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PLUMBING.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />tD/stG.COMMENTSAPPROVALSDATE <br />UNDEH GROUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water-Under Iloor <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Building Sewer <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />lnterceptor/ Clarif ier <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water Pipino <br />Gas Pipino <br />Roof Drain <br />TubiShower Test <br />Rough Water Heater <br />P-trapi Drain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Pipinq <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />Bough Plumbing <br />Final Gas Test <br />Meter Release -.'t^'4c aFINAL\.Lt,181 <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />'t-llJ\ <br />I h.rchy dlllrm undcr Ff.lry {,1pcrNry rha, I 't, no r rhc Gr tu.ror' I ic.nsc I r\Y f(tr rh. f()ll,*in8 t$!)n lsuc 7)ll 5 <br />8us[c\s rnl lt.lcr\i,,n Cod.) Aiy ('[y or Coutrty *[].h rcquir.\ r rnnir k, coNrucr' rlt.r. i Prrt. d.irli\h .r (_|[n rny <br />{n'ciurr. frirrn) i( n$rnc.. rl$ rcquirc\ rhr rpllicri tur su.h !.nDir ro lllci signcd {lrtnrnr rhtrrltor dt i\ li(c scd lur{anl <br />rffli.trtrr fttr 0pcirnn srhjccl\ rhc !|]i,li.r kJrciril|[ tlrvofror mrcrh llvc hundrcd dolh\ l$5(X, <br />-1, <br />dr owm. of rh. prcFny. tr tuy.mploFs *nh wa8!s !s lh.n eb con{ENiion, lil &, thc ert lrd rE 3ilfu i! ml <br />iolc .d d ofcrcd lor slc (Sd.?044. Bu.ircs ed Prolssions Codc: Tnc Co.lrlcro s Li..n* Lrs dfts ml .nply io a oan.r of <br />rh. poFnr eh. boildr d inpros llfDn. snd srb &B uh wri himsclaor ltr.lf or <br />'hrcugh <br />his or hcr own ci0loy.cs <br />orevidcd rhur r&h inplwrnls @ ml id.nd.n qofErcd for sle. lt howE, E buildir8 or irprewm i.sldwnhhomFs <br />of.orphthn, ltrc Ovrcr Builrd qill haw &. hdc, of povug 0rrI lE or she dil ml hoiu or in{noB lhc PDPsty for lh plqe of <br />L es owncr of rlE !ml,.ny, .m qcurively co.rr&ritrg wilh lic.n*n .oift.rou ro @.srdd lt! Foicd (se. 7044. Busirc$ <br />sd Eoi:sionCodc: Thc Co.t@loas Liconsc t qdo€snolalllytooowncrofProP.nyqhobuildorimprovcrlnr.on. <br />lnd sto @druls for iEh Fojdlr with ! Conhcro(s) lk n*d puF@nl lo th€ Coonlcro s Li.cns Lrw). <br />I onrcrcmfl undcr Sccln'B. & P.C. forlhn,c!\on. <br />JIABrcf,S:IjQMTENIAIIAN <br />D&CITAMIrcN <br />I hcrcby r0irmund$ r..,lryolpdjuryonc of thc follovin8,4ti,nsl <br />I hrvc ud sillnui rhaCcnilrtrr.ol C. * h SclllNurc lot sorkcr' conPc.sxrn .as lir hySrrn'n 17(x)o, rhc <br />htx, cdr. f.r rhc lErfon k-.c .I rhc $ork fitr shi.h rhc n rn'ir is nsuc <br />I hiv. anJ ! ill mrinroin *orkca .o'!p.n\.ron rnsulrtrcc. trr rcquircd b, Scci bn l7m ta lhc khor (bdc, lu ih. l.rronmftc of <br />lh. $ork lorshichlhn pcnnir i\ isodl. My wor*.r' .omPrnsatn,n insurarcc.uki rl}d Flicynumhcroc: <br />Policy Nunbcr:-ExP <br />-l <br />ccnily rhat in $c lrrfor.Emr ofrnc work lor *tichlhii pomir ir i.s!cd. I shall nol cmnk,y uy p.tron in any truncr <br />$ ar t txcom subjccl to lhc ertcn'ompcn\arion laws ol Cdlifomia. lnd lBE rh irl should i*conE subrc.l rorh. <br />*odrds coml).nslhn pmvisions of Sc.rn n l7O0 6f lhc ribr Codc, I slull. fonhwnh coopry si$ lhorc pmlisiotr1.. <br />WARNINC: Frillrc ro suc volk.n ompc rlion .olcsse is lohwful, nd shall rubjccl 4 enllorE lo 6i'riml FtuLtr o.d <br />civil nncs up ro onc hunded rhous!trd dollm SI00.O0O). in rddnion io lh. cosl io.. d!m8.s rs proridcn for rhc <br />Sccrion .1076.frh. Lah.r Codc. inrcrcst <br />,*", Otr,{ zry,l u <br />I hcEby !flirn undo Fnalr, .f prju.y lh.l I um <br />DECIdBAIII)N <br />n*d undcr pmvnio..fChucr 9(commeins vnh Se'i ?0m)ofDivhiot:l <br />ot lh. Busimss snd Prcfesions Codc, dd my liccnc is in tull toN &d cll6r <br />Z- <br />I hcEb, a,nm undcr Fnrlly of pcrjury lhal <br />krucd (Sc.. 3097. Ci!. C.). <br />co.srrodb. LndinS ag.flcy fot lhc Flrfomrc oflh. s for {hkh thrc Fnnn b <br />tJ'dc'-.\'i{-_ <br />t nddi AddrEcq <br />- <br />AIILICANIDI,CI,IIaAIII,N <br />Itrnhylltimundcrrcnrhyof pc.juryoncoith.folloqirgdLrl !ln,n\: <br />Dcmlnion Pcrn rs.Ashcnos Norificarhn F.dcrrlRc3uhriotrs (lirlc40, Pdr, <br />R.qnncd Lcuer o{ No'incri,,' <br />Pninc( e\ius <br />TOP OUT <br />POOL/SPA <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />,*", d.lza'l <br />f------T------ <br />f-I-