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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR HECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG. <br />Site-Work <br />Underoround <br />Pole Bases <br />Liqht Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Sions (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bondino / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueino <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Rool Top Equipment r <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Solfit Rouoh <br />Ceilinqs (T-Bar Rouqh)I <br />lvleter Release q blng ..-9r4,) <br />Rouqh alolQT+?/,UIService lVleter <br />ir.r,,^o *P ,))FINAL ttl%ln'I <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc U\It <br />\ <br />OWNER BUTLDER I'ELCANATION <br />I hcreh, umrm undcr Fndhy or Friury lhll I m cxcmpl fmm lh. ConrrcroN Ltc.s. tjr lor lh. n b*ing rcas. (Se 70ll 5 <br />Bus,ncs and Proitssion Codc): Any Cny or Cololy which Equir.s , IErmil ro on(ocr, ,hdr, i"ll)bvc. dcmlisn or rcrat y <br />sroclur.. rior b ns hslamc. lho eqlies rhe appli.ur ror su.h ,Emir to filc a sis*d dDrcNnr rhd tr or slE h liceo*d puEunnr <br />ro rhe pnvhnrnr of rhc Contrlols Licc.scd tiw (Chrylct 9. Commn inS wnh Scction 7mO oI Divi\ion I ol trE Businc$ ltd <br />Pnrrcsions Codc) orrlrl tEorsfic is cxcar0t lfiercft,dund rhc hrc,s r(tr (hc 0l lcScd cxe mpl io. Any vitnarionolSslionT0.ll5 bydny <br />appli..fl for a p.rnnl suhj.rrs thc Bppli.,nrr.acivilFnahyotnorrmrcth6nnv€hundr.ddollm($5u, <br />-1.as6wncr.rrhcpor.ny.ornrycmtlorocseirhesEcstrsrh.irwn <br />o,nP.nsarion, willdo ih. wmk,nd thc struturc n nol <br />i ctrdod o! oficrcn ror slc {Se.^ 7044, ausincrs and Pmlcsrions codc: Thc Co rucror'! Lhcns. Lrw do$ mt annly ro an owncr .r <br />rhc Imp€dy who builds or inpn'lrs ltE$n. sJd *ho dms such w)* htnsclfo. hcsclfo! rhouah hi\ or hc. orncmployccr. <br />Imvidcd rhar such i'npovc'rcnk d. mr inrcrd.d or ottcEd lor elc lt no*c\ti thc h.ildiu or iqmwmnt is suld wirhir onc )eu <br />of co'r{,lcr6r lhc Owncr Builds will hrt OE bur.h. or pmvi,IS lhd lr or shc dil ,br hrilil or inpmE lhc lmPcn, lor rtE Purl[s ol <br />]ff,. *.**, r,* n-,-y. amcrcl!\irly contacrins wirh liccn€d conhcton k, Ln eocr rb pmj.\t (se 7o+r. Busids <br />rnd PDf6si,n Gldc: Th. Conrr&tols Licen* ti* des nol !Ipl, io ai owncr ofropenywho buildi or imrrovcs thcrmn <br />!trd pho.onrE.lsfor\uohpu..kwirh!Conlmdonr)liccnsdpuFnMrrorh.cohrocblsLi.ctr{Lrwl <br />flr "",""",,pr -"t* s"r <br />(,.,"'e*/tr{2-"ttB ?r-iE*t Ll4{4]ta[$iBltlruurNs,L]tor <br />DIiILABAIION <br />I hcrcby rififlnund.r pcMlryorpcrrury.n. olrhc lolbshS d$lmlbn\ <br />Ihrrolrrlrill.Eir lir ! (td ilicar. .l con{nr ro sclt- lnsurc lnr $orkc6' comFn\dn,n. os providcd lbr by SNrion l70o oI rh. <br />Ijho. Codc- tur r h. p.if.flrurrc ol rh. q'ork fff shich rhc Fnnir i\ i\\u.d <br />-l <br />hrle and $ill sorkcr' conFnurion i'rsurrmc, ,\ rcquncd by Ssrhn 17fi) of rh. tjbr Cod.. lor lhc Pdf.rmmc of <br />rh. w.rk r.r whi.hrhk pctrnit i\ issu.n M,worlm comp.nsa'ion insutancc @tricr a'ld ,olty .un$.. uc: <br />Polic, Nombcr <br />-Erlncs <br />[94.J *diryrhd in rhcp.rr(trnDnccorrhc wort ror whichrhhFrnir is is\kd.I sh,ll n.r c,nlloy rny I,e Nn ,n rtrymanm, <br />! i s r i bc.nnk \ubF! r ro r hc wmlc6 ..qrnqrs,n lnw\ of Crlitdnir. aDd aAEc rhar if I shouu tEcom suhjd lo rhc <br />*,kfli.umnnsornn!m\i.ron\olS.crio.l70Oolrh.lf,htrG{c.l\hrll.lonh*irhsnlJll}tr[hrh.{nntrni',ns <br />WARNING F,il!rc r, {curc vortcr' ompeneri.n ovcrs. i* unh{rul and snau subrc.r M ctrPlo)al lo oiminar Ftu[a\ and <br />cilil lin.s ut ro onc hundrcd rhousand dollE ($100,fi1o). i6 addirion ro lhe cod or cod{rnsrion. daescs ai p'.vid.n ro. rhc <br />S(rion -1076 ol ihc titn Codc, inlcrcsl and aromr\ fer <br />t3-5 ?sr€Rr ?$nf^ <br />ucirNtnLrcNr.E clll-B <br />DIICI,A.BAIION <br />I hcrcby.fltm undcr Fn,lry ol Frjury rhll I am und& Provnion ofCh!0tcr 9 ic.nnrcncing wilh Sdion 7O0o).fDNi\ion 1 <br />of thc Blsircss Md Plrfcsions codc. dt my liccnrc k in {ull lncc and cffc.r <br />ConlBcior: <br />CONSTRT]CTION ! TNNIN(I AGFNCY <br />I hercby .rfir und.r lrMhy ol pcrjury lnll rh€rc is a constocrirn k.din8 c8crcy tor rh€ P.rfollM.c of lnc work tor shih rhis IE nil is <br />issucd (SE. :1091, Civ. C ). <br />tJ nd./, NJm <br />- <br />-lc.nifrrhr <br />h.i.dcntlrc8ularionsrcsardinsr\\runn,rrl,.n.rumlicablct,rhnpruic.r <br />c.difyrhar I h crca riis atpli.lrn,nxnd (dc rhrrrhc.hovc irhnMrion ncorc.1.I rPretu.onr yairhollCiryrtrdcounrv <br />oidin.kcs,trd sfurc IiqsElaritrs 1,, huiunr8 .oniru.rn,r, tu lrrchy0urhori?.rcpdsctrhirv.sofihnCnyandCounrytuctrrcruJ$nI <br />r|i,!c ncn(tnrcd l[)|Eny li, ir\t{cr <br />,\ppli.ant or,\8cnl SirnDlure <br />OE TEA {flAM <br />be ltt lzot 8 <br />I COMMENTS <br />AfII.IIANLDECI.ASAIION <br />I horty allm under penalry or Frjury onc ollhc follorins d(ladrionr: <br />D.mlirion Psn ts-Asbcslos Norificdio. F.dcnl R.Bulalio.sOnt 44- Pan6) <br />-Requtcd <br />Lcllcr ol Norili.arb.