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MECHANICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Appliances <br />tr/etal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rough Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Range <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openinos <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech. <br />Final Test <br />FINAL ll/4ll,t ?\'61 <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />\ <br />/ <br />OWNER BUILDER DELCARATION <br />I hcEby .litrm ufllcr p.Mxy of F.iury ild I m .xcn{,t fDn ih. Conhro* Lt.n$ lls for th. followire Ee$n (Se.7011.5 <br />Blsincis .d Pmfcsion C.d.): An, Cny o. Coutrry {ttt r.qutcs . !€mn ro onntud. ah6, iq,rct' &mlnt or EFn any <br />srn re. pirr lo ill hs@.. rl$ Equics rhc apDli..nt for slch ,.dlr to fik a ,igEd slalcmnl thrr lE or inc ir ljueor <br />lo llE I,ovisions of llE ConlEclort Licen*d l2w (Cnapb 9. ComeminS wilt Sc.lion ?000 of Division I of lh. Alsin ss .nd <br />Pmfcsions Codc) or lhar lE or sh. is cxchpr rh.rciom and lhc basis for th€ lll.ged eicmprion. Anyliolarionofsc.rionT0ll.5byaAy <br />appliclil for ! slhi*ts thc ipplicant Io.civil pcnlhyofnor mrc thm fivc nudrd dolluB ($500). <br />-1. <br />rs oemr ol lhc Imtcny, or my cnrrloyccs wnh wogcs f,c $cir soh smr.nsarion. wiu do tt* mlk lrrl dE sltutlE h ht <br />intcrd or offcrn ror sk (5(.7044. BusiEss d ttof.ssions Codc: Thc C,nrrlor's Lk n* Li* des mt ,nply ro d o*N, ot <br />'hc <br />pabFdy erbt ild! or it+roB rtEmn. ad who des skn eo* hi@ror thNltor dmuSh his tr ncr own cmplorcs. <br />lr.vidcd rhar such itrqftEftnk m rcl imc.d.d or dtu ftr slc lt ho*B. d* t [ci.g or inlpDEftnr is $ld *hhin om ,t! <br />ofcoq,hrhr rtE Oprcr AliBd ,ill IEE rlE b'ldcn oflmving rhd hc or shc dA mr t{ d or i,t{mE dE I'oFry f6r itE purpo$ ol <br />-1. <br />as owmr of Ihc pmll.ny. !m dchsivcly conrracrin8 *iih liccnscd conrEros ro sn$u.1 rtE portt (Sec 7044. Busincs <br />ond hotr*sbn Codc: Thc Contm.lols Li.cnsc Low do.s nol amlylo a. oBnc. of prorcny who builds or improvci rhcrcor, <br />atuj who onlmcrs nr such wirh a C.nrdr6(9 liccnscd flnudr rorhc C.nrra.ror'r Liccnsc Lrw). <br />-l <br />!mcxcmrl undcr Scct <br />_ O,E:_ <br />UOaf,EXS:.COMIBIIAIION <br />Dlst A.8AIM! <br />I herby offim !nd$ pcehy ol pfijury 6rc ol ft folbeing &dmio.s <br />-l <br />tuve aln will miohi, ! Ccdifiorc of Conscnr b Ser.lnsuE for vork6s' otr'If, erhll. os povidcd for b, Serion :]700 6t rhc <br />Lrbor Codq for rhe F.fomic. ot lh. worl ro' whth thc p6mir i\ ixsu.d. <br />-l <br />holcand willD0i.lrin wortcrs c.r,pcnslrion insurrNr. us rcquircd b, Scd tn l?00.f rhc ttrbor Codc. lor lh. IxrfonMrcc of <br />rlE work r'or sfiichlhh pcnnil is l$ucd My*orkcn conrF.snlion crricr r tx,lilt nu'nbrr,c <br />N *li.q -l *b, l;L <br />ol <br />I c.nity rhar in ih. p.rrnrmftc of lhc wo* ror ehich lhh lErmir k issucd.l sh.ll mr cmploy qny |'cmn in lny Mt, <br />m N to trcom slbj.rr b lnc *o*dr .ory,cnerion hps ot Califoni!, and a*rcc tur if I sh6uld tx.o@ .ubjd to llr <br />workcG comFnsolion prcvisioisofS€lion 3?0O of lh. Latbr Codc.l dEll. tonhsilh oq,lr *ilh rho* Pmvi{io.s.. <br />WARNING| Failurc b B!r. sorkes comp$sdrion (,vcn$ is onhwful. and sh0ll subjccl rn cmplolcr lo giminul lrctulrics and <br />.ivil fincs ut ro om hundr.d rhousand dollrs ($100,000). in ddirion lo thc cosr ol comncnsuliotr. donuAcs a\ providtd for rhc <br />Serion 1076oarhc libor Codc. intcrcs! ond.ttomy s fes. <br />,*,-A-1s-tlt? noou^,, W <br />LIIENIDII.(I}dIIACITIB <br />IIECIAAAIION <br />I hcrcbyaltr und$ pcnllty olFrjuly thlt I am lic.trsd undcr prrvkn,n ofchaprcr 9(comftncing sirh sc.rion rffD) olDivisio.l <br />ot rhc Businc$ lnd PmLsioos Codc. and mylicctrrc is in fulllorc ond crlccr. <br />$ogzto <br />G/t-t I tf -,,*,* Ats /Ar <br />COISIf,I]CtrQNIEtrDIIC.ACENCT <br />I h.Eby frtrm undcr lcmhy of ,criury th.t rhft i(, on(ocrhn kidin! lgcry to. ihe lErflrlll@c of oE worl for which lhis p.d n <br />issucd (S.c.309?. Civ. C.). <br />ArtuljttfDErl, aaIoN <br />I lrrcty dlinn u ndd ,rtr lry ol l,crlry oN ol rhc nnL,sinr dL\hr ir i,$ <br />I)r mliri,)n Pnnirs A\h.{o\ Norillcrri(r EcJ.fulR.guhri{nN IIirlc t0. P d6) <br />Rcqun.d IJ(d0l Norii.rron <br />! adiar rhd Ihc Ldcmlrcglhln,ns rgardinB ostEstosr.mvalnrc not lpllicali.lo rhn F+cr <br />-l <br />ccnifrrhar I haE cad rhh appli.srioo r.d arc rhar rhc ah,vc inntrmrion h c.rer. l lgre tl compl! wirh all Cily ond Counl, <br />odin!.ccs and Srarc Llws rchrins Io huildins consrru.rho. !d hcrcbysurhtri& rcrcsnrativcs olrhn Cilyand Coumy lo ctrr.r ulnn lhe <br />!bo!c mnr ioned pmNny lor inrtccrion <br />Meter Release <br />e.*zbs <br />*,,4zrh r <br />---f- <br />I <br />I <br />--------r------ <br />=