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20168657 - Permit
Kent Ave
3880 W Kent Ave Unit# 7
20168657 - Permit
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/2/2021 12:02:38 PM
Creation date
6/2/2021 12:02:37 PM
Permit Number
Full Address
3880 W Kent Ave Unit# 7
Permit ID
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Miscellaneous Counter1 Permit
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Description of Work
Dedicated circuit for EV charging. Owner-Builder form on file.
Nature of Work
Dedicated Circuit
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APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS Ol{NER BUILDER DALCANATNN <br />I h@by iffm unda p6rly of Fjury thi I 6 6dPl Eom lhc co flcloE Li..M Lw lot lhe fouowirg ror (56.?011.5 <br />BuiH rd PDadion Cod.) Art Ciy ot Colny *'tih 'quiG . Fni lo od!u.i. .hs n9rcB {rmlirh or rF.! -v <br />tur@ Fnlo i! ililee.lo rc(|li6 $c nplid fo *h Fnr lo 6L. riS!.d r.ard lhdl'orJEili@.d rurd <br />b fi. Fovirbd of rlE Conrrd..! Lieisd L.w (Ch!pl6 9, Com*ing wnh Sdlio. 7000 of Divirio. I of rlE BriE rd <br />Pofdbnr Codc) or rhll lE or $. i! qcmfl lha.ftom t d ih. b.!L for lh. dLsdl aoBiod. Anv violdio. oasElioD 7031.5 bv &v <br />.@liclln for. Fnn sbrai! llt @li@t ro. ciril Fully of ml mrc lno 6v. hud,ld &U&! ($m). <br />-1. <br />! osE of dt FoFrr, - my.rtrolo'€ vnh *is6 6 rtEir ik Mpcaion sil rlo rlE 6t id dE tr dE' dt <br />iirqd.d m ofldql tor lrL (Sa 7044. B6irs od Ptlf4ioro Cod.: Th. Co ncld ! Licae trw do6 nol 4Plv lo d omd of <br />rlE !.oFry *ho hili or iEFoq dEEtr -d f,tE &E *h wlt hirelf or h6!lf or lbough tit n fi6 oM dplovq <br />FvlLd thr uh liglvEd,cd irqd.d otu6.-t.l[t M, tlr b(.ldrB qir+lrdd i-ld *tllhm ]t <br />;loqbi,a d.O** A,ilda wi[ hG E hlda of Fovr{ 0.lEo.lrEdn ml h,ild 6.i+st dE FoFtv 6. rh F,FEof <br />4. - .** ,t* ,r"*.r. @ @irritts vnh lic6.d .o r-16 ro oo3lEl rlE Foid (sc 7o4a E6iB <br />!n ProkinC6dc Th. Co ndd t Lic@ L.* doa bt.rtly lo do*naof FoFlvwho boaui o. inPm"6 tha@tr <br />sd vho ontxr! fq *h FoF enh. li.d!.d Fllld lo th.Cdndd.! LtdE t:w) <br />I 6 .r6d undd seiion-, B & P <br />-".sfo/q <br />Dtgdlaua! <br />I h6.h\ amrn undd FEhy of Fjuh- ok.frh. follo$in8 d(laali,N <br />I h.r. r'd will oinrlh. C6litrdc oaconsl ro Sdf-lME aor elld onFntlion, 6 Frdd lor b' Salion l7m of th. <br />rlbor Codc. for thc psforll@. of rhc worl lor whkh llE Fni b iru.d <br />I n!rc Dd *ill odd. wrrsa conp@.lioi nMcq E EqliEd by Serion lrm of $. Lridr Cod.. for llE Ffollrrc of <br />llE *D* fd shit rhir FDi ir is,.d My wrld otrlFdirn i6l,lt. cai, td Polay nunba E <br />Pol,.y N@bq'-E 'r'i€ <br />44, cgriry rh, u rh. p6follj1k. orthc worl ld wh&h $n Fmn ir ilrusl ! !h!ll nor .nPlov &v F$. in ev mnd <br />s s to baom iuh6t lo th. wrl6' @spo!.iod LB of C.lifomir .d lgc thn if I rhould bcom. slbial kr th. <br />sod6 oniFsriotr Foviriod of Sdtbn lTO0 ofrlE t tc Co<L. l dulL ldhx nh @mplv *'in rhot FlriioG <br />WARNINC F,lu. k, $u. mrl6' comFr.d'o. a.rFrsc t unbqful. ud sh,ll r!bj..l & plovd ro ainiBl Ful6 tnd <br />civil fin6 up lo 6E hu.dt.d lhoed &tlh6 (tloo,ooo), in addiiion lo lh. coc of conFsrio.. damlS6 a rovid.n <br />'or <br />ih' <br />Serion 10?6 otrh. llEr C&le i 6cr &d.ndry's16 <br />l <br />u(}:lill)g1Nt&l!roButg"!&tll!l! <br />I hdtb, .I!m u&. pdiy otFJuD Oi I m li..d sxta FoBbn of CtuEq 9 (olllldira ehh Scibn 70@) 6' Dnni'n 1 <br />of rh. AsilB &d PDftaiioE Cod.. ald oy laag i h tull lor id.lE r <br />Lt.* Nunhq <br />CAITBICUAII,EBDBq'AGEI(} <br />I hd.b, rllm un& Frlty of Ficy lhi l,E i' r @dndb. l@d!B t3ffy tor lrE FfM. or[. *ql 6r rtkh lhir Fia i! <br />isucd (Sd. 1097. ci! C ). <br />L.nJd'r N.m( <br />- <br />hdd r Add6 <br />- <br />AIIUCANI.DEEdSAIIO! <br />I hd!6r'rfm undd Fthy ot Fjui, oB of th. fouowi.s rk L,trfN <br />D.mlnirn i@nla.hdd Ndifxdi,n F.da.l R.guhbN (TnL 40. Pur6) <br />_Rdluircd kt6 olNolilicdion <br />-l <br />carify thr dE fcd6.l r.glldbE ,lg.di8 6bdrd 'Efttd e ml @latbL ro rhi Foixl <br />&6cdiry rn, I h!v. .dd rhi! ippltdion sd nd. $d rh. !bov. inro'n ion is coftG1 I !8rc ro amPb vnt tll cirv ed counrv <br />o.dine6 !i Slrl. lrw Eliiie lo h{ildtrtS con-tstDll. !n hacbt tlrl[rt r@rel.liv6 ofrfi! Cnv od Counlvto mls uFn tlE <br />.tF\. 6rnn d FoFli'aor nsrErn <br /> or asdrslrnrn'rc )< <br />Puni,$ ,mcrlrin,): X Sjarra.^YD <br />.s/toy'q <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Liqht Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Siqns (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communicalions Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueinq <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouqh <br />Ceilinqs (T-Bar Rouqh) <br />Meler Release <br />Rouqh <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL s/2,'//? r/4 os-7//0L{ <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />) <br />ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD
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