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-SAIIA <br />$l;;ii <br />::itri\Lt,?,:!",i:.t"::"::, <br />P.O. gox ,9g8lX.t9) <br />Santa tua, CA 9270i <br />(714) 6a7.5800 <br />Smoke & CO <br />Alarm Affldavit <br />Pro;ect Addrass:cu <br />Permit N umbe r / ot/o 1 <br />tetn,^z <br />Contrect)r <br />L.icanse #:7z <br />fhis document moy be louad ot. <br />(please use . b!e* or blua in* bal,'l-c€in! pen) <br />state of california requires that smoke and carbon monoxide (co) alarms are instaled in residentiarbuildings. <br />california Residentiar code (cRC) section R314.1and R315.2 states in part that existing dwelings be"retrofitted with smoke ararms and carbon monoxide "i-r*. cnc t.""n R314.3 and R315.3 definethe requ ired locations. <br />f\ ** *..s bebw must be drecled: <br />fi C-rtonrronoxide alarms: Are installed out <br />bedrooms and aiso on each jevel of the dwellin <br />appliances (i.e, hot water heater, cooktop, furn <br />p Sooke atarms: Are installed in each room u <br />side of each sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of <br />rg. Alarms are recommended in bedrooms with gas-fired <br />ace) or a fireplace. <br />sed for sleepin& in each hallway outside of a sleeping <br />Retrofitted detectors may be battery-operated for buildings where no interior arterations areperformed combination smoke/co alarms ,n;ti;;;;;,;ai apprcaute standards and be approvedby the State Fire Marshall (SFM). Baftery life mrst te iO'y"arr.- <br />I hereby certify that r am the contractor or the property owner of the above project. r fu,ther certifythat smoke alarms and carbon monoxide ararms have been insta[ed in compriance with the governingCodes and have been tested to be functional. <br />room, and on each level of the dwelling <br />(check one)nse d Contractor n (ny Owner <br />ftorE: rhf5 56i/-6 ertificttioa is oaly used ror projects rhdt afiecl the Exqxrof, or rh.e sttucture. Thisproc*s is apy'icabla oNLy to proiects where aiccss to tttiii)mt or *e dw etting by a ,onta Analntpectot is not rcquied. <br />H'ave this co'npl€ted form and the job-card rredily avairab{€ on ,inar inspctionl <br />Signatw.:4 <br />Propsrty Owner: <br />J <br />Dol?: