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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNEX BUILDER DELCARA'tION <br />I hcnhy rfiiin undd IcMlry of pcriury rhar I am cxcmlr r'rom rhc Conrracxns Li.cnsc Lw ror rhc followinE rcNnr (Sa ?0.11 5 <br />BusiDcs rl Pmicsion Codc): Any Ciry or Cot y which rcqute\ r pdnrir t) conslnrc1. allcr. iut(trr. d.molhh .r rr['rn Jiy <br />srrucrue. prior ro irs i\{uancc,,lso r.qnncsrhc amli.dtrr nx su.h Fi.tril lo lilc u si-sncd nslcnEnl rh,r h.or shc k liccn*d Puruanl <br />b rlr l,ovknrns ofrhc Conrrcttr\ I-i..nscd h* (Chsir.r 9. Com,rcminA wih Sc.rion'7OO{).I DivkiDn 3 oi rhc Ausirrs and <br />Pnntsions Codc) or rhtrr hcorshc n cxeqrr rhcrcfrom and rh.l,lsis forrh.alkecdcrumflion Any liolllbnotsccrion?0]l 5 by rDy <br />lprlicanr lor a pernn subjcck rhc dmli.anr roa.i,rlpcmlry.rnol nNc lhotr livc hundrcddoll,* (5500) <br />l. N oqn$ or ttu t olcdy. or my cnrplo)er wilh wases us v,lc r.'nPctrl,ri r. willdo th.wotk drhcnturLftkk <br />irr. lsl oroftercdfor\alc(S.r7044.BusincsrdPolc*6nrC.d.rThcCo ftctoisl-icc!\cli*doc\norapplytortroqrcrof <br />rhc ,n'ltny who buil& or in{'Frcs rlEron. atrd who dcr such wrt iinscll or hchclt or rlro!3h hn or hcr own cmpn,r{cs. <br />prcvidd rhri such iipmRnrnh m mr i, cRlld or ofrcNl Lr eL ll Il)*cE rlt hikliDg .r imF,vc rnr is $ld wirhin onc }!T <br />ol enrrhri,tr. th. Owncr Builhr sillhavc lhc bodcn orprolin8 rlln lf, or shc dil nor buik or iqme rnc pn,Fty ror ltI Pulx)kol <br />-1. <br />a\ouncrol rhc F'pcny. g wnh li..fscrlconticlo^ lo cotrllrucr rhc pmFI lSc..7044.8u\i cs\ <br />nlll] Prsfcsi,trCodc-lhcCotrnNtofsl-ic!trscLrqdocsnorrpplyh!nown.rol|m,rcdywhobuildsorirnDnvcsrhcrcod, <br />lni *ho conrrrch rbr such pmj.rh $irh a G hcbd\) li.cisd tursumr lorhc(inrr0ctu s t.iccnsc l-nw) <br />I rm.x.'ntr u .r S..ri,)1{++d' "- <br />DICLASAIION <br />I hcr.byalfirmtrndc!pctulr,.f l).rjury.trcnfrh.lolloqirt'lLrl rlions: <br />I hak drxtwill nDintliraCcnifici'cofConsnrlo Sclilns!rcn, *orler'co'nFjtrs,rion. !s providcd for bySN'ion]7m orrh. <br />lihtr Codc. rff ih. pcrrormn.c of <br />'h. <br />wolt lor which lhe psnit is Gsucd. <br />--lhrvcrtrd will nrni u sq[en conpcnsrii,m in\u.amc. rs rqritdbySccli(n:lTlr0oilh.L ror(i,Jc-ntrhcJ[ airnrmcof <br />rhc $.rl |'l)r shich rhtpcnlir i\ is$td. Myworkc^ .o |.trsrrhr tr(ur.rcccailicr anl0oli.ynu'n6.rrc <br />P,)licy Nln$cr-tirf ircs: <br />l.cnlfylhrlifthctrdi)nMnccolrhc{orkli)rwhichlh\pcrn,ir ni*u.d.Is lltroi cnrPloy!n} |xr.n inrn, rmmr <br />v, nsro hccom suhjccr r. ihc $(trk.6 onDctr\ (i{n law(.l cnlinntri.. d ryrccrhar iiI\hould hc(rt subirr lollE <br />worlcn.onrpcrsi{n,pmvisionsofSc.rioi:l7t)()ofrhchhrC.dc.lshill-fonh*irh.ondrwirhrho$ln)vitions <br />WARNIN(;: Fallurc rr ccurc workc conrp.trr i.n covcngc is trnhwful, itrd lhrllsub]-(l arl c.ll]lo)!.lo siainallir'lrics nnd <br />.lvir i'rs up ro onc hundrcd rhousend dolh6l$Ift.(xxr- in dJnion kr ihc.oi olco.lFasaliqr. dlmr8cs a1luvidcd ft, rhc <br />Sccriotr 1076 ofrhc trtn Code. inrercd lnd rrrurcy s lcc\ <br />t <br />I hcRb, lfirm unds r.nrlry ot p.rjury rh.r I rn li.u*J utrdd Plnvili{,n ol Chrprcr 9 (co nrrN,n8 trnh SNrhn 7U)0) of Dili\ioi l <br />ol rhc Busi.c$lnd l,nrcsionr Cod.,,nl nry lic.n* i\ ir tullnr.c rftlclttcr <br />Liccnsc Cltrs:- <br />QNEIBIJCI]ANIENDINGAAIIII <br />I hcrchy lifirmlndcr pciahyor!.rjury th,t rhcrc is rconsru.rion hMiry a8cmy rorrhc p.rrortu,rc olltu {or( tor $hichrhi\ pcmir i\ <br />hsu.d (Sc. 109?. Civ C.). <br />Formsi Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Rool Sheathinq <br />Shear Wall <br />Framinq <br />lnsu Iation/E ne rgy <br />Drywall <br />Brown Coat <br />Ivlasonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certil <br />FINAL lold|ft to ,z.t-g ,) <br />Certificate of Occu anc <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />Set Backs <br />Sublloor/VenVl nsulation <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Cuh, <br />hMclrAddrNs <br />ATU$NLDECI.ABAITON <br />I holtf ofiinD undcr l.nalry of pcrjury .nc or rhc rolloNinA dclaral ions: <br />Dc'nolilion Pcirnik-AstEslos Nolific0rio! Fcdcnl Regolrrion\ 1Tnl. 4'(). P,n6) <br />Rcquncd t.lier ol Norifi catk n <br />-l <br />ccnifyrhar rhc t dfial Egnldions n8ardirg asbcsos rcnnvd ure nor rprli.,hh ro ihk pmFt. <br />I ccrtify thir I rcld Ihh aD!licarion dd srarE rhar th. abvc inlonurion is cotrccl. I sEre lo conlly wirh all cilyand Co!nll <br />ordrdKc\and Sr c L!trr rcl,rins ro hurl{n8.on$drhnn,.nd h.rchy sllhorizc rcprcscnlarivcr orrhh ciry ond c'ounty to cnrer qron rhcffi,-:.:il:'Jx\p_ ,",",lels <br />Prmile nrn. (prtnl ): - <br />t---]-- <br />f-------T------