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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOB RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE COMMENTS <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Salety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bondinq / Groundinq / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueino <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilinos (Hard & Sollit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />Rough <br />Service l\ileter <br />FINAL l8 \Y.3Y <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />OWNER BUII,DER DELCARATION <br />I hcrcby ailirn undcr pcnalry (,1n rjury rhd I om cxcmfl lror lhc ConlncloF Liccnsc ljw forrhe following EMtr ( <br />Brsims did Porcsn,n C.d.): An, Cily or Coutrry which rcqunes a Fdn to 6n{tud. ,lr.r, impmvc. dc'rchh o, replt tny <br />srructurc. prior io ns isu6nce. rho rcquiB rhc lprlicur 16r sKh Frmii r. fik r si8rcd natnEar thll he ot ilt is liftns.{ Pursmt <br />ro rhe !.ovisions oI rhc Coilrrclrtr s Li.cnpd Law (Chn,'tr L Commins snh Sdion 7000 of Divkion 3 oflhc Busincss ond <br />Pmtcssions Codc) nr rhlt h€ or shc h cx.mpr rlBrnomand lhc b.asis tor lhc ollescd excnflior, AuyviolalionofsslbnT0ll5brdy <br />oppliqnl ror a ri..mir subiccll rh. artli.abr ro a .i!il pcmxy or nor norc th$ ,ive hundrcd dollan {S5trO). <br />_1. as osncr of thc I^,Fnr. or my c'nplo)tc\ *ir h wrgcs as rhcn sb compctrsrtion. will do llE Nork ud lhc $MtE€ is a, <br />irlcrklcd or oftcrcd for mh (Ss.?()44. Susinc$lnd Profcsions Codc: TheConrract sLic.nsctnwd.cs.olanPlyloano*rcrol <br />lhc tmlcny {ho builds or tqftlcs rlten, urd *b rk4 flcn hr.t hinaclf ot h.rslf or $rou8h hi or hcr o*n cdrroy..c. <br />pmla.d lhsr xuch iqmwrnk 4 rcr inrcdcd .r olTehl lor ek. Il lxi$mi dr hitlinB or irqrercmnl is ekj *iihin om Fv <br />oroflrhriun. rh. owncr auilLr *ill hrvc lfu burdm of prcvinB Ihal lE or shc did n.r r ild 6r i,{'ow thc l'.Fny fo. th. puqns of <br />_1. a\o(rcrolrhc Imptnt. am.x.lusivcly.ontkri.S unh{.d canrrdonto consrdcr lhc l,mFct (S.c.7Or4, Buimn <br />ani Pioli\sinr Codc ThcContacrrn s Liccnrc Law docs nor apDlyro ffo*ncrofpmrrdywho hnildsor inDrovcs thcreon, <br />lnd sho conr.dc* f( such pmjNts virh a conk!.to(9 liconscd l)usuml ro rhc Co ructoas t-iccrsc trw) <br />-l <br />amcxcnrllundcr sccrnn,-. B & Pc fr*rhN rcru <br />lhl€: Ortui <br />won<rusit:tlupensllott <br />llEcLaaarltN <br />I hcrcb, arndundcr ItnrlrtorFrjuryonc ofrhc rollorin8 dccl"mlions: <br />I hdvr rnd *ill frrinr,i.aCcniflcarcolCoDsctrr roSclll$urc hruorkc^ conrpcns nrn.d lrovid.dforbyScctionlTu)olthc <br />tihor C.dc. lbl lhc pcrfomtuc.f thc eod f.i qhich rtu Fnnir is issu.d <br />lh.vcatrdwillrrnsinwo*eraconlncnsrri{,niNumn.c.!srcqdircdhtStrrionlTfi)ufrhcUtt)!C.dc.lMl,rcPcrlbnrEnccof <br />flnjl is issucd Myworkcs or.pcnsuriu in$r ccfficr 0ndtlolicy <br />Y+*ttlr'rz t2cni\i-tN SvzpNC{,,i <br />uJ6 .2 i <br />-l <br />ccdily lhd in rh. pcrlbrm3ncc otlhe work lnr trhich rhi\ pennir n,$ucd. I stull tror cmPloy trny PcFon in lny mMncr <br />$ rsb h$rm {hj(r i,rtL "rrkc(\ r tr, .r Crlifimin. i |l8acrhlr ilI sh.okl h.o'tu subJ..-r rorhc <br />workcr' comp.nsrriq ln,vilio s of Sc.rbn ]Tm of rhc Lrhr Codc. l \hrll. fonhwirh .o Ulr sirh r ho* rovisiont <br />IVARNIN(; l'arhr( ki {rurc ( '[cr\ .ni[.i\xr unli{rirl. rtrd \hrll srhicr rn cnrpkJyci k, diNinrl |{nrkic\ rnd <br />civil 6tr.\ np n, odr honlrcd rhors dollar( lsl (ion r, rhc con otconDcn\rr,o . dr ulcc $ F,vi,l.J li,r rh. <br />ofrbc uh, c-od.. i erc(rftl <br />sll$ <br />I hcEbylmrm undcr Fnahrofpcrjxry rh&r I nm li.dn*d und.r ttuvisiotr olCnaplct 9 (commrcing wirh Serbn 7m0) otDivkion l <br />of rh. Businusa.d Pofcssions conc. ad.ry liccns is in full roro sr.i ctfccr. Szlsw_9,,'cLo ns4=++E- <br />5 <br />CI}NIIAICIIONIENDIN('.&GINCI <br />I ncrciydflt und.r Fnalry or l).rjury rhrt r hd! is a connrudbn lcndinS aBcmy for rhc r'.rfom. of $c worl for which lhis Fmil 6 <br />nsucd (Scc 1097. Civ. C.). <br />A.TPI.IIANLD&CLA8AIION <br />I hcE5y unimr under t^-n!lry oi pcrjury oE of rhc rolk,winA dftl*rrio.s <br />De.Dltion Pc.mirlAstEsros N.lil-rctrli,,n FddcEl Rc3rhrid,s (1irl..10.I'd6) <br />-Rcqutcd <br />t lrcrolNoriricart,i <br />I onili rhai rhc Icdrnl icBurrr ions rcBrdins 0sb.s.s rcnmvrlrc nor {pliclblc t, <br />'his !,n, <br />I.c iryrh l hrvc rcad lhh .p,)licrrion and (rlcrh lhc rh)le jnnnnurion is.oftt.r I uBre h .omPly wilh ull Cn, rnd Counry <br />or nrrk.s xn,lSrrc l.r$\ r.lrr ins co.srrlcrion. ! hcrchyauhrirc rcprcsctrh'ivus .fihis Cit, and <br />x^r nc rn,kd prcFd) nr <br />,rll|)li.hnl or'\xrnlSixnhltr ,r., S <br />rISE <br />tD/stG. <br />Site-Work <br />I <br />knJcirNonr _ <br />--------r------