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Erl;:LA DBS <br />0!t i txT 0flullo clto lAtETr <br />Los Angeles Regionol Uniform <br />Code Progrom <br />STRUCTURAL OBSERVATIOil REPORT FORM <br />STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION means the visual obseNation ol the structural system, tot general conformance to the <br />approved plans and specifications, at significant construction stages and at completion ol the structural system. Structurat <br />obseNation does not include or waive the responsibility for the inspections required by Section 108, 1704 or other sections of <br />the code. <br />Report No utZ <br />This report ancludes all construction work through ZZ day of <br />u qsb*L OBSERVED STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND THEIR CONNECTIONS <br />,20/B Page No. al of ot <br />Ptoject Addrcss: //)Z -/?f- - /?)6- /?ar- l?z <br />E. Dz-<-.<- Av. . <br />Structural Observe6FJJ of Record (SOR) <br />E orln,*- <br />Phone No of SOR <br />.3to:369.31, <br />(D tt!$a1ryee'mno/z- /?s-17+ <br />Structural ObseNatron oerformed bv <br />F--./J E.--L-,-,,n', <br />Professional Lic /Reg No of Observer:G 43?"r <br />Phone No. of Observer <br />31. -3 Lf-37 <br />to / ? sa+. <br />FOUNDATION FFAME FLOOR ELEMENT/ CONNECTION <br />OBSERVATION LOCATION <br />Aooting, Stem Walls, Piers EConcrete lSteel Moment Frame EConcrete <br />Dat Foundation EModulus of Elasticity' <br />Concrete Shear Walls Esteel Braced Frame <br />fiCaisson, Piles, Grade <br />Beams !Masonry flConcrete Moment Frame Dood <br />Detaining Foundation <br />Hillside Special Anchors flwood OModulus of Elasticity' <br />Seismic Moment Frames <br />Ithers OOthers <br />NOTED DEFICIENCIES with the proposed corresponding corrective actions with respect to general conformance <br />with the approved plans or in the load palht (A final reryrt by the structural observer which states that all observed <br />have been resolved is requied belorc acceptance of the wok by the building oflicials.) <br />€t <br />{p <br />/?Li -c.,-7 l-/- J,>t). A. l-.1 t <br />HE FOLLOWING STATEfiEtr{S AFE TRUI TO <br />LtlL-b.J.--t, (a-I t, <br />I DECLARETHATT THE BE OF MY KNOWLEOGE: <br />1. I AII THE ENGINEER OR AFCHITECT RETAINED BY THE OWNER TO BE IN RESPONSIBLE <br />CHABGE FOR THE STBUCTUBAL OBSERVATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REOUIREMENTS <br />OF THE CITY OF LOS AI{GELES. <br />2. I, OR AI{OTHER ENGINEEF OR AFCIIITECT WHO I I,iAVE DESIGNATEO ABOVE AI{D IS UNOER <br />MY BESPONSIBLE CHAFGE, HAS PERFOBMED THE REOUIRED SITE VISITS AT EACH <br />SIGNIFICANT CONSTBUCTION STAGE TO VERIFY IF THE STRUCTURE IS IN GENERAL <br />CONFOBMANCE WITH APPROVEO PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS; <br />3. ALL NOTED DEFICIENCIES WHICH REMAN TO BE CORRECTEO HAVE BEEN INOICATED <br />ABOVE; <br />4. I BECOMMEND THAT ACC T E OF THE STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS BY THE CITY OF LOS <br />ANGELES BE W L OBSERVED OEFICIENCIES AFE CORBECTED. <br />SIGNATURE OF CTU <br />rtl/Form oa {Pa,'l 1) (Rov G/1ryr7) <br />OESERVER DATE STAITT!P OF STRUCTURAL OBSE RVE R <br />WALL <br />lSteel Deck <br />[Others: <br />Ithers. <br />' For concrete buildings more than '160 feet in Structural Height: Concrete mix meets the modulus of elasticity <br />requirements in design for seismic force resisting systems.