhcpcrformnccorrhc sort lor shichthe lqnir n issuld. <br />-l <br />harc and will mnimrin wrr*cs compcns ion insnrrk.. rr r.quircd $ysr-'rion l70O.fth. bh.! Cod. f rhc [tcrfonurce of <br />rhc wort t r whichrhhr.irnir is isqcd Myworkds .otrDcns,tion bsu.!rcccMidr tuxltolicynunbs dc: <br />K;; <br />thLt in, <br />N,,,.,1, (wt717q7 - t0o I 0l tl <br />l.cnrry rhrr in tlE l)crfoounrc ofrlt work for which rhh Fnnir i\ i\sucd. I drll trol cmploy any l.rsotr in rnv manner <br />$ as ro hcqnm su$Jccr t,rhc sork cis' co mrcnsd ion U*solCxlif(mir, rtrd nlNc rixril I \hould tEcoflE ruhjccr b lhc <br />$ortcts conrpcnslri{)n povnions ofScctiotr l70O ofrhc utxr C{xlc.l sh.ll. tonh*irh RnnPlv sirh tlbsc Pmvin,n\ <br />WARNING Frilurc lo Burc sorkc* com!.nsnr$n ovcnr. is utrl!*tuI. nnd shill suhid rn cmpk'ycr l. ctininrlp.nrlrics rid <br />L 'l lN\ un t' nrc hundrcll rh,,u\Jftl d <br />l ,sc.rn r ru7n.l rh. t hr Cn'lc. inr.rc{ r d <br />\",,",t 1tLtr a <br />r! rhc .on ol conDcn\Jrion, d0.u8cs as Povidd r(r rlE <br />I hcrhy rllnnr dc' N alrl.l tkrjury rl r I m li.r {d u dcr uhn,nolChqrrcr9i.otrnmn.irs trilhSccriid r0ur) oiDivi\ion.l <br />\z-' <br />\" <br />*.0* '-39 0 77169 <br />(-Lt- ( { <br />Ihcr.ty !firnxidcr ryolPcriuryrhd$crcisrconsrru.riunLndingnaccyrorrhct'cilonun.cofrhtsorkluwhthrhi\Frnriri\ <br />tsucd (Scc.3l)r?. Civ C ). <br />A.PTLICANI.DIILIXAII!}N <br />I hcnny alnm nnds p.n.xy olF jury om ofthc n,lk,wiog d.cld,rhns: <br />D.nolition Pcnnik'Asbc(os Norin.arion Fcncml Rc8uhlhns (Tillc 10, Pd6) <br />-Requircd <br />L€llq of Norir,&rioi <br />_l..n,ry rhd rh. fcdcral lcEularions <br />I co'ri,r rh lhr\.rc (lr I rgK rocomrly sirh rll Coonry <br />flr.rivcs ofrhh Ciry,nd Coutrlyto cnrcr DFn' rhc <br />>^; <br />|\;"-"***''*"' <br />tr01 <br />,,,,,. 6- z6 -l{ <br />EK" <br />T-Bar <br />of rhc BusircssaM Profc\sionrCod., dd nry li.cnsc is in lullfitrrudcffc.r. <br />Lndcis Nam'- <br />onl' n .cs d Srnrc hws <br />I <br />fT <br />I