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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE rD/srG.COMMENTS OWNOR BUILDER Df, I,CAR,ITION <br />I hdcDy amrn trndd pcnaht oa pdjury rh.l I an cronpr iron rh. Canr,cro6 Licdc tAv aor th. follo\eirr res (Sa 70l l 5 <br />Busin6s md Profdion Gdc): An, Cny or Cou , \rhich rcqrnG a Fmh lo conslnrcl, alt6, irprolc d.holish nr E!6ir My <br />srru.lue, prior to ns isuancc. al$ r€qutB th. .pplicor lor strch Fmrit to 6k ! sisn€d srarddr lhd he or she is lic.6ed p@&r <br />ro !h. p$!isio6 oilhi Conrdcrors Lic.ns.d hw (chapn 9, Comhcn.in8 wnn Sdn'n ?000 of Division I ol rhc ltusins and <br />Prolcsions Codc)or ihar h. or she is.tempr lhr.fiom &d rh. b6is for rhe allcscd.lmplion Any violdion o f sdrion 70r1.5 by a., <br />applica"rlor.p.mnsubjdrsrh.arplicantroa.ivilpenaltyotnornD(rhefiv.hundraldollds($500) <br />l, 6 osr6 of rh. prcp.ny, or my cmplorG sith $ as6 6 thcir sl. smrEnelio.- * ill rlo th. *ort and rhe shdN i! mr <br />idd(H or olI6c<t a.r el. (s< 7044, aosin* dd Profdiore cod.: Th. Co,tadors Licds. Law do6 not apply lo an 0116 ot <br />thc Impe! sho blilds or nqxovd thd6n. md $ho &6 such \orl hiBs.lfor h6.1lor rhreuAh his or h6 oNtr c,nrloys. <br />p,ovidcd lhal slch nnIrovmols s€ lot hlod.d or olM for slc !r. hoNoE rhl U,ildiry or inprortddr i. $ld wilhin onc ,a <br />oaco,nplelion. th. Ornd Blitler sill har. lh. buidm oap.ovinS dal h. or she did not hrild or impror€ lh€ prcpdy ld lh. purpoe ol <br />l. 6 own6 oarhc Drop6ly. m cxclGircly co.'lraclins silh lic.ud cotrl@do6to co.nNd rh. Fojd 1s(. 7014. &Er6 <br />dd Pl!tosion Co&: Th.contmcrors ticns. kv do6nor.p!lyro uoBns ofprororyNno buildsor improvdrhd6n. <br />and trho.o 6dslor!!chPr.j<l!snhaCodnlo(s)li.dEdpunrdtorh.ContrcioisLi.ffiL!w) <br />I @ erempr undd sdrio <br />uaBtr!8a.CAu$ll rO! <br />DECUAAIIO! <br />I ! afllm undd pdahyoapcluryon.ofrh. follosin! ddlararions: <br />I have a.d *,ill naiorain a Cariicarc ol Co@{ lo Scll lBun aor (6tk6' .om|ra,!ion. a prcvid.d ior by Ssttrn 1700 of th. <br />Labor Code lor lhc p6iomdc. oflh. Bo,k lor which lhe Fmil is isu.d. <br />,srequtedbySalionlT00ofthct,aborCode,lorrhepra.mmccol <br />lhc wort for vhich rhis p.flnil is isscd. MyNork6 comp.NIion insurecc carir dd Fnicy numbd d.: <br />I colirylhat in rhc p.rrorman.. ofrh. tr6rk lor shich rhi r.nnir is issu.n. I slrll trol onploy any pqson in any muns <br />e6lob..onr€subjdrorhero*c'comD.nsalionla*'solC;lifornia,andasr..lhaliflshouldb.c.m.stbj.ctrolhe <br />No*s comF.slion provisioB olsrlion:lTO0 ofrhe libor Cod.,l shall. aonh*nh.omply $ilh rhos pro\isiotrs <br />WARNING: l'ailur. to sur. work6' comp.Galion cordase is uola$tu|. dd shall subjcd e oplo!* ro ps0llis ed <br />ciril lin6 rp ro onc hund.d rhousnd dollm (llCO,000), in ..ldirion ro rhc cosr ol comp.6ar ion. .lan.gcs a p6rid.d io. th. <br />I hdcby anim uhds p.nal(y o I pejury thal I dn lttrrn und.r tionofChaptd 9 (co'nnBci.s wnh Se.rioi 7(J001olDivision l <br />of thc BusirB a horEsiod Codc. dd my lictue is in lull for.. aql .lfor <br />C-r0 s8?068j -zz-/b <br />! h*by amnn u.der F.hyofFju.,lhrt lh@ isa co,nrudion kndiflB.smcy hr rh. patonnmc. olnE $o for shich lhis pd'sit b <br />i$ucd (sd. 1097. Civ. c ) <br />aftl]caNr_0[Qdaarlo! <br />, h6.h9 afrnn unda paally of p<jury onc oflhc following d(lamlions: <br />D.mohion Pmn$Asbdros Norincalion f.dd,l R+ularions (Tn|.40, P.n6) <br />R.qut€d lnl6 oaNolilic,lion <br />I cqrity rhar lhc fsd€ral Egll ions rcsedins sbelos rmoval d. nor appli.,ble ro rhB tiojer <br />- <br />I cdiry rhol I hw. r@d this application ad srar. rhd th. .bo!c in fomdion is cod..l I rarfr to onlPly $nh all Cny and Couly <br />o.dinanc6 ed Sut. lr* Ghtins ro building coBrtocrio., &d ldhort rcF6ahtivB orrhis Cny Md Counlyl. dts upon lh. <br />abovc 'nohon€d polllnt for <br />,\ppli.rnr n, ,\gcnl Sign{ture <br />t4epa) *"-u LDoal <br />S-zs* 1b <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subfloor/VenUl nsulation <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Fram ing <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif. <br />/t <br />FINAL q/r//z ,-"ffi4 ) <br />Certificate of Occupancy t/' ,t-, - <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />Sdlior 1076 ofrh. Labor Cod.. inl661 md anorcy s f.6 <br />""",3-23-/t"