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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS O\T'NER BUII,DER DIiLT-AR,{NON <br />t hd.t^ .ftrm !n& Dauly of rENry lnd I d clm,l nln ll! ( onr&r6' Li..R lzw for rh. folb*ins r@. (sc ?Irl I 5 <br />Bu'n$ .d ltotBhn Co<!, A.) CnI or Cod, shrh r.qur6 ! Fhn to ordocl .116. @anr.. dlntl5t o! EFn ,! <br />ntuds.. Fi, ro irs isu*.. .rio r.+16 lh. .rplicul for ru(h F nn lo 6L , 3isftd (a.l6r rhd lE or slE i! lic.trd t(ed <br />ro rhc rr.vnrcN of rtE Co.rrldoa! l.rdLd lr* (Ch.ric 9, ('omm.mi.g *irh S.dion 71x[ of l)ivEion :r ofth. BurinB md <br />P6f*nrN Cod.) or rh h. or !h. n .r.mfl thd.ftom sd rh. hBi! for thc dh.d .\nnni. An, vnhlion of Scdb. 701I 5 tn lny <br />6rl,licr( nr a pomit subjdt! thc .{,Flic$l to s cilil p.nsllt o I not mor. lhd nv€ hun&.d dollet { 1500). <br />l. a osF olrhc FnFry. o, ny dployB sith *rg6 ! $k snFrsrbr $'ill & ll, *{rl rn 0r sh.1@ ! br <br />i drt.n o.ordld f sL (Sc.704r. Bui,E ed Eol6b6 Co<L TlE Cofirrd r tidE trs d.6.d 4Pt,lo e orE.l <br />rtc F Ery rlF Uikb s in .ot6 rhdd &n wh .bd Etr $.rr hil*lf .r h*lf or tlmtgrr hit lE os qrph,6. <br />rro\ ilGl llul sh imForuEr! c 'd indrLd or otu htr sl lL rF{&. rh tuibtB d nF\aid it $ld *il'e m rr <br />of.onpkia rlE o$E BuiBE riu LE rlE hnh ofFrEB rl. lE q ,. dii rDl hlld d 6pr.\r ln. FlFiy 6r tlt FlFa of <br />l. er osnd ol th. F!p6iy. dn conlrad ms $ h licd!.d coil,..!o6 b oitod rh. Iroict (S( 704d, BtBi6! <br />sd tbi:{rm Cod. Th. Conta.ror'r l-ic.N. Law dod .or .rFlt m u ou'nd oi pro[En y sno hlildr or inProv.s lh6&rn. <br />rnd who contBds aor such I,ojd! e irh . Conrncto(sl licmr.d ,udrNtl ro rh. (nd4ddir Ir$) <br />I !n.\mfl lnds Sarion <br />Drre (}116, <br />\loRl(fRs ( otlPftsa rtoi <br />D}:(l.^BAtIot <br />I hd.h) am.n und6 FralryofFrui on. ofrh. follo( '.! ddl it(ns <br />I hsv€ ed \vill mainrain . of Co.6t ro s.lf l6ue n'r work6s- .$npa.ilion, s Imvidd lor by Selion u00 ol rhc <br />L.bor (-o'1., aor <br />'h. <br />pafommc o f lhc slrl foi rtich lhc p6rni n isu.d <br />I l,rrc rnd *ill tuiarin srta conFE.rna n!lllu.. u EitoiEd bt SErion 1700 olln, Co<b. for th Ffl,tlec of <br />rh. *o rd *trh rh! Fhir ! sd M) mrrd otupdrFn culre (Tb ri Flr, tunhq e <br />ce! eBQf <br />l.cnifyrhrl lor *hich rhFp<rn,n 'i Esu.d,l shallnoi nnplor.nrF$n inanymenq <br />e, N k, tEcom. sub'itrr ro rhc *ortdr' .omFrd ion l,ws ol clhfomi.. .nd +G Ihal if I 3hould b(om. ubjdt ro rh. <br />tr orlF' s'nFsxo. pNvirioN of sNtion r7m of rh. l.trr (ixL, I JEU. aonhn nh ompl) unh lh* provnioN <br />$aRNlNO FliluE ro sE tr11rt6'smFut.o. ord.c. r uolrqtuL dxl rhll $bd & drloF lo qiD l FtI6 rd <br />c^il fb6 up ro oE hulxL.n rhored &llr! (1100.0m1, <br />'n .ddnan ro rh. (or of .orp.Mion. dr g6 a Fod.d r llE <br />Sdi'n t076 of th. Lltor Cqt- Els.d .trd dtonly i fG <br />I h@hy rmm undE paahy of !6juy th.l I m licss.d utdd Ftrv6ioa olcn lrd 9 (comn*ins *nh sclbn ?000) of Division l <br />ol rh. Acins ud PDaB6N codc. ad nr li.@ b in foll fore rn dld. <br />Itr.n\.(ln(s B*"0/q/)ntq <br />10t/x) <br />, ^,-,., Vleran &t/,ttr> Q.r<v/ <br />CONSTRU(:'IION I FNNING ACENCT <br />I hftb, illinD u.d.r F y o f psjury lhsl lls. is a codruclbn Lndins asdcy aor rh. Frfomm.. oath. "orl tor which lhit Fhil b <br />isu.r!(s( ! c.) <br />l.ndd . Ntu: <br />- <br />t .da . Adtd: <br />aftlt(aN]:[l(lt8allo! <br />I hgdr.ltm undd FlallyofFjury on.oItlE 6lh$irB &rLrllioNr ',, <br />D.mnl'!x,.ltmtr( Astsror Norifirddn lcd6.l R.guldrinr (, PM6) <br />Rqun.d t!r6 of Notificali'n <br />I corri rhc rh. t d.ral csuLrFB..a&diq ab6lo! morrl r. fr .firlkrblc ro rfi ir pNF <br />| zJl cd,[ 'h, I h6. ud !t. lpdxdFn.n r!!c rhn rE rbov. inforh.n. b.old I .ara ro onply Eih. cnydd coud] <br />.nl'.rn(6rnJ\s r.brnr ro hnld'n!b( ,i h.r.t') .dlFD. r.F6drn 6 ot tti! ( nr drd Coudy ro dtd ,4.h lrt <br />athr. mrio..n rrcFny fo. iBF(lnn <br />,\pplicitrl orAg0rl Sign r.e <br />It, <br />tLlqlNiq <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />IRoush t lz / zo P,/'-{t /6/'/ <br />Service Meter/ /7/ <br />FINAL A)l blTo'YO F ,L,{0/ uq <br />Notes, Remalks,lEtc <br />",,,, tqglMg