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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECOHD <br />SITE.WORK ID/SIG,COMMENTS <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenVlnsulation <br />Roof Sheathinq <br />Shear Wall <br />Z'a"+4lFraminq6/'l/t< 1)i1, <br />ln s u latio n/E nergy o 4 <br />Drywall 5t - fu.n on <br />Ext./lnt. Lath e1u <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Beq <br />Depuly Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL \/41tc b6^b <br />Certilicate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />(,WNER BUII,DER DEI,CARATION <br />I h.rcby llilrnr ui,ler l,..dlry or FrJUry rhd I r n rh. C.nk&rors Liccn* Lrw ror rhc lollowin8 rcmotr (Scc.70ll.5 <br />ausircss and Prorcsion Codc): Any Cilt or Counly which r.quncl r Fnnil ro cI,tr{rucl, alrer- inrprove. dcmohh or Nnrt 3n, <br />\rddurc. lrior lo ir1 nsu0mc. aho rcquncs rh. lprlicanr lor such lEnnir ro filc a \isnrn \raremor rhar hcor \hc n lic.n{d Nrsuanr <br />t, rhc Iln)vistm of rhc Conrrackr's l-iccnr.d l- w (Chrtrcr 9. ComnrNin! wnh Sc.lion ?0(D ol Divhion I oflhc Businc$ 0nd <br />Piorc\sidnCode) orthrr hLorshc is.xcmpr rhcrfromrnd thc brsis fdrhc illrScd crcnrttion. AnyviohtnrnotSsrbn?0ll tbyrny <br />lpDliranr r(. pcnnir {ubjccr.thc lrplicanllo rcivilicnihyolmr!m(lhrtr firc hundrcddolhrs(S5Ot,) <br />Lrs owncrorrhcF)p. y. or nr! ctrrloycc\ eilh w,!.\ n\ $lc .1,mpctr{rion, will do rhc Eork ..d lh. (nIl& n d <br />iinctrdcd or ofcrcd ror {lc ( Se.7t!4. Busirc$ ond Pmt$ions Codc: rhc C.nhdois Liccns ljw does nor llJ)ply b d ownd ot <br />rhc pmpcny who hild\ or imprnlcs rhcc,n- and who des sEh *o* hidscltor tf,rclfor rhtuuth hi\ or h.r osncmployccs. <br />provideil rhlr \uch impnrrctrEnt ue rbr irctoLd n oftLrqt fd $L ll howcvci rhc h)ildint or inDmrcm is $ld *irhin onc Jd <br />ofcotrpldion. ihc Owmr Buildcr willh rc thc tDdcn olpnrvinS rhirlfor\hc did rn build or i lrorc thc pmpcry aor rhc pn4n{ ol <br />-l <br />!n unncr Sccr <br />54-+Y <br />l2E!Lt3 -ll!)! <br />I hcrrhy rllirtrr!nn.r nctrrlryolt)crjry onr olrhc lall{)sin3 .lcchrrri,n,\ <br />-l <br />hrvc ord willnri, rirr(iniliculcoicotr*nln)Sclflnsurcli,sork.n conrcD\rrion. pn,vidcd fd hySc.rion lT00ofrhc <br />Ldt r Codc. for rhd pcrf.nnmcc ot rhL work lor which thc tBrnr is i\sucd. <br />I lEvc lnd *illmri'rrlin {orkcrs co rt tr\.ri{,n insursRc. rs rcqun d hyS..rion 17( ol thc hbor Codc. l'or rhc lcnnrmanceoirr. sorr' whchrtu.N'm r.iNd Mvu,tr\ai,omFn\Jn.r'n.uxn,.,rtrrrrlrlrylumnruc' <br />cJm.r fun"4- <br />-7.O <br />l..nifyrhat in rhc n lforrorc olthc work ior which this !.nnir n nsucd. I \h.ll trol cmplo, !.y pcron in rny heftr <br />w !slob(o'rc suhjsl lo lhc sorkcr( comtcNar ion lawsofcrlifonrio- !M,!re rhar irl \tx,!ld h.onr {ubj..r Io rh. <br />trortcr..nrFn\{tn,npolisionsofSccrn'n.17(xroflhcljtnrCodc.l\lDll-lifhwirhconplt*irhrhos|)fovisbns. <br />IVARNINC: Failur tJ $cur *or*ds cotrrpctrsrliun ..!c.l!. i\ u.llwtuI. aln] lhrll suhjcct ar cnrDloycr ro sin,iDrl lcidric\ r d <br />.ivil 6n.\ rf t, onc hundrcd ihousrkl dolln^ ( ir .ddfiotr I rhc.on.lconrpcnsrrn,n. d!rogB as tturidcd for rh. <br />ull], &lullr <br />I hctobyrintrrund..l.nslrtol p.r.Juryrhnr I rh{d utrdd provnir olCh 9 (connmncin8 wiih Sccri'n 7(XX)) ofDnni(,n I <br />of lhc lnrirc* rM ttolcr{ions C.rlc, od nry liccnsc n in iull n,.c el cllicr <br />-l 3 <br />I hcmhy rlfinnon{lcr lJc.nlry olFrrrr rhd rhcrc k a coniru.riotr l,jtrdir8 r8cn.y lor lhc pcrlomuncc ol thc work fd *hirh rhi\ Nanil is <br />i\sud tsrc .ll)97, Civ C ) <br />lrnJc' \N'trr <br />- <br />t ndcls Addrcss: <br />- <br />ATII,IIANLIETIABAIION <br />I lEEhy lltim rndcr pcnrlry ofpclury onc olthc follosint dc.lrarion\i <br />D.',olili,,n Pcrmil\ AslEdos Norificarion Fcdcrrl R.3rlari(,n\ ('tirlc ts). Pan6) <br />Rcuun l! s of Norifrdion-,7y'cd'ly rhir 'h. lc' rcEul0rnn\ rcssdrn8 o.bcan. rctrn\r'arc nor lnrl'crhlc r" rh\ |n'jr I <br />ll ccnrfr rhrrlha\crc rhF anrlrcar nn dnd ndc rhd rhe obvc nrlbrmr ion n.oNr l alre lo snDly wnh 0U Cny lnd Connly <br />ordinnrccs nnd Srrtc tiws rchring ro buildin-s consrtucrion. !.d hcEhyrurhoirc rera*nrariv.s otrhis cny.nd Coutrry to cntcr upon rhc <br />rholc trr ri.tudpn)pdtror iisp.dn r <br />,\ppliLnnt or .{qrnl SisnHturt <br />J"ql."W f:14 <br />DATE <br />-1. <br />uso*ncrofrhc prcrcny. rm cxclusivclyconra.rins wirh liccnscd conrru.ron ro.onntud rhc pn,rc.r (sm. 70,14, Burimss <br />rd Prilssi)nCodc:ThcCo.trcroi\Li..ns.l-a$d.c\.orrptlyrornuwbcrofptup.ny*hobuildsori t'rorc{ l[.rcon. <br />0nd who conrnrk tu such l)mjccls wilh aConrBcronI liccrrcd pu(unnl ro lhc Conllrlor's l,iccnr Ir*) <br /><?LlzlPz< c-n*"''