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DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Sile-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />s, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Lile Safety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouqh) <br />lvleter Release <br />Rough <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL 7-tz't?-'Ac z'.) <br />Notes , Remarks, Etc <br />l. as osncr or rhc lmtcny. o, my emplor€s wirh warcs ns <br />'hcn <br />wh conrFnsd ini. will do tlr qtrk md rhc srMUrc n mt <br />i.rctrdcd or olttrcd fff elc (Sd 7{}r4. Busincs md hotcsion! Codcr l hc Co rrcroist-i.cnsch*docsnorlpplyio!n.sncrof <br />rhc pmpcny wh) blikh or in{r.r$rlEftu. and rho d,rcs uch q)tt himsclfor hcrrll r rimugh nn or hcr own cm lrj_ccs. <br />,mvidcd rh i'npi.r'fttrh *. n ificndd or ofli:Nl nn v . ll h'wc\cr- rhc hrilding or i.rpsvcnr is {)ld wirhi'r ond $tu <br />ofcomplcrion. rhc O$ncr Auikc. willhoE lhc hurdcn oirmvln8 rhd hc or shc did nor l'uilil or irllPmvc lhc pmlcny ior th. I)uq-s of <br />l. asowncrorrhcpR,r*ny, xncrclulivclyconrEcrins wirh liccnsd conrracr.n t, co.nDd rhc projccr (Scc nl,r- Busncs <br />atul Peic{sir Co c lhcContr&tor's Lrcn* Lrw do.s nor qrtlyn, itrosn.r.fpn'p.ii!who buildi or nnpo(s rhcrcon. <br />rtrd who co t"d \ tur su.h pnlccrs wirh r G)ntrrff( n licctrred punulnr ro rtu Conr.a.rois l.Ensc l-lw) <br />I rNdcn!, ttrJ.r Ssrrotr <br />-.l, <br />& PC rbrl[is rca{nr <br />D.i.: Orner <br />wotxrns ct,upmsmolt <br />DEII/SdIION <br />I h.db, arfirn und.r p.nrh, ot Frjury ok ot rhc lollo* inE dalamti.nsl <br />lhavcandwiuminrainaCcailurcofConsnrroS.lalnsurcforwortai.otrDcn\ation.asFovidcdlorbySccri.n.tToOolrh. <br />Lahor Cq,q lor lhc lslbrmmc ot lhc wo.k for which thc lcrnn n ksucd. <br />I hirc rnd willnunnri'i work.rr con{tr\rri,in if,\urrmc, a\ r.quiBl hy S(r ii,n .l?(X) of rhe l:h.r (]rd.. ftx rh. IidnnMtu. of <br />rhc work for shrh rhn Frmir is ilsucd My s..kcr' conlPcnrlrt'n i.\urlncecrtricr and polty numbcruc <br />-lccrlily <br />rhii in rhc pcrLnmnccofrltr work inr ehrhrhis prrn n is\ucd,I \hrll n.l cnrpl()y rDy prrson ir !trynrDrct <br />v, r\ ro bcom \ubjcd ro rhc Norkss conrtenerion l.$s .f Carilornh. and !E N rhlr if I \bould hccom ubjcd h rtf, <br />w.rkcE compcnsrtion rmvisi{,n\ ofSccrion l7(Dotrhc l-ah.! Codc,I sholl n,llhwirhconDly wirh rho* rmi\n'n\ <br />UARNING !!inm lo scurc $.rkc!s'comr.nsalion $vcrrBc lnd sh{ll subiccr rn €mploycr ro FimiMl pcnahic\ ud <br />rilil nn(\ uD k, om hutrdrcd rho,sJnd do <br />s.-,-" rrn*r,r. /+"ca" -"-" -r <br />,.,". a(e(t8 <br />^ <br />'o <br />lhc con oi.ompcns,rion. d mScs 0s lrovilcd lnr lhc <br />I h.rhy illirnruNlcr n!Nlr) ol |EiJUry lhr I undcr F)vision ofChapls 9 (commming wirh SNrhn 7(X)) orDiri\ion l <br />oI rh. Btrsircs\ rid Pmlct(ions Cidc. jM myliccri\c,s <br />LD <br />t-l <br />I hcrchy rinnr unrtcr pcnrlly ol'p.rjury lhll ! <br />irsucd (Scc 1097. Civ C.) <br />t.dir8 08cncy li,, rhc f.rfirnuncc oflhcaork lin whic[rhi\ trnrir i\ <br />dIILICAIIDICLA.EAIION <br />I ltahy inmundcr pcndllyofpcrjury onc ofrhc tullowin8 dNlnmrions <br />D.N,lnn,n Pcrmir\ A*.no\ Norifi.rrion Fcdcrrl Rdeuhrn'ns ('lirlc,l0_ Prn6) <br />hcrrht rurhtrrr rctrc\.nturivcs of rhis <br />,"r,4-, - t*-, t'*,,f, <br />t., ",,,,, " .,,,,,"\**(/ttl*f-S/,,,ng <br />n lywnh.ll CiryandCounly <br />ciyotrd counyo cn,cr ull.n rhc <br />'c/4,2 <br />ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOH RECORD <br />APPROVALS (,WNER BUIt,DER DEI,CARATION <br />I hcrehy ofinm undcr tcn(liy of pcrrury $ar I nm.xcnpl rtun thc Conrracro6 Liccn* Uw 16r lhc lollowing uvJn (Sc.70ll5 <br />Ausincsr lnd ftofcsiotr Codcl Any Cirt or Cou.ry shich rcquiri a Fnnir ro d,n{r.i, slr.i i'ryovc. d.mlhh .r rcp€i, any <br />\rtucturc. Dri,r lo ns $uoncc. ol$ rciuircs lh. lPplka for su.h Fnnir ro filc r sign.d saicmnr rlfr h. or shc n liccnrd pursanr <br />lo dc ,rolisioN ol rtr c.nta.ttr s*d tjw (Ch!pte! 9. Comtuncins wnh Sccrion 7000 of Uilnion I .t rhc Blrjnc$ aod <br />Prcicsiotrs Codc) or llldt lE or sh. is crcmpt rhcrtom atul rh. h!\i\ tur rh. alkgcd.rcmprio.. Any viol,io. ofScdion T0ll 5 by ray <br />rprlicrnr f{,r, P.rnir srbrrcl\ rhc lprlicanr ro a civil pcnrhyofnol <br />'norc <br />rhan rivc hutrd,cd dollus (3500). <br />txnd$ . A,ldrc* <br />I It{|.'xlr.gLIrii)n\ r.ErdiDEr\hc{.\ rrnn]vrLrr nor rflrl.rhlc r) ihi\ px,J..r