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40133490 - Permit
Greenbrier St
2110 N Greenbrier St
40133490 - Permit
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Last modified
6/2/2021 12:02:28 PM
Creation date
6/2/2021 12:02:27 PM
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2110 N Greenbrier St
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Gensicke SFR Int. Remodel, A/C, and W/H
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Resid-1 unit
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MECHANICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.C(i.ilMENTS OWNER BUILDER DELCAN TION <br />I h6!by.,Rrn ulldd !a.ty of Fjlry th. IoqdFtofr rCol,'Li.u Ls lor llE follosiry r6D (s€.7011.5 <br />Esin* .!d Profdion Cod.): Ary Cily or Co!d, sftt EquiE . Fni ro oal^ai .nq, inFlE (hhlat r q.n &y <br />lr,u.rE Fi.r ro iii iEllee .Lo Eq'ri6 rlE +pltrx for M[ Fhn ro 6l.. riS!.d nrde'r rhr h. o, tlE ir li@.d F&!! <br />lo $. FDaisio6 of rh. CoirEldi Li6!.d trw (Ch4rq 9. Co@@nr8 wnh Serion ?0OO of Divirbtr I of th. Bu!i6 -d <br />lrof66N Co&) q thr lE m CE ir qsrd rlEdoE rd rlE b-ir for rlr.ES.d gdpriri. Aly vi,lri,i of Sdbn Tol l t bt D; <br />.rdt.r!r ror . pqon otirl. ll. @lic.d ro . ci! p@ry of bt @E tr liE hqndld &u6 (lr0o) <br />-1. <br />B NE otth. FoFty. d dy qrrrd sit w{s a tlri bb orpalrbi. wi! .b lt. Et d rr! 3lEE ir mr <br />iradd n of6td tu .l. (Sc.n).a. ed6 od lllbb. Cod. Tt CdE ld . liE t * &- 6l +dy io - o*E of <br />drF!Fr, rb hilil d iqDE dE@.n rt(l dE.dr Et li@lIq h-!df or tlrwa] hir 6 bd 06.4byq <br />FoviLdrlld ut iqffi E d id n oEld S. -l.. lt lEM. tl' Lddq a irysvqd a ild,itin G rdofoqbi,G. lt. OrE eifk wil bE lb ht& of tltq lL lt d iE.H El t ld a iryDr dr F.Ft, &r ilt F Fcot <br />-1. <br />. o.G ofdE FoFrr. ! qcfln"dy cldraia wri liE!.d oe-io r. @drxr 6. FDj.! (sa. ?044, B.lilB <br />td hltiE Cod.: rt Con r(:ld . LtaE t* .bs br ryly lo d o*G otFoFry vho h{ild. or ilpoE tnaaE <br />.!d *to od6 &.$dFjetwi[.CodEdlr) lta.d F!r!r to{Ecd...<rr'r Liw ln). <br />-l <br />a sapl @dd S6tb!- a &P.C fort!'a)n <br />D.r.: OrG: <br />]!!8S[8[(qMIE!!AUA!oEclJlAllq! <br />I h6.try !,Im unda Frty olFjury orc otllt follo*ing &.lrrrh6: <br />_l hrrc nn wnl mi rin r Cclifk I. ot Couor h for wrl6r @h!.urol\ E Flvid.d for by Setioo 1700 oftlE <br />trbor Codc. ad rh. Ffol]1@. of th. ert for *,lth th. Fnir ir isu.d <br />I hrc and will wor[.ra conFrostn]n iNurlncc. s rcqltcd by S(r on .1700 ol $. ldff co&, lor rh. Ffomu.. of <br />th. wo,k f.. which rhis p6mn i! ie.d My *orldr' codF&rion i6udc. c.fti6 ! Fli.ynu,nb6E <br />Pol'cyNumbs:- - <br />-lirfrd <br />I odirythn i,lh. pcfol]rw ofth. m for whth lhit Fnn n i$.( I.htllmtatploy6yFsnin,,,ffi <br />o a lo b@c sbir.1 ro th. "qtd' @DFliion L*. otc.lilbmr ,!d tc llli it I tlEuld ha.m sl*( lo llt <br />srt6 NipqBdn. Flvirb6 olserio. lT00 of E Lbo, ( odc l trll. fonnwit 6ndr wnb lbr FDvirio6.. <br />Wr{RnInG: a.inE to sr wrta' mFnriD orala. i uLrtul tn adl Ebjer u atpbF lo oilid dri.. od <br />.ivil liE 'p ro oE hE(H tho'!-d &ll-. (ll0o.000). i! .ddliD ro rlE .d of .o6p.Erbn do.g6 B Fvikd fDr rlE <br />Sdbn 10?6 oftll L$d Co(h idsln ]d fidry r ft6.q.9o tq <br />lECI'f,AIlqA <br />I h.*, tfrrE u,& F.ry of Ficy rL I D [.d.d uldd Fwiioi ofo'qt6 9 (@i.a wih S.din ,00o) of Divid,n ] <br />of rlE &!iE -d ttDkid Co& nd ay liu. i n 6 6c ri .tur <br />q ?o'l <br />cq!t[8l,lquo!.lJ8DrG.Ac!!cr <br />I bqlty.r&E @da !o.iy of Fjuryrhr dE ir r @!dru6b. bditI lsqty 6r th. FfDlr!trG of 6c *vl ftt *nict lb! Fnt a <br />iixr.d (s6. 3097. civ. c.). <br />ATTUI;AXTIECIJAAII(A <br />I hd!ry .IIm lndd p6.Iy ofFjury on. of lh. following d4lsllioro: <br />D@olirion Pmils-Altdro! Nolific.lion F.d6.l R.suLrio (lnI.40, Pin6) <br />-Rctutc, <br />tar6 of Noii.nirn <br />I .dit rh, thc a.ds,l rcgularioN E8edi.{ sb6kx rm.!.| r. nor ptlic.bk lo liir Fojcl <br />I .dliry ih3, I luv. 6d fii rrpli..riof, lxl {d. rhn rh. .b.!. infodi.n n cotrar I lar lo onply wirh lll Cn} r,<l Co@ry <br />ordi.e6 .id Sl't. tla Elaidg 16 hrildinS co,(n(rion lld hd$y .utlbria EFddriG oirtir Cny od Courly lo dl6 uFn dr <br />$ov. @rioo.d FFrr lor i!?cri,n FrDos <br /> c fu<d Si8r.@:_lazar <br />Y 3o'tc( <br />Appliances <br />tvaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Misc.Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rough Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Range <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech. <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL {lt tq ,(/,/t4 [q I <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.I I <br />Metal Fire Place <br />I <br />I
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