<br />I hs.t, rftui ufttd p.n.h! ol Fju,r_ rlu I m .rcmF 6.m !h. Conh.cloE l.icoM ks for rtu follo*in8 ra$n (st ?o r I 5
<br />aBin< rd Prcf{ion Cod.} Any ( ir, or Counr} $hkfi r.qunB . F.i to o'rrtud. .nd. in{ioG d,mli or EFn mt
<br />,Ndu.. Fir ro tl is!e., .k r.qun6 rh. q?lrDr tor tlch Fin ro firc . rlen d 3rd.ffir tld h. or sfic i! licds.d pmui,
<br />r. rhc r.lnts ofrh. Conlr&iof. Lic..!.d t,w lch,prd 9. Comn*in8 \rnh Sdhi 7l)OO ot Diviion I of rh. B6in6 ini
<br />Prof.sios (-o&, or rld h. n slE E dml, rlE.tson rnd rh. trt tu rh. ilLg.d ctdnl,rDi. An) \ Fldsn of sdiln ?Ol L by ..rl
<br />.pplicml for ! ,.mir slbjcll lhc ryplicrir ro . civil p..ahy oa rcl nu. rhr fi1 . hu.dr.rl doll6 ($500)
<br />L s o*nn of rh. FbFny, or my.mtlor6 with *!s6 s lh.n $L 6mFa.lior. will & th. "dt.,t tlE (rule i ml
<br />i dxldl or ofiqd fo. sk tsc 7(xa, Bdi6 sd P,.l*n6 ( 6d.: nE ( oddm ] LtoE l,* d6 ml +rly ro o o\ G of
<br />ih. F.F, wt hril& d insD\€ sa !d sfio dE scn tr\,i h'm3.lr.r h*llor rhmo8h hi! or hd oM dploy6,
<br />Fovid.d rh.r ruch ihFovqEfiebli drLd nofrat fllrxL.lf, h6u.llE hl jrry tr ilgs6cr n5ld sihh om )aofcflrildia E O..c l,'iilda *'ill h.\r tk hrds! oa FsrilB $.r & o, lrE dd ml hoild or 8p..\! fi. FlFry 6r rlt Fryo.. ot
<br />t. d .$nd ofrh. FoFlr, m .r.![i!.l, conkr.rins *irn li.asd coln6c1ots ro co.etu.l lhc ,6j<r (sd 7044, &!ird
<br />.,vl Etrisii Cod.r Tt Conrrrrn'. Lk(@ lr* dE mr rrply r. & osnd of FoFnr who tril(h or hpro\6 Odon.
<br />dd nno sffitl. for $.h FtrFB w h. (nddo(!)liEr.d IlIl!6 nr rh.( od..cloi3l,i.ce lrw).
<br />ld.rorF un&srrN.
<br />Drr. oi.d
<br />lronl(ERt. coMPfNs^i()N
<br />I h6.t^ .mm u.rl6 tlmx) .f Fjory om or rh. folh$ ing dELr.rF6:
<br />Ih.v.idtr'lltui .i.6 (.nifki. df (-oen! !o s.lf-ler. fd \nrl6 $'nFs$n. s Foli{tsl tu b sdh. r7m ol$.
<br />I ibor ( od.. tu rh. Fa(mDcc or rh. $olr lor *hi.h rh. pahir a irn'.d.
<br />X r ru, t rna *,tr nnn6; * ort6' conFMFn iEur.ft., 6 r.q!u.d by S€rio. 1700 or lhc I th.r ( od.. ror rh. FromR. or
<br />rh. $orl lor$nichrhi! Fmit i! i1$.d My world comrEMio. iBurec. (,ru rd p.hr_ nuntE a.
<br />(.-i. €fiA19 cor4oEL{sATloL{ Pt{Q
<br />,.l,on,.o. qz q b ?r\ ll a ,..n',*, 3 /:l 1 t-:t9
<br />I cdri& rhd n lh. Ffol]rl'G 6linc w.rt for *hi.h lha Fnn . suai, I sh.ll ml 6ploy uy pcv'n iI uy mu6
<br />$ a r. lE<oN rubld ro th. worl6 compdliion laq. ofcllifomia !.d larc thll rt I lhould lE om. .otiel ro tll
<br />$.rt6.omFNihnFlrtoBotsalion1700ofth.l.torCo&,Itnlttdhtrnhshd)*ihrlD.Fp\irhB.I
<br />waR lNCr lelu. o s@ trdtd conpdsdirtr (\drs. . u.lr$ful. xd !tull sut d d oploF lo miEl Fdb !n
<br />cnil 6n6 up l. onc h!n&.d rhoudd doud (1100.0ff). in .dd'rio. ro rh. .or olcomr.Nlion, d!,EsB a pro\id.<! lor lh.
<br />sarion !076 0f rlE l,tfl cod.- dqd ud dr()6-3 fc
<br />o,,., t7-/tt /r1
<br />L-*! Im und.r Fn lt, otFjurr llld I lils.d undcr tr.risF.oach.pl6 e (@in@ins nnh sal
<br />of rfic llusn* &d,'ofdions ftd.. dd my li.e ir in lull lnrcc.nd.ifd
<br />ri.eNc..,as I
<br />,)s,, \2- /r\ / tq
<br />q1V ooo
<br />Olppl c'\5't$1
<br />^IEI(IALIECIAXAII9!I lEdv rlIm un& Ddrlry of pqiury oE of lrE aolh* ins dc.lIlrE
<br />D.mohion Pmirr-Art6lor Nolilic.rbn Fcdsll R.suldioB t rnt l0. Prm6)
<br />Rftl'.d l.dr.rof Norill(dNn
<br />I .dr6 rhd rhG lalcnl r+uLtnN qddrns dfi€los mo\ild. n.t arphc.blc lc lhs pmJd
<br />Xl (d'lt rhd I h.!.161'hs lrrlrd Fr Erd ndc rh!! rh. !h.!. 'nfoFuiion i! cotrrr I.arcro(mdyw h.ll(itysnd(ou ,
<br />rdiun(6 od Srd. I .q r El, i,u r. buldrs consd 'otr .nd h6.hr .urhrn. E r.sdn6 of thn ('ny !n Counl) ro 6n6 won rlE
<br />.bo\c nEhn<d FoFny tu iBrEdirn
<br />Appll..nl or,\Edl Sign.lu
<br />fZ,/1 I 9t<t*1
<br />rZ/rt/ t1
<br />Site-Work
<br />Underground
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Light Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Fountains
<br />Signs (monument)
<br />Life Safety /Low Voltage
<br />Fire Alarm / Dampers
<br />Communications Cable
<br />Building
<br />Under Slab / Floor A
<br />Bonding / Groundino / UFER l-Z-7zl uil1ll
<br />Transformers
<br />Torqueing a\
<br />Sub-Panels -7-9U \-N-Ltd
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Roof Top Equipment
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rough)
<br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouqh
<br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouoh)
<br />Meler Release
<br />Rough
<br />Service Meter 1
<br />FINAL -7*74 ,},VJ.Iil
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc
<br />MQr_! 'tuhd{U./6 /dJs r)L.
<br />DATE
<br />Ih6.$y.frmunddFnhro|Fjwlhr$q.arododn bdis ,sct for th. Fforljl*. of rh. trlrt lor strh lhE Fin t
<br />autn (s( 1097, ( i! c.).
<br />I od.'r N.m(