<br />Set Backs
<br />Forms/Sleel/Holdowns
<br />Erection Pads
<br />UFER Ground
<br />SLAB Floor
<br />Subf looriVenVlnsulation
<br />Roof Sheathinq
<br />Shear Wall
<br />Framinq
<br />lnsulation/Energy
<br />Drywall
<br />Ext./lnt. Lath
<br />Brown Coat
<br />Masonry
<br />Pool Fence
<br />T-Bar
<br />Handicap Req
<br />Deputy Final Report
<br />Enqineer Final Report
<br />Flood Zone Certil.
<br />tt
<br />ancc
<br />liiNMl
<br />Certiticate o
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.
<br />I h.rhy rlrrn uDJcr rEMlry,n p.rrnr] rhir I 6.r.n$ trh rh. G,.rr.cnr' l-ra( lrq td th. lolL*o3 rc.!,n (S.r.rl)ll !
<br />aurn ir ..i Pnn.s('n Cd.): Ahy ciry or (,'unry whEh rcquK! r Fm, h, Nn(rucr. 1116. Fprcw. &nrrh oi FIE! My
<br />lretur. !fu, r, ns s(umc, uho rcqui$ rh. rrtltrnr rd srh Frm to filc r rlxd nd.mnr lhll lE or nE ir lic.n*d
<br />lo llr I!,vlrN ot rh Contf,ttr i Llcn*n l,w (Chrlier 9. ctrhntkrnt uirh S(r(,n 7filJ df Divtrnr I ol lhc BuriNs dd
<br />Pmf.$i'ht (iiL)drh.r h..rrlx s crcn$ rlrr.fn'n,rl rh. t,t rlE .lLScJ .r.rfl bn A.yvnLto..lSdrbnTOJl Jhv.nv
<br />.fl!l(.nr litr . IEnn ul,Fk tlr !ffldnt !, . uv rl I'.Ei y.l ft mr rh:n fiY. hud.rn Jollr\ (!5m I
<br />-1.rro*,,trmyemploFr*rrh*13.\.sitEtrw'lc(otr{Ens,noh.*lllrrlrsttarlrlt{dw.nnd.nt J or.rl.rd t)r qL (S( 7114. Busft$ .n.1 Pt,fc$n'nr Ciil., 't h. G,nt.d rr l .EcnE li* d*r nor {'r,lv to rn owrr ol
<br />rh. Il,tidy qk! hoilk dr rF)kt rrEGrr iJrl wh' dH 5kh u{t hrmall or hcr*ll or rht)urh hr or hc. o*n.mpblccs
<br />Fovrl.J rhl ruh mpn)wtu reB,{uolliBl6trqk*.s.rhcho lESor urF)ttrd (g *rhu(ftF!
<br />or$ipLuE rtr Owr Bu[.kr * l h.t tlr hrtLn of F)vrE rhJ lr 1r nr dn d h{,ll,, qmE [r Intlh, tu rtr FrFE ol
<br />Liid'mr [h.ln'pcny. rmr(lunvclyhnrr!(rrng w[h l(.n{n.ont od n, (nNrru.r rlE Foi<r (Sa ?lXl 8usrc$
<br />aftl l\I,l\i\rr C,[.] I hc (irrrrcrtr'r t-ir.h. l.r* d(*s nr rl)fly t' rtr ovn.r or ln)l'. ywhn hutlJs rrn,Ilr,trrh.B'n,
<br />.nJ wl$ odrkk l(n \urh tnll(rrs *rlh r Grntrr(k,rlr) l(n{J nr \urnr lo lhc G,nt!.rtri l-r..e lr* ).
<br />Dlg.A&uIaN
<br />I rllnnunJ.r Jtnlhyol t'd r.vomrl rlk,,'lhu'nB JeLrlrt!r\
<br />-l
<br />h:y. ril vru mmr.B . C..n trr.orcl,n<nr ro s.lf.Inse tt s'*s'on{Endnn. .r FoviJoltub,Sdrx,.l7mol',r
<br />lrhr Ci c- l,r rh. Fflm. .l rlE kxi lq s'tf,h ik Fnr . B.k-l
<br />-thiv..nlwrllmlnrrr*o'k.r'.onFnvrtrlrtrr{ninr..!!r.ituurJhvSccrrnlT(xrolrh(ljtxnC(ilc,ktrrlrFrlornun..rlih. w kn, shrhlh$p!'nnr,str\u.J My wor kcrr' (onltnsarlr Nnrrn.c rmrr rlF,l(ynumhcrr.
<br />:.1 Al c /^,r- gAA)c€: qltf,oL(tq
<br />frl (.,rry rlrr
<br />'n
<br />rh+ Iu l!trnlnx. or rhc porl n{ wh'.h rhr r^_rnnr '\ tr{Al. I \hrLl tror.mPl',y lny f.hor o rny mrf,ftI
<br />\ r, \uhjc(r n' rlr w.rk.rr !1,m[itr\rrn'n hw\ ol Crlrl(trtrri rn,lr!rucih$ '11\ll{rld hcuont n'htrrk,rh.
<br />*odc !1,mp.nnrnn rn,vs$nr ol Ss-,rirn l?(Xl ol rh. t2trtr Cillc. l $.11. nrdh* h con9l, sirh rhE Pn'vtrr'n\
<br />W RNINT; l.!turc n' RuF qrtd( !.nln.trqri,n l.rcru8.,. unLwlnl. {,] (h.ll uh,rtr ,n cnpk,rr n, (flmEl rtmhn rnl'
<br />.rv llfr\ un nr orc rl'{Bnt *rllrtr rllu,,fix,). r rJn r)n r) rh. c(n or ron{Enslo.. 'l!rufc. r\ !roh,..l rr rh.
<br />Orl., orcE{ .ri .nomv r lfts
<br />?\l<l(i,a \/ n?,JC 7
<br />t,t( u\sut|( 0N l lt,\cToR
<br />OE!:!ABAI!.I!
<br />I h.r.ny nlir6u kr p.n ry ol Frlut! rh.l | .m l"flrn udd ItrlrrD or ch.Fd e tcoMs ra w h s&Lr tu(I)) of DrYnrrn l
<br />of tlr BurFr rrn P^'L!r!$ G*- rd my la.n€ r n full n'ht .rn dl(r
<br />C vq
<br />r(
<br />I h.Fny rl ltm uBLr lEnllry ol Fqtr, rh.l !h... ( . .-n(ru.lrr lalhS l8.tuy for rlr I'(n'|llEE. ol rh. strt t* rtuh rtur Fmr! s
<br />ils .J (Scc .l0r)7, Crv C ).
<br />altlls Nll&cll8Arats
<br />I tBrt'y l]linn uniler Fnehy nl FrJury om.l rtE l,,lL,*'n3 &tLnrx'nl
<br /> k'n PcrmrrlAslEsro! Nox,kalion t'cdcal RquhrDns (1 L 40. I'dr6)
<br />R.qu!.n trlt.r o, Ni*:lior$n
<br />I rd 'ly rh:r rh. LJ.hl EruLri'N rsr n! rih.rk\ rfr'vtl m nn {drrbk ro thN tt{Ftr
<br />ITrIt!-rElD6r'r
<br />-t,",,.*"**,,' 4138 1t
<br />L \,tar'ryrr,r Itu'ckxJrltr\Jnnlkrrrreli .'hrrh.ah lrlr((,$ndywlh.llCrymdcoutrrv
<br />Lniurtr(s sr.'lcli*\ rclnr'n! Li hu,Urnr LUn{ru(rtr,n. !,rl lrkh}rdht,c rcnrc$nrdrv.t,n rhtrC yMJColnrvh.hl.ruB'nrlx
<br />lh,v. nrnrknFi tn,Fd, tfur\F1i,n purF'{s
<br />|, 1
<br />n,e r lrb/ zo'