<br />'UILDEX
<br />DEI-C I ON
<br />I hcrtr.IrrD {ida F.iy of Firy Od I o scnl tuE rt Coiltr-t6 Li(!E l& &r tlE folb*ir luo (S4 rollj
<br />&rir rn Proi.i, Cod.l: rr., Ciy d Cdny *tin ,.qtti6 . FDi lo co nt r. .f6, ilElrq &Dlit d ry.n iv
<br />rr*rsq Fir to i.,!$ri6 t rylirr tu BltFrn b 6L..ittd r.aid lhr Eqi!. i liGr.d Fr!!l
<br />ro rh. olrt C rsi6 r Licld.d L.w (OrFd 9, CoMbS vin S*rbn ?0O of Divirb! ! of E Edi6 ed
<br />Pmftsb6 co&) d tr lE d rlE i' .roqr $6dtom id rlE for llt .ILtcd d6plbn. tuy viobi,t of sdbi 70tl.J bv E,
<br />rpplicer for. F ni ubjdr rlr lpplicdr ro..ivilFn t, of ml @rc $e nv. hnd &116 (3t00).
<br />l. E ouc of tl.! FlFlr. ( m, dr?lotE pilh fi36 6op@rio.. wil.h 0Esq! dn dE rndE L tul
<br />irdi.d d otuld t{ d. (Sc ?044. &!ii6 &d Pt!ftlbd co&r TIE com-ld t tic lry !h- @l ryl, lo - o$E of
<br />l,EFbFi, *lb hitl d nlTriā¬ d'dd\ .d *io .h. rd! wn finelfd hd.df or lEDtah hn r hd oE ol!Pby!..
<br />F!!it d lh. lrt i'{.!\EEt t Ei had.d dofit d l* -t lt tow, d! hrirel c irglgEr --ld*thhcrd
<br />ofoqki{r lt. ol.c &ild6 sil hE lll htd.! orFsit ll: lE 6 it did lEl hild d aryG nE FrFt, h tlE F,IE of
<br />l- I o\ k nf rh. lnordn. m .r(lusir.l\ .ontad 'nr s h l'.6t*d (.dr&tn! t, c.nnnN rlE ltrr.d (56 7Drl. &arn6r
<br />in,l hlfesnn (,n1. Ih.(,)nt.((tr'sLi..ns.Inr,1,<..1lpFl!r,.no{ndoln..lEr\\hohuildr.ri pr.r6rlFdrn,
<br />rnd (ho contdrntr qrrhrorars\irh i( ohiii(llr)l(dqJ puFwr (,rhc(innr.dor s l,i.os.l5\rl
<br />I m.\.mpl un.Lr sdion
<br />$ r 'rtl\r x\ ( ()\rr'l \\ \ lro\
<br />I'tr|\k\ \
<br />.-l bE !d $ill rilllrh. Cdriftd. of CorEt ro S.l te.fri$sta oE9. rbtr. FviLd for b,Sclior 17006hlE
<br />L.!or cod.. fu rh. FfqllE. of t slt br eti.t lh. Fcsir h !$.d.
<br />!h.\f'llnr$[(hrlNtE I r{trsn.\l N!\\.,l.d\!.rriiN,ir{ilsur3nr..ri,'r'inntIrn'.\ rtrrlu a'.
<br />I .Erify rhn h rh. Ffolrt*c olrlE wort t6 ehki liir Fni i. is!.d. I nrll sl qtl9t y .iy F$! h lry ttltE
<br />- E ro itirl lo $c $*a'ortdErbi Ls of CdiloEi ed.eE lhr if I tioold b<o$ $UFt to llt
<br />hlt6 6np6!.rio. Fovirhd of Scti,n ITOO olth. Co&, I fill. 6nh*nh .6d, enh llE PrlvbioN
<br />\r!1r!r lrrr,,r1r( L'rrr t ,,J.. n u.n rtrJ Jlr!no I nr1
<br />r r( rrisEl ('oNTLacToR
<br />I h@by !,Im uido F lt,olFjuylh,I m kasl und.t Fttion.f Chipd e lomffiin8 $nh S.tlirn 7u)0) 'r t)ir iri" 1
<br />of rh. BuJin* ard Phfd'oB Cod., rd m, lic.* n in full forcc a'd.rdl
<br />lllIiIAKIlAI1IElOlI[G-&Ctl.!(I
<br />I h(.h) n,Im tral( rEBlr) of Fiuh_rhd rtdci.connndiln k lme naac\ (r rh( FronrB.. .f rn. *o 6r nhkhthnFnrir k
<br />iriu.d (sa :l(!)7. ( i! ( l
<br />l..n,l6t Nam.
<br />l.dn6 s AddrBi
<br />I h.dr rnm uL!.. F l( ., Fjrrr orc of lhc foln\r ns d<lnd irns
<br />I).tmlirion lmtrirr'ArtErol Noticdon F.d.i.l R.*uldLtm ( | i'k {0, Pd6}
<br />R.nun.rl l-drd.f I\dfdnn
<br />I cdliry rlli 0E [id..l Eru].rbB ttidi.s atdo! rm\.I e mi to rii! F!
<br />l.difilharlh.vcr.{dlh$dnlicarionandsr.l.thntrhcih\.iriomliidnLs(nrdl lrytlocodtlt$nh.ll(n\nnd(o nr!
<br />odinnncB and srdrc l.s\r ElariiF lr) buildi.s .onsrtudi,,n. Md hs.6).urhoritc lclr6dlfln d ofthis ('ily rnd (\ruirv h drd uNn tn
<br />6hr\. Imlion<n l]rIFlr n! ftlFliof, pu4rs
<br />,\lltl'.anr .i ,\!d S'Inrtuc
<br />Appliances
<br />Metal Fire Place
<br />Evaporative Cooler
<br />Furnace
<br />Compressor
<br />Misc. Equipment
<br />Duct Work
<br />Pre-lnsulation
<br />lnsulation
<br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled
<br />Rough Ductwork
<br />Vents
<br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer
<br />Residential Ran e
<br />Other
<br />Hood
<br />Type I Hood
<br />Type ll Hood
<br />Grease Duct
<br />Fire Damper
<br />Openings
<br />lnstallation
<br />F.D. Drop Tesl
<br />Above Hard Lid
<br />Above T-Bar
<br />Rough Mech.
<br />Final Test
<br />Meter Release
<br />FINAL // )/t"Ftf4./
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. '
<br />.ll .h l'( itn rhN rcx!.n
<br />lrri.: \t,t)rnxnr