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APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Site-Wdrk <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communrcations Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilin gs (Hard & Soffit Rough <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />Rough <br />Service Meter ,lo,tL^'i*^.t *.rJ----:-\ <br />FINAL 7 'r -1 L-l t-t-/-.'9-/ <br />Notes, Remarks Etc UI <br />OWNER BtI II,DI'R DELC R/lTION <br />I lE rtry .frm !nd6 Fnrl'y of FrJury rhn I @ .ranF ilr rh. Cod6.loE' LidB lr*' fo, rhc tollowds l.@n (Sa 7011.5 <br />t\dn* !d ftoadnn Cod.) Anr C.y o. C(d,_ *hth cqui6 ! Fm ro m6rud, .n6, i,F.o\q damlitfi or EC.r D! <br />dtuduq rmr b n! Buftq r!. r.qu,6 rrE +rlid for JEt Frr to nL r sisn d ulclEr rhd lE or JE i! licas.d plmd <br />to rh. FtrvisioN olrhc Contr&tois Lico!.d L.w ((-h.rrd 9, ( ommminr *ilh Sarion 7000 ol Divi.ion I ofrh. B6in.s ed <br />PrefdhN Co<k)( th.r h.( !n !.t@r( rhsdon ud rh.tBi for rh..lLs.d ddFirn Ary ehLrior ofs..rhn T0!1 5 t, D, <br />.ppli..n' ft aldsn fubjdr rlE .!pli.dr ro ..ivil F hy of fu| frr rh.n fiv. huid.d dollt ($00) <br />L a ou6 of th. FoFlr. o. my oplolG *ilfi *!96 B rh.t sl. comr.Mion. sill & llE wrt,n dE rrElE ir ml <br />hExLd troirdd f6 eL {Sd 704{, &!iB 6d Protdio6 ( o& Tn (ni,-tG'.l-r* t w d,6 m| +dy to - orE of <br />rh. FFry wh. hill q inrmrE tlE@ lxl $,l[ drE erd k t hiMlf or ha*lfor <br />'tuo!8) <br />ht n lE o"r.nphyc, <br />Fovilal lhlr ruh imprnr.MB @ d idoid.d dolEld li,r n]G lt ho*6!, tlE hrildins or insDlsrE i! $ld shh'n o( )6 <br />ofomrldiol! th. osnq Buiklr will hrrc llE hilln ot F$vins lhr tE or CE dd mt huild or hFo\r ln. Fopdy ft'r rll FrF c of <br />l. d o*n6 ofrh. Fopdy, e cotur.lin! *nh b(d*rl.ofu.(on 'o.odru( rh. FiFG ls< 70.14, &!16 <br />rnd P'.i!.i.o ( od.r Th. Conk crois t-icmr lr{ do6 mr 6prly ro u oue of FoFly sho build! or impror6 rhson. <br />ud *ln mdlB fd 3kh FrFr rhh. contur(rt lk.i!.n F,.d kirh. c.ffidi Liog lrs) <br />"V;/il: <br />\\0Rkr R\' ( (.1\lf [\\\ | t0\ <br /> und6 p.nalty or Fjurt <br />I h.w rd will minr.h r Cdirrd. otCond ro s.lf-tBe tu Nrtd-@npcrior.6 FtrviLd lbr b/ s<ri,n l7m of rl'. <br />Labor code a (h.FfM..frhchrlf sti.h lh. F !n b is.d. <br />I h,!. rild wil, @nr,in e.it6 ..mFernrn iMr!rc.. B rquiEd by S6ri,D l7o() of th.ljbo. ('o<lc lor llE Ff(M..f <br />rh. url fM *nih thir Fnn . i-d My @.t6' onpqBtirn '6llja. dil lbliy dntE E <br />I ccniay rnll in llt w.rt for whi.h rhis Fnir i. i5su.d. I rhrll.ot dplo, s, F3on in Mysllw <br />s a 16 tE or.ub6l ro rrE sori6 onFl!.Iion l&! of Cdifomi{ Ed {R lhd ial Jruld b...m $bj6l l.llE <br />$.r(,nITOOotrh.litrtrCo&,IJEILfonhqnhstrp[snhrbeFovilioB <br />TVARNING: Iailu,. !o su. $.rk6' c.nlFnrlion .o\ftx. ii unl6(iul. md shrll sut jdr e dl6rq ro 6i,nind rmhi6 dd <br />cnil lins up to oE hund.d rh.@d &illc lfir,txro), h x!n$n ro rh. .oc of.onFadio.. d@!t6 - Fo\iidi for lt <br />2)2{)11 <br />lltLLut!!( <br />I hmby.miin undd F.alry oftEjury rhd I m lic.N.d undo Fo\i'on oa(18O.9 (.o'nma.i.ri <br />of rh.Ildns md Proa<ri6 Cod.. id ry lic.e s in tull foc. axl.ald <br />qoxfrBlquo!..LrrDltc Et(f <br />I lrm unda FEIy of Fjurr rhd rhs. ir . olgtuniE Ldi,B .ga, tu th. Ffm oirhc srl l$ vhih <br />'hir Fri i,isld (sG 1097, civ c} <br />APPI I('AN'] DE('I ARATION <br />I hody .trm un(Lr Fmh, of Fjul on. df rh. followirs delr!r6n!: <br />Damhhn Panetu no. NolifK.tion [-qlsr] R.srLiFB (TiL.l0- Pm6, <br />R.!tun.d Ldrd olNdifi .di). <br />I cdr0 lhi llE f.dcnl l.8utdioc Eridh8 .rbdd r.m\.1r. mr {'plk.bL r. rhir F.i{ <br />I tht qrdicarnr sl.rc rhd rh.!b.\c nrlnrnrrFn F I iNelo condy trnh all ( ilyand ( ourt""'--,,%l;;;" <br />ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />4t+^* FL-.-> <br />Sub-Panels