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MECHANICAL.INSPECTOR RECOHD <br />DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS oWNI]R I]IJII-DI]R DI]LCARA'I'IoN <br />I hcrrhtrrfir ondcr I)cMhy r)l pcrjuy rhir I aD cxcmtr liom rhc Onrirlcitrs l-i.rns. I-ns ntr rhc Lllowi,rs,- rs". tu.rl5 <br />Btr\incs id It lcssi( Codc) Atry Cily or Counly shi.h requircs r Fnnir kr ..nsnrcr. rllcr. imi'ovc. dcNni\h ,r lqln . iy <br />ttolisri,nr(Codc)orrhir hco.shc ir crcmfr rhcrclrn'nlnd rhc hrsi\ nrrhcnlLlcdcxctrrpli r Aryvnnnrionofsi.rit T{'r <br />rpplicrnr litr x r.rnir \uhircrs rlr rptli..nrri r.rviltrmlr!.lmr nnnc rhrf lir. hutrJdlnolhrs (.$5{x)). <br /> oBncr ol'rhc p0|rnr.or i,y. otcc\*irherS.srsrhcnqnc.{nrNfsarnnr.rilld.rhc*orkddrlr{nrrurci\ n <br />rhctr'l{'ry sho btrrl(h or irn,'.ovc\ rhcren. anJ qla, dms s'.h work hnn\clfor hc'rcll.r rInnrgh hi\ or hcr owt cnrrL,,ycc\. <br />l. ,s owmr ol thc ,mF.ny. !m crclusivcly entrrcrin-q eirh licend *,nrt!.ros ro o6lrud ttr pmiEl I S€c 7044. Businc$ <br />lnd h!ftsion CDdc: The Conrn ror's L!* docs nol .pply to an owrcr of tmr. ysho buildsor imrrovcs rhcrcon. <br />rnd who .onrBrs for sch pmlccrs wirh a contracro(s) lirnscd nr6u,nr ro lh. contraclois Liccn€ Lns). <br />I amcrc,npr utulcr Scct <br />woRl(lrls' coMmNsaTlolt <br />DECLAf,A]JA! <br />I h.rcby lffirm lnds !€nahy ot !..jury 6nc ol $. lolkrwiog d(lmrions: <br />-l <br />h!v. ud will minrain . ot ro S.lf-InsuE lor vortss omp€nstion, &r t)n)!il.d for by Selion l?m o, rhc <br />tihor C!dc. for rh. Frlormtu of rlE w6r* for *hth rhe p€mil i! hsucd. <br />I hrw a.d willmainlain wortcls compcns0rhn insunrcc- as rcquiEn by Sd io. l70o of llrc L.hor C.dc. aor rh€ lcrronMmc ol <br />whkh rhis l.mir is istu n. My woik* @mrcnlarirn arsu@. .nt .id poliy nu <br />OozrlQ*,A o <br />4.*'y tur 'nr* r*,rn *m nt ,rr wo,k ro, *hkt rhF rc,m tr <br />; s ro l[com 'ubiNr rn <br />'hc <br />wdkn. .oml.nrd on b* \ or C.hfomi.. <br />eo*c6 .omn osrion DovasioB of serk f, 37m of fi. lahor Cod.. I <br />hsued.l snallml cmploya.yDcr$n ina.y manncr <br />mn !-!E rhor iII qhould lxcunE subFcl to lnc <br />shlll, aonhwirh.on ly wi$ lln* ,mvhion\ <br />WAnNNG: Frilurc lo surc mrkcr' ompcnraln,n cokEsc n uohwtul. and snall subj6t an cmPloFr lo diminal lEmhts lnd <br />civil 6nca up ro onc hrndrcd thousod doll6 ($t0o,m0). in addnion to rh. co( of ompcnsarion, dlnBgcs es [ovidcd aor lhe <br />seriotr 10?6 of$c t hor Codc. irrcrc(,od ontysrc6 <br />,",", o?lZ:?.911) n,0,.,,,Fa,L <br />I !(:FNSFT) (]oNTRACToR <br />I'ECI.d.BAIIQN <br />I hrrbya1ft u d.r lcnnlr! ol Nrjmy rh lamliccnEdu.dcrprovisionotch,lrcr9(c.nnN,cins*nnS$ri,n7Ox,ofDivhion3 <br />of rhc llr\incss rnd Pn,lts\bns Codc. d ,nyIiccns is in aull iore d clfccr <br />aGql3 <br />o <br />IANEIBIJ1;.II!)]IIINDINGIIiENCI <br />I hcrchy affiflnntulcr pcndryofpcrjuryihtr rhcr. is i cotr{ru.rion kl\4rS !8crcy tu lhe 0.rfornrkc orrhc qort lot s'hin ihi\ Fr.'ir i\ <br />i$tr.d (Sc..1097. aiv C r. <br />ATTLTANIDICI.Af,AIIOIS <br />I hmby anim u.dcr Fnally of Frjury om of rhc followins dftl&rrions: <br />Dcmlirion Psmirs Asbci rol Nori ion Fcd.rol R.rularions (Tnb 40, Pan6) <br />Rcquncdblrcrof Norific ion <br />6=.",,,',,n,"" <br />i'is asbcdos rcnFvrl aE d.'.rplicahlc ro lhh pn,iccl <br />and st0rcrllal dr atnE ir,orm ion n cod..' I trSreloc.mtlysilhall Cirr3id Counry <br />rnd hc.ct y lulhon* rcparcnr.rivci orrhis Cny!.d County'o ctrrd ufi,n rh. <br />,,,,,. OZ-Rr?9tb <br />Appliances <br />l\4etal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipmenl <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <4-(aJ )ze"h 7 <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rough Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residentral Ranqe <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />lt-1-vb T$J <br />Rough Mech. <br />Meter Belease <br />FINAL lo-l-/y <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />\/,U 044'<,rt lr$htltg (-v,kacuwl <br />APPROVALS <br />Above T-Bar lbee.*t <br />Final Test <br />XWJ(I <br />,K' <br />EtY\ o4- <br />o-?"oc.\-er"A <br />o*",OI-- <br />t ndd'i Nm:- <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />-------r-----