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ELECTRI IINSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS , <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Lioht Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Siqns (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor ra <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER 6- il-ttr <br />Transformers <br />Torqueinq <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouoh) <br />,FAl\ileter Release 6-lz-ttr 7-\j <br />Rough ,A <br />Service lvleter (o:-tt"IY <br />FINAL ClLzltg _ <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />OWNDIT AUILDER DELCARATION <br />I hcrcby 0fllrm under pcnalty of Frjury rhal I mcxcm nom rhc ConrrrroF Liccn$ Law ror rh. follosin8 E$otr (S(.?o-tl.J <br />Busincs lnd Pmfcssio. Codc): Any Ciry or Count, shich rcqliE\ a tcdir b cun(rucr. .xu, inprovc. dcnrelish .r rcnut Jtry <br />srrucrurc. riorro irs tsulncc- !l$ requt \ rhc arplicrnr rdr su.h lErmir b fiL a siBk{ narcnrnr thal hc o, ch€ is lid,hcJ lu*umr r <br />Io lhc ,)mvnions or lhc ConlEctois Li.ersd Law (Cndttcr e. Comntnci'ls wirh s.ction 7(xx) of Divhion 3 oflhc lrusincss ond <br />Prolcssiotrs Code)or rhlr t(or shc kcrcdfl rhcefon.&l rhcba\is ror rhc.llct.ncxc'ryrirn. Any violllionol Ssri,n Ttill t hy trny <br />applicrnrturaFrnrir ihc appli.ddl ro a.ivilpcndltyornor mrcrhin livc hundrcddolloG ($500). <br />-1. <br />as owncrofrhc nrolEny. or my cmnln)es * h {!3.\ al rlrr sk ompfn{Lon, wrt do rh. *""," t* *.a* t. *, <br />inredeJ or ottcrcd lor slc (Sft.7o!,4. AusiBs nnd Prclcsions Codc Thc Contnckr's\e l,,e do.s..r amly ro.n uqrcrof <br />lhc pmpcny wh, huiids or iDrl,n'ks rlrEln. and ulb d(E srch u)rk him\clfo. h.nclfor rhmlCh iris ot hcr ow.cnPloy.c\. <br />tovidcd rh0r su.h impmEmnls aE mr inrcnd.n ff oaar.t ,or sh lt hotrcw, rhc hoildinS or imlmvcm is {'rd wirhitr o.c )lu <br />ol coqihrt,n. dc Ower Auiuci *ill h0!. 'tr huni.. or p Jving rhd tE or shc dil mt hoiu or iqrot lhc pDp.dy ror rrr N4B* ol <br />_l-!\ownerotrhcpopcnr.dmdrclu\ircly(ntacringwirhlic.n\cd..itrr.!ntocoonruclrhcrojc.l(S..7Or4, <br />.fi1 Phfdli Codcr ThcContacror'( Liccis. Low do4 mr.,rplyro rnorncr.lri{,p. ywho build.or im,rrorcs rhclmo- <br />s.d *ho conrructntr \u.h tniccB wnh , c(, s) liccnkd puhu4n rorhlConlrocroi\ l.i..n\c l-rw). <br />I rmcrc inr u drr S..ridr <br />( <br />Irr.(I.i-utMu <br />I hcrehy rllirm undcr ptnrlr!otI}.rloryonc ofrh. r(,1k,$nig d.clrrtrrtr \ <br />Ihivcondwill'mnnainrCcnirtolcoaC.n*nlroSelllnsulcnrworkcB conr!.nsdion. !s Pmvidcd f(rhrs..rion1700olrhc <br />tjtitr crxlc. ror rhc FJroiiMmc of rh. uoik for uhich rh. pcrmil is issued <br />_l havc alldsillnuinrrin *orkcn .onrFnsdrbn insurrn..,,a tuqutcdbySccrion.lT(x)ollhclihorConc.rorrhcFtr.rmrktot <br />rhc ,ork tor which rhis ponir ir il\u.d My wortdr' conlrns.rb. iNUn rc cmicr and policy nrhbd ml <br />lccnirrrhar rh. Fr,nrmrn.cofrh. qo* fo whi.hihh pcflni is nsucd- I fiull norcmploy anrrc*on in.try.rrifr{ <br />$ m to tE$nr subrrl ro lhc w()rls\' con{i.nslrion lnw\ofcditurnia, and r8cc rhd rrl thou}d hccorrc uhJccr h rlt <br />sorkcn conpcnslrion pmvisn,n\ofSecrion l7m ofrhc lrhr C(xlc.I rhlll.lonhqirh conPly wirh rh){ Pmltnnr.. <br />WARNINC: ltilurc lo surc *orker( .onqf,n\rrn,h (,v.rasc ir unlnNtul. nnd shall subi.{l m cmplortr b .rn$nnl FMhas md <br />(ivll filc\ W ri ,rc [trn,lr.,l rhotrsrnd,lollrrs i11(X).01r)r. i', {lJiri ] nr I r{a1Nrlkr,. ,rnrgc\ r\ t ri(lr'l li! rhr <br />Scction 3076 ol thc tiho. Codc. inrer.n od a ormy \ r.{s <br />DoLr Appliatrt: <br />D[CI.ABAII!'! <br />Ihcrcbyutfi nundcrrEnllry.fFrjuryrh0r I a\l xndcr pmvkion otChtrllq 9{conrtuncine wirh s€!ion ?000) otDilision.l <br />or rh. Busincs md Pml'csions C!dc, ond my licen{ is in tull roG ail .fic.I. <br />CONIIBITCIXINIENIIIG.AGENCI <br />I h.rcby am,n u.d.r Fndyorpcluryrhd rhs. h 0..n{dcrion lcndi,E asency ror rhc orrhc *ork for wiici rht Frn r i\ <br />nsucd (Scc.1007. Ci! C ) <br />AIIUIANLDECI,I8AIITN <br />I hodry aEin unds Fnllty of F.ju!, oN or rh. rollowing derd,! n .s: <br />D.mlition Permir$Ashcstos Norificariotr Fcncral Rc8ulort,ns (Tirlc 40, Pan6) <br />-Requtcd <br />Lerrcr ol fiorirurir <br />Iodifyrhnrrhcf.dcr lrc8ulirio.s rcE3rdins ishcn.s renFvrl arc norrpplicftlc k, rhillnrF.r <br />l.e(ilv rh.r I lne rcrdrhi\ iftli.xrn a nir. rhxr vc iDrarnhriotr is.oncd l rAreroconrplywirhall ciryr d (tu ty <br />onlrfrn.c\ rtr(lsr c L:rtr\ rc]!lir! r) builtli',9 aJd hcrcby axrhorizc rcpescnrn'ivcs ollhis Cny and C.unryt, ctrrct u,rin'h. <br />rbrvc n{Drnnrd FioFn! ntr nlt)ccr <br />,\rplir nl or \a$lsixn k'rt <br />""*U*,,.",rn.,,, P4If 4a- i4xwr(E€?*..,#!' <br />Vlu.t) <br />E.r4tt) <br />.</4(fr, <br />Canir <br />I (cn\c ( lr\s: Lnrf\r Ntrnrl{r <br />lhr( <br />L(Flci. Nrmc <br />tt