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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECOBD <br />()\\i\t,tR 8t lt.Dt,Rlr:!.( \lr.\ It{)l <br />I hcrchy aiirm rndcr pcnrlly {,f p.rury rhar Lh €rcrnpr fom rh. G,nrEdon l-ic.ns. us (tr rhc follo*ing rca{,n (S..70.11 5 <br />Busincs .trd Prob$n Cclri Any Ciry or County which R+n.s r !.nnn tu .onnru( rlr.r. impn,r. denmli$ or rcp ,try <br />stru.lurc. prior lo ns kuarcc. als requtcs thc lorsu.h IErn l h filc r si8rcd nalcmnl lhil h.or shc i\ liccn*d l[suonr <br />ro rhc lioliin)N .f rlr C.nro.ror's*d lnw (Chnprdr 9. *irh S.cnon ?ofl) of Divhion:1 olrhc Busirc';\ snd <br />I'mfc$ions Codc) or rhrl hcorshc hcxcNnl rhcrcfrom rnd rhchrsis ior rhclllc3cdcxcnt rion. Any viohtion olSccrin?0l1 5 hy rtry <br />aPllicrir ior r pcmrir sui,i(r\ '!c applicanr ro ocivill)enalryof mlmrc'nan filc htndr.rldouosrs50o) <br />-1. <br />rs owncr of thc proFny. or my cnDloyccs with aoScs os rhcn $k nrn. s ill do lhc wori and lhc (nt1uE n iol <br />i,n.ndd .r olltrcd {(tr src ISN 7(lil4- Boiinc\\ 3nd l\ofcrsn,ns Codc: Tnc O,nrrtn \ l-iccn* ll* docl mr rpdy k' ,n .*rcr or <br />rhc pnt]cny sho trildr or improvcs rhcmn, .nl who docs {,ch e *hi scllorhcFcllorthmuBhhisorhc!owncmployccr. <br />pn,vid.d rhar such impoeeft s ft nor inr..dd r olTcEi t, slc lL ho*ckr. rtE bui[i+ or ir{r.RnrN i{ sold withir' nnc JeJr <br />oi.onplcrirn, rhc o{Rr Builds willhavc tlE htrdcn of Eovins rh,r lror shc dil mr hoild o, ifl{nrc lhc pFpsly for rrt put${ nl <br />-n'a- e e <br />-jl. asoww oflre rmpcny. !m.rclurncly$nredins wirh liccn$n o trroN ro con(tucr rhc Imjcr lS*. 7&4. Brsin.* <br />0 Pmftssi,r$l-n*docrnorrpplybnn.wroolproncnyphohDildsornnpr.vcilhcr.on. <br />and who onrmcls rb. such !.oFls wirh r ConrEcro(rr lncDsL\l punuanr ro rhc Conrra.rois Liccn* L!*) <br />^drpr hdcrs*rion_. B. & Pp(y G>€.> <br />u[( L,\lL{]lo} <br />I h.rcn!rllnrund.r n ulryof lf,rjuryotr. of rh fi'll,,s,i"r dcchrrri,)ns <br />-lhavcudwillmrinrainrCcnificlrcofConsnr!oSclllnsurclorworkqlcomri.aerion.&srllidcdlorpysc.lrn'l7{n.rrh.Lllnr Codc. ,or lhc p.rformrc oflh. *o* for which rhc pcrmir h hsuct. <br />I h,vc and will dainruin wortcra.ompcnsalion insuruncc, as rquirl{ hy Secrion l?oo oflh. t bor Codc, for rhc pcrltrnufrr oL <br />thc work for whi.h {nn p.mjl is isuoj My *orlcB comF.sln,n i.suBre cnicr nnd polky nu'nh.r ac <br />Policy Numh.r:JrnA-P Q- <br />-..,1Llcciltyihd m rhc Fdormncc orrhr woA r.r qhrh rhis p&nir is i\sucd,I sh.ll mr cmtloy.ny tersn itr !try nunmr <br />s s lo bcom subiEl k, lhe wntsi conrFnsar t,n hws of Califorria- and a8rcc lh{r il I \tFuld bc('m subjd ro trE <br />workcn.rnFnsarionphrisi.nsorSc.ri,n3700orrhcl$orCodc,I\hall,r.nhwiihomplywirhrl$sprovisions.. <br />W RNIN(;] Failurc ro scurc workfiJ con[cDsdion .ovcECc is unhstul. 0nd shall subjd dr c'nplo]cr lo .ri'ni'rtrl !.itrhi.s and <br />civil fincsxpt,on hundmd rhouknil dotliGlll0O.0OO), in dddnion tu rhc.o{ of.ompcnsrlion. damgcs al F,vid.d ntr rhc <br />SccriN 3076 of rh. If,bor Codc. i.rcrcn a.d ormy\ f.cs.";:.1" (;-, /s' " <br />^*,,, M'' r rcYis"n conrnlcnx <br />nf,r'r AR^ n{}N <br />I hcrcby,finm undc, pcnalry ofF jury rhar I am liensd udcr pmvision olChaprq 9(..m'mfting with Sdioo ?(xD) ofDivhion 3 <br />ot lhc Busircss md Pnfc$ions Codc, ad nry liccnsc t in tull forcc .rn cftct <br />I:ANiIAJ]EIIAIi.IENDING.AGI,II.I <br />I hcrcby aflnm undcr pc.alry olFrjrry rhar rhca n a con(rudion lcndins lscry a.r rh. n&romDn.c.l lhc work for whichlln pcmir t <br />i$ucd (Sa.llr97, Civ. C.) <br />AI]LICANI.DECIdM.IIQ! <br />I ho$y 0mrnr undd pcnalryofp.rjury onc orlhc followi.C d&bfariors: <br />Dcmlirion Pc.mirs A\tEsros Norificati.n Feddal Resllarions (Tirlc40, Pan6) <br />-Rcqlied <br />txn.r of Nnifiorion <br />rcSuhrbns rc8rdins luc n.rnpplic$lc b rhistr.J.ct. <br />a_-his,I,Flicarhnr nrrc rhar rhc .trrc inr.nn ion nc.dccr ! .BG ro conlP wnn all Ciry atul Cdu.'y <br />odin n.crrklsrlicLawsElirinstobuildiracon{rucltrn.r.dh.lcbyrurh.riT..eJnlscnrorivcsolrhnCnrandCou <br />{ nrDtiorcd nroFny ror iispccln,n <br />^DD,nr <br />l or,\ Six rh'rr O <br />APPROVALS DATE tD/stG.COMMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Lile Safety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fi re Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab i Floor <br />Bondinq / Groundinq / UFER //-26 4p //lz) <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof To p Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Soflit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />[/]eter Release <br />Bough -.1- <br />Service lVeter //-28./E ,///'-21 <br />FINAL ,%.-h4',) <br />Notes, Remarks , Etc/l ' ' <br />D1/9 c a <br />Crfticri <br />Liccisc Clff\ <br />-Licctr\. <br />Numh(r: <br />t!le: Contruclor: <br />I