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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG,COMMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Liqht Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm i Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueinq <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilinos (Hard & Soffit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouoh) <br />It/eler Release <br />Rough <br />Service lt/leter,tO /J( z ') <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />OWNIiR BUILDER DELCARATION <br />I h.tuby,lTr( undd Fnalry ol Frjnry lhsl I m creinpt lmnr lhc Conlraclo* Ltcnsc tru lor lhc lollowing rc.str (Sc?0315 \ <br />susincss ,rl Pmfcstun Cdlc): Any Cit, or Coutrty which rcquircs ! pcnnir b on{ocl, ,xd, improvc, dcnmhh or rcPan any . <br />sru.rurc. prid io irs issuamc. llso rcquircs the anplicanr for srch Fmir ro filc a si8trcd slllemnl that he or shc n licen*d pursanr <br />k, rh. Erviqionr 6r rhr Contr.rorr Li.cnscd tjw (Cn.ptcr 9. aommrcins wilh S€clioo 7000 or Division I oflhc Busincss nnd <br />Pr.rc$ionsC.d.)orrhartf.rstuiscrcmptlhcrclmmatrdltehasixihrrhc{ll.scdur.'nPIiotr.AnyvioLtionofScrioo70115bymy <br />!![lic!nt Ibr opcrnrirsuhjcch rhc applica lI, !cililpcn.llyoretr mElhm fivc hundrcddolla^ (S500). <br />-1. <br />N owncr of rh. pnrp.ny, or nry cmployccs wilh was.s rs I hcir elc conP..\erion, will do rht wort od lh. (tur@ i\ nor <br />i, cnd.{ or oficrcd lor elc ( 5(.7044, Busincss ,nd ftofcssions cd. Thu Co.rncroas Lic.n\c trw docs nol lndy ro an owtur of <br />ric pmFi, wh) bxilds dr irn mEs rhcBrn. ud who dms such krk hinsclr or hc.elf or rliri,rgh hh or hcr own cmPloyccs. <br />pnvidcd rhar such iDpmwd.ts e tur inrcndcd oro'lcRn for $lc.ll tnwcwr,lhc boildinC or impmrcnrnt ishUwirhinnnc F{ <br />or (,r{,lctirn. rh. ovrcr Blillcr *ill havc thc t udcn ol povins lhll hc or sh. dil mt boild or iqmrc lhc pmp€ny lor rhc p!,Ine ol <br />-l.asowncrofrhcpn,Ilcny,,mcrclusivclyc.nt..rirBwirhliccnscdconrradorrocon{ <br />cr rtr r)ju.r (s( ?ol,r, Busir'.\r <br />rid P|oracsirnCodc: Thc conrrndois l,iccnsc l.!$ d{Es nor lPplyt, owru ol l]roNn y sho build\ or nnpr.rts rh.rcon. <br />and who conracc tor srch an,jc.h wirhaCont(ttrl() li.cnrcd ,urruint kr rh. Conlackn s l-tcn{ If,a) <br />-l <br />amcxcmpr undcr Ssrion ,B &PC fnrrhhrcuwn <br />uoa6Eru:coutrNsA:IloN <br />DDCLAAAIO! <br />I utrdcr pcMltyofFrrury orc otlhc f(nhring dNl{n nnt\: <br />I hivc u uillnminrainrCenifical.olCon*nrt,Sclflrrurclirsdrkcr-.omNnsarion.a\ povid.da.ihySdiinlr00ollhc <br />Ijlx, Culc, ritr rhc pcrLrnrmc ol rhc wort lor which lhc !'.rmi n n$cd <br />Ih.ucrndwillnr irt(in q'orkcn con,It!\ari,n, i',\ura'f,.. r\ rcquncd htSc.riotr 3701)ofrhc t.a$orC.dr. rdr rhd pdloiinrr. of <br />rl[ q.rk l shich rhis Fnnil is i$ucd lly * orl.A (,nlpci\arn,n nr\urrmc .ricr m] !m licy nun$cr r. <br />Poli.y Nunbci-Expircs <br />lccnilyrhrr inrhc pcrtunnrffc oi r hc work whi.h rii\ ncrmir i\ is\kd.l dklltror cDI,!oyrnytxEo. inrn, trrnncr <br />$ r\roB(orE shjccr t, rh. *orlcr\ .o'nFi\iiion hss.l Crlili'arin { a lgr.rhrr if I \houkl hc.onrnrhtcclrolhc <br />*.rkcn' .onrpcn$ii{,npro!ni(,n\ fSLtrion:ITUJofrh. t-dhor Codc. l shrll li)nh*irlr m rPly sirh rh.t lr.viiors <br />IVARNIN(;] Irdlurc ro {curc *orkcr co'npcns rion courr8c i\ u llwful. rtrd \hrll suhjNl m cmPloycr ro.ri'niml Nmhics rnd <br />.1vil fincs utl to om hundrcd rhousind dolh6 (Slm-ml))- in lddln,n k, rhc.on ofco denBEcs ,\ ,tuvdcd lnr rhc <br />srdn 1l)76.frh.Irtnr aod. inr. <br />ctol zol ra <br />!]I!nl]]!rc} <br />I hcEhy ifln utrdcr pcnrhy oipcrjury tr*l undcr pmviioi or(-hrprcr 9 (connmNirs *irh Sn.-tir ?OIr).f Dni\ii l <br />of rhc Bu\i,,r\\ ud Prutcssi,)ns Codc. d myI <br />,",", Cut&Ll? <br />I hcrchy i,lnnunrlq acnllryor F-rjdry rh,r tu.ri,r! htrdillllilercylor lhc pcrfonron.c orrhc $ork itrshichrhir rcnnii k <br />is\u.d (Sc. 1097. Civ C.). <br />IIIIICANLDECT.AAAIPN <br />I lmty,mm und$ p.n0lty oI Ilcrjury onc oflhc |ollosi.B d(l.rarn,orl <br />Demhion P.rnns Aitr{oq Noiinca'io. F.dcrrl RcSuldions (Tnt 4{r- Pur6) <br />_Rcquied lriicr of Noliicdbtr <br />rh,rc irlnnrutri,ni\.o' Irll!rlo.onrply\rilhrllCiry!ndCounrt <br />trd hcrchv.urh.'i7. rcprc\. r(ilc\ olrhis City dnd cotrnryni.nro nfon rlt <br />^Dnlnanr <br />or A,rnr sifrure <br />""-**.-\1,Tnjna e\iq<aaDtltd <br />I <br />Pole Bases <br />FINAL <br />t nd.l" <br />^ddr\ <br />- <br />'cgIdi',9r\E(no\ rrnntrxlxr. f,[,t,!]r!hl. l,, rhi\ In,j..r <br />t"n"*)a{ <br />I