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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNDN AUIDER DET,CABATTON <br />I hcrcby rfllrm undcr pcnahy ol pcrjury rhur t m crcn{,r fro'n rhe Cont,.ro^ Liccn* bw fo! llE follo*ins eN)n (se 70.ll 5 <br />Busincs and ltofc$ion Cod.): Any Ciry or Counry *hich r.qnncs a tr.mir to con(rucr. llrcr, ioprovc. dcmlish or rcpan any <br />ndcluc. ritr ,{, irs i\\!r@. ,l$ rcqutcs thc rprlica for such Fiinil h nh ! siBtud dncmnr rh,t hc or sh. k li.etrrcd puNurni <br />ro rhc pmvnions of rhc Co ractois l-icc.{d law (Chaprcr 9. Conncn.lng wirh Scclion ?000 ol Divhi,n.l orrhc Bu\inc$ and <br />ProfcsionsCodc)orrhat hcorshe isexcdpr rh.rcrrondnd rh.t{sir ror rhc alLScd crc'nptin Anyli.lntion.fsccriotrT0ll.5l,yany <br />omliconr for a t rmir suhjdB rh. iptlicanl to a civil F.altr ol ml frm lhatr file hundred dou' (S5{x)) <br />l.asowcrolrlrnrorcnv.ornrycnrn,yc.\*irh*\lh.irv,\nlinr.willdolhcForkudlhcnmrurui\frn <br />inrc cd or oficrcd ttr qL l So 704,1. Aunmss rnd Codc: l hc Conrrlcl{r'\\c kw doc\ n.r aml, h !tr .s'rr nl <br />lhc tmrrcny Nho builds or ifin orcs ihcrn. d$hodessuch*r)rlhim{lrorh.rsclf.rthft)rghhi\orhcro+ncntrn,yers. <br />,n,rid.drhrrsd.himpn)vc'mtrrsmfrrLcnd.doro(.y.dluslrllhd$c\!r.rhcii,iliirAori'noft,vcnrnri\q,ldwirhnr.ncrn <br />olconUtri{,n- rhc Owm! Iluiklcr wilLhak rlk burdc. offn,vii8 ihar lf or shc dil nor ttrikl or iq)mvc rhc nn,tcny ror rtr PUqx,$of <br />l. xsowmr ofrhr pml,.ny. rdcrclu\Ncl, contm.lins {irh liccnscd conrrrkml. con\ltocr rhc tn'rNt (Sc..7U11, Au\im\r <br />ond }\nlBrirD Codc: 'I hc Conlracrols L,iccisc l-aB docr norrpplyro unowncr of otlcn y wh. bulld\ or imfro\ti rhfi.otr. <br />a.d who .unk .hfor such lrojcchwnh0 conrncron 9 ltctrsd purluanr \ Li.cnsc Law). <br />I lmc$md u.dq Serion . B & PC r.r rhs rc0scn <br />Dlle Oener: <br />woRr(r'es' ()[!PgNsliroN <br />I2ECLIBAIIa! <br />I hcdb, nfln undd r.n,hyofpcrjuryonc oflhc followins dccltrr.lion\: <br />Ihrvc ld will minrrin a Ccniiicrtc ol Conscnr h Sclf.nsurc hr aorkcN conpu\rriotr. ,s lnrvid.d lor hy S(li,,n :17{X) .f rh. <br />tf,bor Codc. ao, rhc r.rfonn tuof rh. sork lor*hich rhc p.anir is is{cd <br />-l <br />htrr otrd sillm.intoi. *.Ikc6 c.mprnsnn,n in\urrncd. a\ rcquiftdbyScclionll00oath.lihorC.dc,ibrrhcpcrlonmmcol <br />rhc work n, whichthis pennii i\ nskd Myworkr^ co rpcd\ nnr insurancccmicr r p.licy nums.rdc <br />Policy Nunrbcr:-Erp <br />I ccnilyinar nr rhcr.rfohBRcofrhe work for shich rhk Firnil is i\$cd.l shalltror cDPloyrtr! l[rso! in lny manncr <br />s' sroh$om{h]cdr(,rh.scrlc Lannpcnsrnrn hwsor( rlir,nni.. md l8ncrh0r ifIshould h.c t $br.trbrhc <br />workc.s onDcnsrrion trovi{i,,ns ofSc.ri(,n lT(x)ofrhc tih.r cldc.l sturll.lonhsirh con,!ly oirhrho$ fiovilions <br />WARNING: Frilurc ro $curc woikcr'onrltnn ion covcrnsc is urh*rul strd \hdrl ubiccr 0tr cfldoltt t, omin.l Fnnhics rnd <br />.i!il finc\ up kr om hundrcd rhous0nd dollan (Sltx).000). in uddirion r. rhd co{ orcomPcnsotiotr. domaEcs u\ lmridcd ror rhc <br />SNrbn.1076 of$. tjh, Colc. i.tcrcsrond afiorrcr\,tcs <br />IICENSED.CONISACIQf, <br />DECI,ASAIION <br />I h.reby {lfirm xnd.r p.nNlty of p.rjury I hat I n liensn undcr I,DlnionofChaptd 9 (smmNin8 wilh Sarion 70Oo) olDivision l <br />of the Busircs\ aftd Pro{c$ionr C.d., rd my lrcnsc is in tull for( .xl cft(|. <br />l,icenrc Numh.ri <br />AI2LICANLDEII.AM:UA! <br />I h@by armr lnds pemlly oi pcrjnry onc of rhc rollowine d(Lral ions: <br />D.mlilir. Pdmirs-Asb.{os Notincation Fcdcral Rrsllrions ll nt 40. Pd6) <br />Rcqn ind lltr.. of NdifHtion <br />I ccnilylhrr nr td.rrlrcsrLrn,i\ rcSnil S n\ltro! 'r tr,vrlrt. n.r q'l,li.rhl. ()rhn n()r!.1 <br />-l <br />ccrr i{y rhor l havc had rhis amli. ion rntl sdt. lhal th. 0}[vc infornulion is .o@r l ,sie ro co rdy wilh all Ciry a.d C.uily <br />ordinames and srlre Liw\ Ebri.g lo buidinS .onstru.iion. uLl hcrchy aurhoizc rctretunuriv.s ofrhn cilymd colnryxr.n'.r ug'n tlr <br />oliolc mnrioncd prepeny for inspccr ion nu 4sss <br />Applicant or Asenl Sknnlurc: <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Bonding / Groundinq / UFER 1\vo\r*/4,/41 tl/ <br />Transformers <br />Torqueino <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouqh <br />Ceilinqs (T-Bar Rouqh)I <br />lVeter Release 1\qg ,t-t-a'/t tic) <br />Rough <br />Service lvleter <br />FINAL -1Ur\(9 /,u4.fl,) <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />COISIBICUAN!ENDINS.AGENCI <br />, hcrchylmrnundcr lEnuhyoarcdlryrh (h@ h n cdnnftrion lcnding a8cmy lor llE pc,fomr. or rhc *or* lor which rlis lEdir n <br />hsu.d (Se. l{1s7. Civ. C.) <br />tind.r'( Nim: _ <br />t ndn s Addrcs: <br />: <br />I <br />tt <br />.------r------