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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE COMMENTS OWNER BUILT'EI DET,CARATIoN <br />I na.rrL .mrn undr Fnahy ol ldjtrry rhar I m .ronpi frcn rh. (bntdo6' Lics. Ijw for th. aollowin3 rcasn (56 70ll j <br />Busi.6s and Prol6ion Codc): Any Cirr or Counry $ni.h r.qut6 a p6mn ro consrruc1. ahs. in$ov.. ddolish or q,an ,ny <br />srrucluc. Fio! to irs su&c., d& r.qut6 lhc appl'c.nt lu such pcrnir Io 6L r qirn d n.rsfl rhar h. or sh. is licfised pu^udr <br />10 the provisions ollhe Conlraclors Licensd Law (Chaptd g, Commencins rvilh Sdion 7000 of Division I of ih. ausin.s a.d <br />ProLssions Code) or rhal h€ or 3h. d el.mpl rlErcno'n and rhe h6s$ lor rhc allce.d .rmplll)n An! \iol.rionotS€clion 7011.5 b! any <br />,pplica aor a pnnit lhc applicanr to 0cirilp.dahyolnor,nor.lh.n fiv. hun&cd dollrs (S5q4) <br />l. 6 o\rr orrh.pmpcny, or myeniployd wirh \ra!6 ss rhct sle.omt.Nrion. si[ do tnc uolt Md rh. stnrclu€ is nol <br />intfllal or oIr..€d a.r sl. (Sd 70'14. BusinN and Pml*ioN Code The Conlrado' s Liccns La* do6 nol dmly ro an own r .l <br />rhc p6ps1y *ho builds or impmv6rhd6n, and sho d.6 sh $olt hims.llor h6clf or thrcu8h his or h6 own cmplorcE, <br />pr.lidcd rhar such imro\@nt d.nor intdrlol.r ofiddl lor eL lf, h.\'66,lh€ hrildin3 or imprevmdl is $ld wnhin on. )@ <br />ofcomplelion. lhc (lhr l,uildo rill harr lhc hrd6 of rmrins tha hc or she dii not build or iqrove lhe propdr lor rhe lurpo* of <br />I. ar o\nr o f rh. ropqry. d crchsn€ly conrra.r in8 Nirh lictucd .!ntrdo6 r. coNrru.r lhc pmled (S( 7041. B6irs <br />ed PDf6io" code The contracrois Licosc L*! doa nor appl, ro .n or n6 of propFly who bu ilds or impro!6 rh.r.on. <br />and who con[acts for such lr6j6ts $ irh a Conr.rdo(s] li(d.d pu6uMr kJ rnc Contado.s Li.oe Las) <br />I dn e\enrpl und6 Sdion <br />I lrrebv r,h'n uDder oftol,,.y (hr nlll(N i! dr.lrmr$n\ <br />I har€ ad $illmainlain a C€ni,icate orConsdr lo S€lll6urc for rvorkd compdsrion, d providcd lor b! Salion 1700ofthc <br />Labo! ( odc. for rtc p€fonn&ce of tfi. \eor( for \rhich the pmil is issu.d <br />I hav. rnd will msimoin rvorktri co'nt.Balnnr insur.n.c, 6 r.goir.d by Scr ion I700 otlhe Inb.r Codq fo, th. Faamecc oa <br />lhe ro.t aor which rl& tmril is isu€d. My $orlm co6p(1grio. itrurdc€ cmi6 dd p.licy numbr 6e: <br />PolicyNumbd <br />I ccnrtythal inthcpqioldanccofrhe{ork lor vhich this l)€mn is Nsu.d.l shallnor mpl.y an, pdson in.ny, mnnn6 <br />$ a ro bdon subjN ro th. $0116' ..6r.nsari.. la$ ofcaliiomia- dd arn. rhar it I slsuld b..onE subtat lo th. <br />s.rk6 c.mpdstion rmvisions.fs..lion:lT00oirh.Inhor Code,l shdll, lod h{ hh .o'npl! rvilh lho*provisbns. <br />WARNINCT railur. ro Kur. \ort6s mmpmdion cor6as. is unlasrl|. and shall subjd d mpl6)d ro dimin.l porahie and <br />cnil fincs trp to onc hundr.d lhousand doll.6 {tl .m0). in addnion to rhc cosr orconp!.erion, dm.t6 a prolidcn f.r rhe <br />Sccriotr 1lr7r,.frh.l rhn (.d.. 'nl.rc( <br />u:LI -8n!1! <br />I teby artrm uoder p@lly oa pdjury rhal I a'n limsd undcr !.ovision olcha|r6 9 (coDndcins Nnh s6rlon 70tr0) ofDnhion l <br />of rh. Businei md PmfsioB Cod., Md my lic6s is in aull for.c .nd citsr <br />CONEIBUCIIONIIIDIIG-ACENCY <br />I n6cby amm und( p<aalty ot p€rjury lhal rhrc is a conslrudion k dins asdcy lor rlE p6aoman.. ofrh. sork lor *trich ihis pflnit is <br />issu.d(S< 1097.(iv C ). <br />AE8IICANLDECIA8AIII}X <br />Ihqd,yaltr trnd€rp.nahyolpsiuryoneollh.lollosinxdEl.ralions <br />Dcmolnnr. Pdmirs-Ash€ros Noli6..tion r'cd6al Rclnhrion! (Tnl. 40. kn6) <br />Requncd Iit6 of Noli6calion <br />6b6ros rooval ee nor dlpli.abl. ro <br />'his <br />pmj*l <br />.rhal rht atov. infomarion is.oE€cr. 108!eto mmply with all Ciry and Counry <br />hs.6y. hoirc rcprBflrativB ofrhis City dd Couoryb dr6 rFnrh. <br />,\tllio r or \At t Sis xr <br />&.,""C X=- <br />*" r"y'e /r7 <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads pltbltl 14 t ^,-fr,4 D <br />UFER Ground 0 I <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subfloor/VenVlnsulation <br />Roof Sheathin s <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />D rywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Irila son ry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL iltfl/s ia *k+c,-r',-7 ,)rrTrCertificateof Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />ID/SIG.