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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNEII BUILDER DEI,CABATION <br />I h.icby affirn u.d.. p.odlrt or p.rjury rh I u cr.dpr 6on <br />'hc <br />Contr0clou Licnsc Lar I'or rhe li)llorins rcNr (S€ 70l l 5 <br />Busincs nnd Pmfcsion Codc) Any Cn, or Counry which requtcs r Fnnir lo condtucr. alrcr. i(pn,v.. dc hlid' or rc,',t my <br />srocrlrc. !ri'r to irs issu!rce. al$ rcqlnesrhe applicanr lbr $chtcrnrirb fld, \igncd sr0rcnrd rhd tror she ir li.cnEn pumani <br />to lhc pmvniotrs of ltf, Co.tnclor's Lic€nscd t!* (Chirlcr 9. Comtrncins wirh Seclio. 70fl1 Dt DilGido I Dl rh. susincss a.d <br />PDfc$n,ns Codc) or thar hc.r shc h crcq)r rhcrcturnrand rh€ Usk f{r rhc dL8dl cxc'ntrion Atryviol0lion.iSccri ?031.5bylny <br />oDplicant roi rp.mir suhjecrcrhc apllic r lo adlilr.nnhyornol morcrh livchu rcd dollis (Ssdjl. <br />l. as ownc, ol rhc pmFny, o ny cmploy.cs wirh wdgcs as thcn tub comp.Ds,rnrn. eill do lhc !o,k lnd rlrc srdrlE h mr <br />idc'rd ot n,Lr.d ror slc (SN.?04,4. Businc$ lod Pmicsiotrs Codcr Thc Conrrn.rois tjs &,cs nor apply h trtr owftror <br />th. Dtufdy wh| boildsor inprcEs !tER)n. rnd who rlNs such f,rl* himselro. hcrellor rhrough hi\ or tur own cn{k,yccs. <br />providcdrhrt su.h nnpmEmnhNmrinrc .d orolTmdhr{ bwewr th. h{ildirE or inlmvcNd t$ld wirhi"unc r <br />of.omptrion.rtrOsnerBlildcrwillhlwrh.t{rdcnotrmvingrhdhcor\h.dil'r hiu or inDtuvc th. pnrFny lor ilE purllc of <br />-l- <br />a!osncrollhc pn,pcny. amcxclu\ivclyconrrrrin8 wirh li.en\rd rotrtrcktrs k) .oiifl.r rh. |n'|\r (Scc rOU. Bu)iri.$ <br />rtrdPlo,csybtrCodc:ThcContrnrofsLiccnscLtrwd.csn.rnm]yN{nosNrolDrotrcrly$hohuild\orirnprrc\rhcroo, <br />and ,ho $nlmcrslbr$rchpn,J.c(wir[aConrrucro(nliccnsrJpursuanrk)rh.Qrnr..ror'sLiccnscl-B). <br />I a cx. rt, uid$ Sc.rnrn , B. & PC inr rhh rc6o. <br />Drre: ORr..: <br />ry( rnKFes' c'()t\,1 PEIt.saTlotl <br />DIiELAIAIITN <br />I heicby imfln!.d$ Fnalryolpcrjxryonc olrhr lolk,*ing decld.rnr.s: <br />I havc rrilwill nrinrain trC.nific cofC.hsc h,S.ll l'furc f.r workcs co,ntEnsarion.0s nrovidcdlorbySccri,'!]?moflh. <br />Lahi C.dr. f(trrhcl.rfornnnrcofrh. sork rorshi.hrh. p.rnir k issucd. <br />-lhovcandwilimuinhin*'orken <br />crmpcN n,n insurince. a\ rcquirql hy sc.r im l?0o of rl[ Ljhor cbdc. ld thc Nr hnMncc ol <br />rhc wor[ aq whichrhh pcnnir is i\skd ltly sorkcfi conlxnern in\rrd'rc.d $akl policy trutrfi.r rrc <br />-l <br />ccnify lhar in lhc pc.ntrmncc olrhc *orl I{, *hich lhis p€r.i! is i\su.d. I sh,U tor cnPloy ruy l,crlnr ir rtry nnn rcr <br />so dsb bcor* {hj(l lo rhc wirrcn$ti{ r hwe orcrlif{mi0. nulrrrcc r[nl ifl sh,uld hccoff, sulic.i h d]c <br />Borkds ..nrFnsdnrn lnvisions of Scclim lT0O ol rhc hn Cl'dc. l shrll. lnn hsirh co lnly s irlr rh*c p vi\nN.. <br />WARNIN(;: Frilurc h scurc workcr\ conrFnrnrii,n cokrgc is utrh{lul, rnd nrll \rhl..r .'r.nDk,ycr k).ri'nirxln ultus and <br />.i!il linc\ trn ro onc hutulr.d rhousrnd dollnr (llfl).{Xx)). in rddirn$ n' rhc c.{ ol cotrrtctr\ ,[tru'gc\ ]s nn,! cd for rh. <br />sc.ri{,r.1074'olrh.l-rhnGxlc. inrcrc{ niJ nn.rf,y \ rco\3t3 lv <br />I hcEby 0lfiflnundcr pcnallyofrcrjurylhul I liccnsdunderpmvnn,noiChlrrd9l.o mf,ming $irI inr Tfix)) oI l)ilision .] <br />of rhc Busirkss0trd Prclcssions Codc, oln my liccnsc is in tulll'ore onn cfl'ccr <br />r -tOI rcn- Ctr\. - t |c $ <br />Ds,. 3^23-lb <.^'-,,,, x <br />sB7 866 <br />I hcrchyuon unds D(nlllyofpcrju,y ll lhsci\!.on{Bcrion <br />issucd (Sc.. 1097. Ci C ). <br />!n!.dcr fttrrhc$ nrn.icc oltu $ork ii,r uhi.h rhn pcrmi n <br />ATIUCAILDEILAIAIIAN <br />I h.Rby amm uMcr ,.oally of pertury om ol rhc rbllosinS d(larur ions: <br />O.mlnion Pcrnirs A3hBr6s N.rifi.rrion Fedcidl Rcguhiions {T,11.40. Pd6) <br />Rcqun d Iliidrof Norii.ariod <br />lccdifyr) r rhc lcdcrrl r.grltrii{'rs '.trrdi',g rslr{o{cDn,vrlr'. ror rt)J,licrhc h drh |x!.cr <br />l.cnifyrh lhrvcrcadIhnlFllkrrn'na {d. rh.r rhc rh\c itrlonu ion h .oftcl l asre k' co ,fly wirh rlL Cny rltr1 Counry <br />o.diMtrccs,tul srd.ljws Elarins '. buihnr! corrru.rior ell hcnb,iuthtrn. rcnrcsnr ncs ol lhis Cily nfrl Coutrlt kr e .r uFn rh. <br />rhli\! no ii !,rnl|cn\hrn\r{JXrrfr <br /> nnllcinr or \!cnl sirnarur ^," 3- Z3-/L <br />Doo.\lI'rmrilc€ nanr I Dri nl ):/(4,,.t/o rutvt <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Solfit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouoh) <br />Meter Release <br />Bough <br />I <br />FINAL q/r//r , <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc 7t -/- <br />Sub-Panels <br />Service [t/eter ,Mq <br />I