<br />I hclchy amrm lnddr f,cnaxy r,r rerlury ln l amcxcnrpr lin rhc Conrn bn Lkensc liw fot rhc rout,win8 rclv,n (sLt.7oll5
<br />au\incss ,M Prurcs\ion Codc): An, Cily or Grnry shich r.quircs t ro conntu.r. nlr.t, ,mpiovc. dcmli\t or [Prt any
<br />srucrurq lr'iuh ns i\s!En... rko r.quircs thc anplicrni lorsuchFnnilkr fiha rilncd sr cnr rhrt hc.rrhc is Putruanr'
<br />ro th. pmvisions olthc Conrncrois t,icenscd ttr* (Charrcr 9. Connncmins *ilh Sccrbn 70Oo of Divnio. -1 ol rhc Burincis dnd
<br />Prolissions Codc) or rh heorshc i\cicdfl rhcicr.onand rhc bls,s to.lhc rllc-qcd crcrpnor Anyviollrionolsccrb.70.ll5bysny
<br />lppli.anl for o pemir {bjc.rsrhc rypli.a.r ro rcivilpcnoltyainor n}xc Ihrn lirc hund,cddollln ($500)
<br />l.arowrcrolihcDrrIEny,ornryc.{l,,y.ccwirhwaScs.srhcir$lcconrpcns nnr. silld ih. wo* ufrl rh. idrurc h mr
<br />i' cndcd or or1.rcd fir slc rS€ 101,4. ltusin.s rnd honsi('ns Codc: Thc C.Na.r{n \{ t rs doc( nolryPly b an oqicr of
<br />rhcpDpcny *ho 6uild\ or inwov$ rhlNtr. a'xt $h docs {rh $\Jd( hi'n\.llor hcrcllor rhn)ugh his or hcr o*n cmPk,tcc\.
<br />pNvilL{ rhit such imprcvcNtrhntnn inrcrxldlo! onircn n) ho*ckr. rh. bnilding or ir{'mvcmnl is $h *nhin .m \ir
<br />ol co,lPhri,,n. dr ow cr Buikcr will h0$ ltE llldcn of,,ovins rh, h. or \hc did mr hikl or inDroE rhc Pn,ldy hr th. pu[ns oi
<br />Ln\oqmrofrh.Dmncny.a ciclusivcly conrd in! snh*d .onlr{cl{$ b .{i{ru.r rlf Pnl..r (Scc 7l}4,1 8u\iR.i
<br />rnl ti 6\irCodc:ThcConrm.ror'sLiccnscl,iwdocsnorapplyhanotrncrofPro!.n,wn()hrildsorimli(,vc\rhcrcon.
<br />Itrd who on(tocr s rbr such $irh r contncbd 9 liccnscd pusulnr ro rhc a,nk*'or's Liccns tiw)
<br />I tcxc rl, u lcr S.dt
<br />worKFI{s' (:()NI PENS,( l(lN
<br />Dltct axAlloN
<br />I hcrhtrtu u .rNMlryotpcirryoncolrhcr{nbsir'tdc(l$,rnrn\:
<br />I hrrc arxlwill nminlai. ! Ccnificrrc olCon*nt k,Sclf.l.surc lhr wotkEi conD.nsdion.0s pmvacd fitrbySc.tiotr l,mollhc
<br />tjtrr col., iorrhc pcrlonruncc of lhc worl rd ehkh'lt r.nnil is is{cd.
<br />-l hlvc sid Nill .ri ain work.ri conDc.sal ion iNurarcc. as rquiNl h! sal ion .1700 or rlt lllhtr codc. Ior rhc ncriorn[tr.. .f
<br />ric ruk for *hirh rhhlfrnrii is nsucn. Mys.rkcrs ompcnsar n nr( rftl F,licy mn$cr ffc:
<br />P.licy Nunrhcr
<br />-Exln
<br />!:
<br />-I ccnify ihnr in thc r.rloirnrncc oilhc work lor which rhn |Ernil rs ksucd. I \hrll nor .nrrl.'y rny !.sotr in trn) mnnn.r
<br />$ Nr(' be.omc $,brcd h rhc workcs .onrr.nsatnnr i{ws ofCulifornix. rid usrc.lhnl if I should bccom $hid k) ll[
<br />*orkq( omnrnsal ion Pmvisions of SNlnrtr :17(n oi thc L.tnr Cod.. I shrll, fod hwilh @nrlly * irh rh.{ Pnrvhions.
<br />WARNINC Frilur. t' kcurc workcF conrcnsrtun.rvcrrac ir unldqful. rd shrll Itr c Dlo\rr r. lrimi'ul porhis md
<br />.ivil fin.\ u, ro .k hu rcd lhousond do
<br />Sccrt'n.l07o ofrhc l-ab.rCodc. ir cr!( lnd
<br />)r. i'r xd iriftr t,) rhc .on nnNtr\nri, . drtru8c\ r\ nfl,ri{ld ntr rho
<br />Drl"r&,D \e
<br />I hcrcbt aifirmunrler pcmlry ot p.rjurr lh,l I an lian$n ll1dcr pmvnb! orCh,Prd 9 (onmn.ins sirh sd.rtun 70ujr.rl)lvisi{nr l
<br />or lhu Busincss ond Pmfc$ions Codc- ,id fry li.cnsc ir in tull turc mt crlecr
<br />r-.""".N,,"h, 4lO l?2-
<br />I hcr.6y ar'innunncr pcnnlryor,,c!ury rhar crion hndi',8 rsc .y tu rhc p.rlnrrrffcc .rrh. lhr*hichlhi\ p.rn,ir i\
<br />G{ul (Sc. 1097. Civ C.)
<br />Irlr$yjninnundcrpcnoltyoapcrjuryoncorrh.rolkiwin[d(lrat ns:
<br />Dcmolirion P.rnirs tb.skx Nolin. ion lidcEl ReSUla!ions (Tirlc 40. P!n6)
<br />_Rcqlird L. ci or Nolilioriotr
<br />l..nifyrhii rhclcdcfllrcgul iotrs EEndrE nshc(o! rcmovrl rc nor llplr.hlc ro rhir prclccr
<br />. r.nd rhi\,,IdrJrkrr {rr. rl'r rh.rh,!o n1,,rxr .ored lalrcch.onplywirhrllCi'l,tridCounry
<br />l-rs( rel in! h huil,lirg connn'dotr. hscb rcprc\crr3rivcs ofrhi\ CIy rtrd Couniyb cnrcr utx{ rh
<br />J€6gS
<br />a6.- 16- t9
<br />Set Backs
<br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns
<br />Erection Pads tlBlte Mr 6t2
<br />.J
<br />SLAB Floor
<br />Sublloor/VenVlnsulation
<br />Roof Shealhinq
<br />Shear Wall
<br />Framino 1l /,/t r/.2{" t9J,)
<br />lnsulation/Energy
<br />Drywall
<br />Ext./lnt. Lath
<br />Brown Coat
<br />It/asonry
<br />Pool Fence
<br />T-Bar
<br />Handicap Req
<br />Deputy Final Report
<br />Enoineer Final Report
<br />Flood Zone Cenif
<br />FINAL 4lnltt/'1,?,)
<br />Certificate of Occu nc
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc
<br />UFER Ground
<br />o," e>6 = r*- lB
<br />L,1'J. '. 'lJ.-
<br />-
<br />I