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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOH HECORD <br />APPROVALS ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Salety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Bonding / Groundinq / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueino <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Rool Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouoh <br />Ce ilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />Rou gh <br />Service lvleter ,/1 ?\ <br />FINAL lnhttlV\"Nry' <br />k({-'k I <br />Notes, Remarks EIC. <br />6-L _t{ <br />OWNER BU!LDER DELCAR TION <br />I hcrch, dllim hncr penalry ol pcrjury th0r I an crcmpr from th. Conrracro6 Liccnrc ti* fo. th. a.lloqir8 rcasn {S.c7011.5 <br />au\incs\ atul P(r'c$ion C.d.): Any Ciry or Couory whi.h rcquirus u pcrnir t, con{ru.r. nlr.r. infrove. d.rmlish or mr)an My <br />srtu turc. prior ro ils i\sunftc. rlso Equncs (hc.ptlic,nr ro, such,rmfi ro 6lc 0 sieftd slalcmnl rhal lf, or she is liccnscd <br />b rhe pR,visbns or d€ Coir,acrqi l"ienscd ljw (Chalrcr 9, G,mmencinB wirh sccrioi 7(Xx) or Division ] .rrhc Busincs rnd <br />Pn,fcssons Codc)orrhat lEorsh. h cx.trrfl lhcrcrrunMd rhc basil ior rh. alLlcd .x.mprion. AnyvidalionotScclion 7011.5 byany <br />lppli.ant lor.Frmir subiL.lsrhc rtplicant ro a.rvilp.naky.rnor fr,c thln rirc hundrcd doll06 ( C500). <br />,M*owicr of rhc pDlicny. nr.ry cntll{,J,e\ wirh sngc\ rs thcn $b compcisarion, silldo rh. *mk r*l lh. {mrr. ( mr <br />or off.rud for eh I Se 7O,1,{, atrsim\s Md Profc$ions Crxtc 'l h. Cont..tof s Liccnc L.* docs nor lpply ro on oumt .i <br />rhc ImFny *ho liilds or ir{reks rhemtr dd who do6 such $nrk hi'nsclf o' hcmclf or rhruu8h hk or hd o*tr cmoloyccs. <br />nmvidcdlhor su.h impruvc'rcnh@mr inlcndcd orolttrct fo.$h ll. houcrci rhchiHinsor iqmveftm is$kl{i(hinoft }tr <br />or corq'lcli,n. lnc o*trcr Buildcr will htrK <br />'tE <br />hurdcn of rmvin! lhd ft or shc dil mr buitl or inpmvc 6c FmFny ior rh. puqnc of <br />-1. <br />trsowmr ofrhc pmpcny. !ncrclusivclyconrrodi.A Firh liccnkd conrNronro consrrucr Ihc rrolcr (Scc. ?04,r, Burncrs <br />ud PFf6\ionCod.:TheConrruc'olsl,iccnscl,awdosrtrorlpnlyro0no*ncrorpropc ywh{, boilds .r ihprov.s rhcico., <br />lnd sho a,nrn rs r.r such p$icls qilh . Con' $) liccn{d pursuanrbrheCanroctoisLicensc tiw). <br />I hcr.hynrlir rutr{|., r xlryof tf,rrtrrv.icolrl[ lnllNi"g (1..h'nrn) <br />I n vc ,ni will minrrir d Ccnirtr.ic of Consnr h S.lalntue fd sorkcH ..m!cns0r ion. $ Fmvdcd lor hy S€l ion l 7($ of rhe <br />Itrhor C.dc. for lhe lcrfor.sftc of rhc w.rk t.r whin lhc ,.rn1n i\ nrxcd. <br />lhlr rnJ sillnninlri', workcr! comrcns3rion i'Nurancc- a\ rcquncd byScdbn.lT0Oolrhc t]b.rCod.. lnrrhc pril.rnln!.c.1 <br />rl* sork l,r *hichthi\ pcnnn i\ is$dd Myqo c .onln.nllrion in\urno cDrid dllricy trtrnlbcr rml <br />tuL'i,, * -",__ ",". "**\n o\ t' hcc,nrx luh]ccr h, rhc s,ilcr mrnncnslion <br />-ErPircs <br />uorkcr .onDcnsarn'n pft)visi.ns oiScdion lTsrol <br />hi.h rht F.rmir i nsucd.l shallNr cmployrnyp.rcn hany nrrnn.r <br />lass olCrlifonrir. lnd uruc thal if I shoul(l bc.onE \ub,&r k,rtu <br />rlE tahor (.odc.l shJl. hnhwilh conrply unh lhos lrovhior\ <br />WARNIN(; Frilurc ro {.urc $o c.\ corp.n\dri( c.k.rtc i\ nnxslnl \hrll{,hi(i r', c oy.r t, dnnirl <br />.ivil lin.\ uI b onc hu rcd rhou\r dolhn (SIlXl.lXl)). in t, rhc coi of..mfrtr\di0n. d <br />::::'ltli4K <br />I hcrcby amnnutucr Icnlhy ol r.rjury lhol I am licnsn undcr povtion ol Choprs 9lo'nmmnrs wirh Scdion 7(ro) ofDivi\n,n.l <br />.l lhc Busincs and Pftrfcsiorr Codc. trd my is in lull fore uld <br />Licensc Nhhcr <br />Corl...1or: <br />CQN$IAI]CIIQNIINDINC.AIiENCI <br />I hcrcl,y aafi,mundcr pcndr) olFrjuryrhar lhcrc h ! consrDcrt)n kndins ascncy tx rhc rdrortuicc or$. work ror whi.h this l*nnn is <br />i$ucd (Scc 3097, Civ. C.) <br />ArfLrc NfDE!l,l8d.Ia! <br />I hnby,llm u.dcr pcnrlry orpcrjuryonc olfic lolloNing dccldariotrs: <br />rlcnFlition Pcnnils Astrsros Norifirsri.n F.dcrnl Rcsulnri.n\(-lirlc 40, PdO <br />-Rcquncd <br />lllrcr oa Nolifi cnrion <br />-l.crriiyrhar <br />rhc fcdcn'lrcgulurions rcgnlin8 $hcsro\ rcnFral!rc nor +plic$lr r, rhi\ prt,ilr <br />Mlkl**'lu;:'-tli"?*ffi l,,tt;i:rcthll thc x'vci bnn.tion i\comd Ilgret,..mj,ly <br />ioo.,rl hcrcby.urh.riz. r.Itr r.nh'ncs ol rhn Ciry <br />tr)k tr,rtrr(nrd I'o|.nr- ntr id\tc.ri(nr f trrr\r\ <br />aPPti0nl o. sisnartrrc Nla <br />lod Cormy ro .nr.r u[x)n rh. <br />+l$Jte <br />I <br />W <br />DATE <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />I aJr''. <br />^JJr <br />{ <br />---r------ <br />f-- <br />I