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SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUILD!R DELCAtiAiION <br />I h.rcby rfttm undcr pcMlry of Frjury rhar I !m er.nrpr f,om rhc Codt,.knJ Ltcnsc tlw lor lhc followine rcaso (scc 70rl s <br /> 0.d Pr.fc$ion Codc): Any Ciry or Coonry whi.b r.qui6s a Isni! h con(rucr. alrr, imrrorq d.mlhh nr rclJn nny <br />rrru.rurc. Drior ro ir\ ktumLr. al$ rcquncr thc 0rpli.anl for such F,ni o filcr sighcd sr,rcntnr rhlr tEor she is liccnscd,prFranr <br />ro rnc lovhn,ns .l tlE ConrEcr.i\ l-i..nrcd Inw lchrpr.r 9. Co aRncin8 *irh Sc.rior 7ux) of oivision I ol th. Busitrcs lnd <br />Prelc$ions Codc) or rhnr h. or sl.d ir crcnrfrthcrclromand rh. hsis Lr rhc llhg.d.ftmprion Any violorionolS{rhn70.rl.5 hyany <br />aprliL_n rd rNnnir subjNh lhc applicor ro acivilpenalryor.or fl,ft rhrn fivc hundrcd dolhr ls5(x)) <br />-1. <br />as o*ndr or lhr pfl,Fd y. or my cryloyrcs $ilh wns$ !s lhcn n,b co rp. er r.r. will do <br />'tE <br />wolk arxr rhe itu1m n mr <br />intcnd.d or ollctud fitr srlc ( Se ?044- lru\incs md hofc*ioas Cdc Thr G,nr &(tri I -icctrr lje doc\ ior lplly lo an owNr oi <br />rhcnmf.ny lho 6uil{k or nqn)v6 rhc($r. Md qho des suh rvo* hrnrclior hcr*ll or rhfl,ulh his or hcr o*n.nrPlorcc\. <br />Drcvidcd rhorsu.h imrovcDrnh m nor inrcndd or orcftd foi el( It k)x!vcr. rhchuiuinAor inpn,vcnrnr is sld*irii.onc Fd <br />or.. OLrih. rh. o*ncr BuilLr will tu,rc lhc hnrJctr or pn,lins rhd h. or \hr d d mr ttrild o. inDmvc rhc ImFny f.r lh. rnIF{ ol <br />-l. <br />rsosNr.lrlE prc,[ny, !n.rrlusivcly.ofta.iihg sith li.cnscd connEroF ro conitocr rhc pn,rftr (scc. r(}4r- Bu\i"c\s <br />rnd Pn)fcssi..Codc'lhc(-onnrcln\l,iccnscl-a*doesnorapplybM.sncrol|r)|rny*hohuilAornnprovcsrhcrcon. <br />and wh. c. rrcrstur\khFnrjccr( wir[. Coft&to(, liccnsci pur{Dtrri)rh.coita.ror's Licc.\c ljw) <br />-l <br />n cxcmpr ufflcr Sccri{ni <br />la$Ells:!:auExsaflQ! <br />DECLABAIIA! <br />I h.rcby afii,nund.r pctrultyol psjury.i. orrhc rollowing dNlar0lions <br />I hlvc nl * ill mainrdn , C.d ilEarc of Conscnt ro Sclt lnrurc l'or $orkcrs' .om|xn\!!n4 r{ Jmvid.d Lr by Sc.rion l7fir of rhc <br />bi,or Codc. for rhc pc,Jomft. .f rhc work for Rhich rh. plrn is nsuci <br />Ilrv.andwillnRifliinf,o.kcra.onFn\arioninsuBncc.r!rcquncdhySc.lonlr00olrhclitYtrCodc.ln.rhcl'crfornlrc.o{ <br />rhcworkfor{hichrhi\fxnniririr{ElMy*orkcE.rrmpcnsarioni'rorai...n cr lni Policy nunlf,r r.l <br />_l.d'rily rhil i,, rlt n'1,nnrurc. ol h. \nrk T,, \h].h lhn n.r cnDloy atry penon in ait nlnncr <br />$ n\r)lr.o rr {rhlL.rki rlt *ork.r\ .o |xrrrrirn'rh ill.lnn' J h..onr nLhi(lk,rltr <br />trorku( .oDt1ctr\rrio r f n)vi!i,,tr\,'l Sccri,tr,.r?(turrh$ilh cofDly $i1h rho* nnrNiotrs <br />WARNINC: l:xilur. t, {rtrrc soikcc' conrt.nsrrion rn cmnlo)lr ro .rn id.l FDltEs ind <br />rivil firc\ trn h un. hundrcd rhousnDrl dollar\nsrri{m. drnugc\ a\ tlr.vnld i)r <br />'hcSrcri{n,.1076nlrltr l, hn C.dc. i.lcrc{ rnd <br />I hcrcbytrltu uDdcr Ftrrlryolpcrjury rhnr I r r p(,ri\nrolCl |n{t)lrotrnmncinstrirhScdion?U})).f Drni,)n:1 <br />rCon. rnd 'nv lhcn\c is in tulllnreandcffsr 2 <br />a 6 3 <br />,,'" o5-o?-@th *" <br />I h.n h) xllnn, nJ.r Ir rlry,,1 t{llurr_ rhxr rru. i\ r con{ni.ri{,n !.n,ln! rs. .! <br />i$ucd (Scc.3l)97. Civ C ) <br />/lttt"L('rt\T pr(r,,\R/\rr()\ <br />I hcrcby rin nndcrlEtulryol F-rjury <br />Dcnolirio. Pcrmir\ Arbc{o\ Norificrr <br />RcqrncJ hrrcrorNori <br />sosrcnbulrrc nollpplicahlc ro rhk l)nrF_r <br />-l.cdili <br />rl,r I hrvc rcadrhn storc rhar rh. ahorc inltntun n conc.r I iarN ro conurly wnh rllciryand Counry <br />ivcs of rhi\ Cny and County to cnls u|rn thc <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns t -/+6,)rL\ 5t6:q --- <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Su bf loor/Vent/lnsu lation <br />Roof Sheathinq <br />Shear Wall <br />Framinq <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif . <br />FINAL l0 - lt -1y \wal <br />Certificate ot Occu anc <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />llr pcrlonMr-'e oirhd work fot shich rhh Ic mir k <br />l.iJ -'. 4J'l'^.. <br />- <br />I <br />f-------T------