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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE COMMENTS OWNIiR BUILDI]R DELCARATION <br />I ltrrhy trllt rndcrpctr(lryofNrjrylholIurcxcmprlnrnrhcCofta.ktr\'l-iccnscl-ssli!rhelollowi[grcr$n(Scc70315 <br />Irtr\ircs rnd frofcsion Cdld: An, Ciry ot Coutrry whsh rcqutcr r F-oil t, .otri .r. rX.t, i Provc. dc&,lish r ftNi rny <br />dru.!ur.. p'i{, b irs i\rurrc..lso rcqutcs rhc appliclnt lor s!.h Frnirb fihr i8trcd satnrnl rhar tcor\hc t li.cnscd IUBUr.r <br />h rlt provhiqr otrh. Conts.rofs l.iccn$d llw (Ch.nrcr 9. Conrmcnci',3 $irh s.ct.n ?ux) of Divisi,r :1 ol rhc Bu\ind* and <br />I'rolasiotrsCodo)orrhrr hcor shc hcxcnDr lhcrelronrnnd rhe h'si\ frtr rhc illcgcd cxcnDlior. Anyvn,hri,rotScriorTr,ll5hyrny <br />it'plicanr lor a p.nnir hjcc6rhclptli.urrDacivilpc.rlryolnrnxmrhmlivchuidrc d.llnn(risoo) <br />I. os ovnc! of lh€ pmrErl y. or n,y cntbrt \ st h wiScs ts rhcrr $lc ompcn\xin,n. *ill do rh. wott dt rhc sMrm is nor <br />idcndcd or oilcrcd l$ sale (SN 7044, atrd Rolcsions Codc'Ihc Coorrnck, { Li..ns. tjq docs nol lmll b d owtrd or <br />rh. lnrl.ny who builds or inV'rolcs rhcNn- ud sfu) docs slch *\!k hinrll .r hctscll o' Ihmugh his or h.r owtr cmploy..s. <br />pr.vided rhrr *rh iryroRnEft m Bn irncndcd or.ficrcd lbrvk ll huw.rcr. rhc hoikling or i'npmrcIenr h srkl w[hinonc tcd <br />olco'qrlerion. rh. ()vnf Boikh Rill hN rtf, hordc" oir$vinS rhd hc or lhe dil m! hoikl or irqrror rhc pmFn, for rhc fdrfo{.f <br />l. rsoqncr.lrhc ptulcny. aDcxclu\ivclyconrraciing Nirh licriscd.oik..irtr! k).on{n'd rhc tnojNi (Scc 104-1.8nrNss <br />i l ltrli\si'tr Codc ThcCo td.t s Liccns. Ld$ doc( n.rlpplyb trtros.d of!r(,t. yuho huildror i'nlmvc\ rh$con <br />rrd who.otrrrctsforsuchprcjcl\sirhsGnntukn(nli.cnscdNrsrnlrolhcContact,'\.14tr) <br />I dnicx.nrl tr dcr Scd <br />D{rc O*n.r: <br />woRKERi caNrPtrNsA'liioN <br />l2[cLI&UloN <br />I hcrcby lr'iir undcr pcfulry.r pctjuty .m ur rhc nnbs irB dccltd nr: <br />-lhavcudsillnun <br />lin s Ccniff,dt of Conicnr b Scll.lnsuE for $ortcr' <nnrnsarn,n. as pmvAcd lortrySecrn,n.lT(l0.irhc <br />tjtrr Codc. lor lhc pcrfonMncc oi rhc wo* for shkh rhc lmir h issucd. <br />-lhilc and sillirnnanr sork.s ..n{ irrurrrcc. rs rcqutcd hyS&rn lTm.lrhc LntorCod <br />thc +qk torshichrhi\ prnnir is L\flcd My wo*cr\' ..n{f,nsatiotr irr\u.rrc. c tricr drl!.li.y mnrhcr c: <br />\(- <br />€x,sct\6lotO <br />-*,..,J <br />20t <br />I c.nify rhar in rhc l)crrornuncc otrhc wo* ntr whi.h rhis lirnrir is nrucd- I \hrll nor dnlll.y.try pcr$tr in any mani.r <br />$ s b hcok \ubFd k, rhc workcr{ co.rlEnsarion n ws ol'C,liturnir, trtrd .srcc I \hon luoDr {rl)Nrrr,rh. <br />*orkcis .onrfcn\arn,nrn,{nr1700orrtu lrh,( <br />IVARNIN(;: I'.ilurc b scu'c *ork.('.onrr.n\arnr.ovcogc <br />h conlPl)- s irh rho\. |n'vi{i(rrs. <br />.nil turcs trt, r. onc hu rcd rh.uvnd dollds (11{l).([X)l <br />ll suhj(r .n cNploycr lo criminrl N'ulri.\ rtrd <br />.f.o Bn\arn).. dlnugrs rs fioridd nr rhc <br />G c, inrc..d,nd atr.i,ry\ res <br />?l tn <br />I lr'rl,y aflnn utrdcr p.nrlryoipcljuryrhr l rn liccn{d und$ <br />ol rh. atr\irr$ rnd Pn,rcssidNCodc. ainry llccn\c i\ in lnll <br />tr.1Chiprcr9(co'n r'tinAqirIScdion7l[X))of Diri\n,n:] <br />) <br />qb\ bqs <br />:;,Y <br />I h.rchy rlfirm undcr FnrlryorFrjury rhd rhcrc is rudiu bntln,grlc'Ry nn rhc pcrlormlmc.frhc *ork ntr qhichlhis Pelrnir i\ <br />i$ucd (Scc. 109?. Civ. C ). <br />knd.r.,'- <br />AITUCAILDECLAAAIION <br />l [:Eby.mnn ulldcr pcnah y.r p.rjury oft ofrhc n hsinSdelmlb.s <br />Dcnrlnion PcirnirsAsbc\ros N.rificari,n Fcdual R.!rhrbns (Tirlc 40. P.n6) <br />-licquircd <br />l.c(cr of Norifi cdiur <br />I..nily rh,r rhc fcJcrllicrulalions rcslrding,(/'. tur rnf '.rhl. [, rl,Nf(!r..r <br />l.cnib rl[r I hrvc rcad rhi\rrplicii,ni dd rhnniri,D n.orc.r l.Crcc n,.omfly sirI rllCiry rnd County <br />ordiritrcc\ rtrd Sirrc tnN\ rchring t' huiltltr,g <br />rhlvc f,trriondl proNny li,r instdi.n <br />^Dp <br />unr or {senrsiennrff E <br />r.-ir". o-. 'p.rnr, t/AtlL (*r\zA Li-z-^*,1 I*i,L. <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFEB Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/Vent/lnsulation <br />Roof Shealhinq <br />Shear Wall I <br />Framinq /o/tC/t? .4W/I <br />lnsulation/Enerqy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath 'o/21/if -yffi1it ) <br />Brown Coat .2 ',/ag,/,tV --*;'f,) <br />It4asonry ,^--_..:''(-. <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enoineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certil. <br />I <br />FINAL z-/ru/ t4 ,4/ru?,.) <br />Certilicate ol Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />ID/SIG. <br />tr dcr \ Addrc$: <br />- <br />L