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ELECTHICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER AUILDER DELCARATION <br />I hcrchy sffi,rD undcr pcnrlrr 0l pcrjury rhar I !m cicnrpr lrom rhc Conrrucknr' l,i..nsc Lnw t, thc rdlowinS rc0bn (Scc 7031 5 <br />Bosin $ end Prorcsion C.dc): Any Cny or Counr, shich rcqxirc\ , ltmk 'o <br />.o6(flct. rlr.., improvc. dcmlnh or Elat sny <br />slflcturc, rior ro irs tsu,ncc. als rcqun s rhc rpdira for su.h tErn r lo lilc 0 siBrcd n cmnr thar h. or \hc is li.cnr.d pu^xdr. <br />ro rne povnhns ol rlE Conrrktr\ l-iccnrd l& tcnqner 9. Conrncncins wirh sario. 7000 ol Division I of lhc B!\incs ud <br />Phicssn,nr G)d.) or rhdr hj or 3h. is cxcnpr rhcr.fron ind rh. bask nr $c nllcScd cxcmplnrn. AnyviolalionofSc.rionT0:ll5nyany <br />applicrnl lbr a permil subjcctslhc applicaor lo acivilpcnaltyofnor morclton 6vc hundrcd dorlrn ($5LD). <br />I. ar owm! or rh. !nrl.ny. or my cmtlo$cs wnh wagcs a\ rhcn $h c.m!.nsdlion. Bill do tlE worl and rhc nntlm n nr <br />inlcM.d or ofcnd ror elc (Sa.7(l1,l. Blsims a Pn,fesionsCodc: rhcCo mcroi s Liccnsc lju does nor lpply r. an owmr or <br />rhc lDpcny Nto huilds or iqrelcs rhcd)n. tud *ho d{rcs slch m)r( him\elf or hcNc lr.r rhrouth hh .r hcr own cmploycc\. <br />nrcvidcd rhat slch impmvc,Enls N nor inrod.i or oafsed for $lc lt ho*cm. lhc t{ilding or in{,mv.nEm h $h wnhin onc ,!u <br />.f cor{,lclim. df, o*mr Buiks will hrw lh. budc. of pmvitr8 rh,l tE or shc dil mt l{ild or iryme h€ pDr8ly for 'rr <br />pur'r)* or <br />-1, <br />osowncrofrnc propcny,0mcxclNivclycoirlcrinswirh lienscd conrncror ro conitocr rhr pmjdl (s.c 7L!1-,1. Bu\ims <br />and aLts\ion Codc: Thc Cohi.ackn ! Liccnsc Liw do.s nor lprly kr an oun( ort'rupcnt *ho builds or nnfoves rhcrcon. <br />,nd sho .on'tuB fd su.h tr,\ *irh r Coitr.k,(9 lntn{d Nisna h lh. Cont ois Lien$ L!!r <br />Lcx.Dlpr undcr S(rion . B & PC lnrrhis rcr\tr <br /> O*nerl <br />WORKF.RSiCONIPEIASATI(N <br />DE1;IAf,^IIAN <br />I h.rcby rlfinnundcr p.ulryofp.!u!yonc ofrl[ f.lldwing dslanri s <br />I huv. dd wr ll tuirnrir r ccd ilf,dc of Conscnr rr sclf.l.surc lar wor*crs- lomnensar ion. !s pmeid.d ior hy serion l?m of rft <br />lltxtr C,xlc. for rhc p(rlormanc. of lh. w.rk for whi.h rhc p.rn kn\u.d. <br />I hrvclnd will nrrnrdin workcra conr!.nsolion insunrncc.0s rcqutcdbyScclion:lT00olrhclihorC.dc,rorrh.pdronDnccot <br />lhc work i(tr which lhh l).rnril is nsuL'd. My workcd compctrsrtnnr nrsur0ncc c(dcr urrd Flicy ounbc. c: <br />Poli.t Ntrnrhcr <br />--li\pir.\: <br />_ <br />_l ccnilyrhar in rhe ll.rlor.Em. ofrhc sork fttr whichihis pcnir ir nsurd. I \hall nor .nlploy any ,n(r in M! mrtrn.r <br />w, I t, \uhlccr b rhc *orkdJ .onD.nsdn,n hws ot Crlifohi.. rgN rhrl ii I shoukl hcronE subr..r ro rh. <br />wo*c^' ompcn\arn,n !rt,visions of S&rn, 3700 of rhc Ijhr Adc. I shall, fonh*irh conrdy wilh ItDs ttr,visions <br />IVARNING Frilurc r. scur! wortcm compcns iotr corcrasc is unlawtul. trnd shrtl an cmployer to diniMl pcmllis and <br />ciril finc\ up h orc hundrcd rhou\ond dolhN l$1 ,.fi10)- in addirion ro rhc.o{ orconFn\rrn,n. drruScs rs uovidcd ior rne <br />Scdi(nr lola.lrl[ l.rIitrC.J.. i, r'.{rrlrrtl <br />,/lo f ,s <br />I heel,y rfim undcr pcnllryofpcrjlr) (hd' ! m liccnyi !irl* !m!ni.norChap'o 9 (mmnrknr8 wilh Scclion 7OO0) olDivisi.n l <br />or lhc Businc* and Profcsions Codc, mn my lic.Dsc is in full rorc aM clic.l <br />Pt)c 2-z(o,#a14..""";.\ <br />coNiIBJJCuOXLtNtlIlti-{GENlr <br />I h.6by lmrirnd.r Fn.lry of p.rjury rhar rhcrc k r.oNrudhn LndinB rgcfty fo, rhc pcrformncc of rh. work t r uhi.hrhis lBrmn is <br />L(ndcr. AtldE$. <br />- <br />dIfLrcAlfD[CI,I.BAIIOtr <br />I ltn$y,fim un'lcr p.nalry olr{rjury onc ofrh. ri,lbwir8 dc.lrilions <br />Dcnx,lirio, P.rmih Asb.d.r N.rificnrion Fcdcrol Rcguhiions (lirlc4Il. PM6) <br />-llcqutod <br />l,rlcr ol Norilicxri) r <br />lcrdiiyrhd rhr fc{lcralr+ul ii)d\ r.BirdinS r\lrno\on.r l '. norlPtli.ihlc h rhnfrl$r <br />l.dify rlu I hrv. icld rhis rrtlicntiotr and nrrc rhd Ihc atx'rc itrlormtiotr n corccr lrEreio.omllrwirhallCiryaDdCounry <br />ordin.mes, ds'aretiwsrchrimlobuildinEcon(rucriorondhcrcnyonrhoriTcrcrrcscnrarirc!olrhtCiryrdc.unlyiocntntrpo rhc <br />".,. s/ro f ttff:,:::ffi:'." <br />P€milm norE I prinl):<fr*oo <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Siqns (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bondin g/Grounding/UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduil) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Bouoh) <br />lt/eter Release <br />A <br />Rough ,-214y Y-WL <br />Service lt/eter }} <br />FINAL t:-b"tv <br />Notes Remarks EtC. <br />APPROVALS <br />x"u-0[) <br />L* <br />tsu€d (Sec. 3097. Ci!.C.). <br />Lcndcir N{mc: <br />- <br />I <br />= <br />= <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />=