<br />I hs.l'-v llTh ui& Frly ot pdjury rhr I o 6oF non th. CodEcl6 Lic@ Lr* lo. lh. follo$iry ta$i (56.7011 \BBii* rld ProfBion (o&) Any Cn, or Cody $hkh EquiB. Fni lo .oi!lMt. lhd. iD9.olc ddblith or q., &y
<br />lttu.tu. Ftr ro ils suffie .ho r.qliB th. +plicel for .u.h Fmn lo frb t tig..d srtro.r lhd lE m it it licc!.d putrr,I.
<br />ro tlE FovsioB of lE Conbd.rr LilN.d t r' ((.11+16 9. (ttlllffiss unh Salbn ?000 ol D,toon t of rh. aGilE 6d
<br />Pef.sDB Gd.) or thd lE or sh. is .rdpl lhq.&om ..d lh. ao.lh. .tbcd .ro.Fion Aly violdbD of Salbn ?011.5 by;y
<br />r@lirr tor ! FEh sbr<d! rh. .pplicer ro. civil p€Dny of mr mE lhs lir. hlrH &'llB (t5OO) I
<br />t- ! o*c ol r F.Frr. n ny dpbtG wnh u.x6 B sl comFBdro.. *ill &r fi. *ort ,!d llE nulw ! ml
<br />inidrLd or ofra.d tor sL (SE ?(x4. ABi6 od Pr.ldhB Co& TIE Co'uxrd 3 Laoq t *&6d {'PthDowof
<br />rh. FnFry who hrili or rq!6 iEao rn wrn dG sh 6rl hirell or lEs.lf or llmush h'! or h6 om anployc,
<br />Fovid.d lhd 3uch idFoGG$ G Nl hai.d .r off.Ed tr s.L. l( ho6s, tlE hildi'C d inrrlBcr ir .ld $ihn! 6a )q
<br />ofoiplai(a dE ol*{q B{ilt will luE $. h!&r of FDvins dli l! or JE did rcl burld o. ttpow th. FrFiy lot $. FrFc of
<br />-1.
<br />s o$6 otrh. ,tbpdy, m aclGiwly.odrding wilh lica!.d conrxldlo oidtld rlE For.d (sa 70,1,1. BGi,E
<br />at A!ftsin Cod.: Tl. Conlfflor3 Lic6c L.w do6 .or .pply lo D oMd of propqly who blild! ot inptove fica..
<br />ud who onrdl] tq u.h Foinr *irh. co[.r<r6(3) lkaE dFhdbrlEcotudoa!Lioet *]
<br />I e .rmpl u.& S.nio.-
<br />!04tr!af'l9Mtl:xs rqB
<br />DECIIX{UA!
<br />I h6.hy aliirn und6 p€nalry or pqury onc ofrh.follow'n! d&leatoB
<br />-l lllvc dd will nainllb . Cdirrd. oacongl ro S.lf-lNurc for ErLd .onpa!.rion, a FrviLd 6r by Selior l?@ oatlE
<br />l.h.{ Code tor rh. pafoffi ofiE $st t( *tih dE Frn b is.{t
<br />Ih\conJ\illtrmru$frkrs.omtElrrrion16ur.tu..r!t.1tutrcd1\SNr'on]-10O.frh.Ij]xr,C.dc,
<br />rhc \nrL fu shtrh r his ,Ern[ 6 isrtr.d My $o! kci cofllErs ion rEura,,.c cm is rxi ti,l'c)_ ntrmh., r.
<br />(.a,ricr Ewru;* tUc*ioq.t fi*n.^. -
<br />u.""*,^*, 76 eeali>1el-l r'pi,- 61<S1Z o
<br />I .diry rhd in th. Ffortum. otrh. wort lor r hth lha Fmn t isrd. I nBll ml snploy ty F&n o dy iMG
<br />$ sb baotu suber ro rL *ond .omFBarcn h*, of Crlifotu. ud rgG thd if I rhould bcon. tuq6l ro llE
<br />m*d'omFMliorFDvirioNofsdbnlT00ofrlElrEy('odalsld!.fonh$nhcoDply*'nhftErnvitb6$ n lNCr F.ilu. b ldfi erLd onF!r{6. o!ag. i! unhwtul, ud 3lull 3ubj6l d oploF to ainin.l FEni: od
<br />civil fod up ro 06. hurdql llk)!.sl dolla (1100.00). h .ddnion lo llE cos of conFMion. &,836 6 Ft'd.d ,ot ltE
<br />S{lion 1076 ofrh. trbor Code inl6d.rd dlorEr'r f6
<br />x
<br />r.lcEM[DrauaAtraaDISIAAIIA!
<br />I Mr lrm un&r FrXy ot Fjury lni I m li.aBl u.& F!\ 6io. of Ch.Fa I (on,l@',s dh sarb. 7mo) of Dn i!6n I
<br />or rh. Bs6d md Pmf6nrE Code &d m, lict@ n 'n tull lorcc !d.ret
<br />.,*.* B-,Jza/)4 -2--2 63(-7
<br />;.;,.;{4--
<br />I .rm urLr Foi, of Flury rhr rlE. ir . codrucrFn t diB .sd1 for !h. Ffollrl$. of lh. n ori for *t'.h lh! Fn[ a
<br />isNcd lsd.1097. civ c )
<br />L.nd6'r Nm.l
<br />I had, rflmu.<!q pouhy oaFJx., o of6.f.lhwinS.k l,rrioN
<br />D.molnion lmnits-Arhdros Notfic.lion F.r!6.1 R.lrhrioB (TirL 40. Pd6)
<br />Rcquncd lal6 of Nox6carion
<br />I cs! iry lh.rl lh. lqlq.l ,csuhhN Exsding sbdor sl e. rct .r9la!bk lo rhi! For.d
<br />-I.dliryrhdIha$Edinn.rplk.lhnrrlr.lhdtlEitnr.i.fotuh.i3.ffi.I.Xrarocomplys-nhdlCny.rldCoum,rdrne6 sd Sut. lrs EhrU to hrkliry codruciion. erd aurhori& Eprdar ic oalfiir Cily &d Couly to dra upon rh.
<br />.bo\. ,6IFEJ m'pqiy nrr i(p.di.d
<br />tppliqtrl trr rrdr \itnrl
<br />A,*O- -..,rn*,, E
<br />t'L/,/,/ ls
<br />Set Backs
<br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns
<br />Erection Pads
<br />U FER Ground
<br />SLAB Floor
<br />Subf loor/VenUlnsulation
<br />Roof Sheathinq
<br />Shear Wall
<br />FramingzleDzbct l/21/J 1)4 F{.tA U/,Llfu /ffr1,stv fl( ftfu6,
<br />lnsulation/Energy
<br />Drywall
<br />Ext./lnt. Lath
<br />Brown Coat
<br />Masonry
<br />Pool Fence
<br />T-Bar
<br />Handicap Req.
<br />Deputy Final Report
<br />Engineer Final Report
<br />F|NAL _L/,1/Ja"b f / Il/tt a.'
<br />Certif icate bf OCCupancy
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc
<br />Flood Zone Certif.
<br />,,.,, t7/q/Fl