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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />pas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />I-ife Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouqh) <br />Meter Release <br />Rough )l-tq -/,LY /oZ J).tD/-O?) <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL 4vlb'lYlttu,n d?a) <br />Notes Remarks, Etc U11r I <br />OWNER BT]I LDI]R DELCANATION <br />I h€rcby aflid uodd p.nalry of p.rjury rhd I m cxnpr iiom rhe conlraclou' Lic.ns. bw for rh. follovinS rNn (5(.7011.5 <br />tsusin6s dd Proasion Cod.) Any Cily or Coum, whi.h rcqute . ponn lo cooslrucl. ah6. inprcvq ddolah or Ep6n sy <br />(rucrur€. Drior ro irs isumce. also requn6 rh. spplic r io! such Dnn lo nL a si!.di stal@d Oat h. or sh. is licff.d pumet <br />ro rh€ FolisioB offi. conrracrois Lic.nled kw ((naprd 9, ComrcncinS with S€clion 70Ct) olDivision I ofrh. BGin6 dd <br />PrcfNionsCod€)orthrth.orshciscxcmptrhqelio'nudthcbsislorrheau.s€dddprio..Anrviolalio.ofsdlionT0ll5byany <br />aprlicant foi a pmit subj*ts rhc arplicdt ro . ciril pdalry of not mrc lh& 6!e hun&.d dolles ($J00). <br />-1. <br />6 own6 of th. pmFnx or my cmplq€s silh !as6 s th.n sE comp.nsarbn. wll do $. u.rl md lh. sddrc is ml <br />intco&l oi o'lr.d for el. (s{.704-4. BEi.e md Prcasio6 Cod€ Th. ('oniractoi s Lic€e Law do6 nol apply lo e o*td ol <br />lhc pmpqly vho hril& or inprcvB th66n. rd who do€ s'rcfi woll hims€la o, ho *lf or lhroush his or hr oM .mploy.6. <br />providql (hal such i.provoE ns s€ oor inradcd or or6cd tor slc. ll hos6,q. thc buikling or iopror@m is $6 silhin one ,@ <br />ofoopl.lion. tic O*rs Adrl6 *ill lErc lh. tordo oaprovinB tld he or sh. did noi build or improv. 6c pmlsly for lh. pEFs of <br />_1, s o*no oflh. lroporn @ .r.lBively conhding wirh lic.roal co.rEro6 lo coNlrud tlE proj..r (S(. 7044. BGi.d <br />ad l\olhst n Codc Tn. Co tr.roa s Liccnsc Lav dos nor apply ro an ovr€r o aprcpfiy vho b!il& or improvc th6on. <br />dd Nho co.'Ecrs aor such projds wnh a aroilmdo(, licftal txuo.m lo rh. Co"tracrois LicN Las) <br />_r ancrcnltn undd Serion , B & PC lorrhisr.Mn <br />D.l.: O*n€r: <br />WORI{ERS' COMPENSATION <br />DEC!A8AUq! <br />I .ilid uddr p.naxy oapojlr, on. oath. aollovi.s 'iddatio6: <br />_I harc ed will @imai. a cdifical. of coBal ro sclar6u. for rvork.6 @mpensr ion. s pror i(H lor by Sdrio, 1700 ofrh. <br />L.bor Code. for lhe Flom cc.f thcwrt for shich thc pmn b issu€d <br />_l hale a.d vill <br />'nai.rai. <br /> conpmarion isurrnc., ar r.quir.d b, Sdion 1700 of$e tibor Cod€. fo, lhe Faotun.c of <br />rh. *ork lor $hich rhis pdnir ir i5sudl My lorlcB comp..sarion iNurancc csid Md policy numbrr 6c <br />PolicyNunrbdr Expi'cs: <br />_l c.difyrhar in lhe ldfom,ncr ofrhc *or! for whi.h rhis pd,nn b i$u.d, I sh,ll not mploy any pmon in any Ednd <br />e ato Lt omc ubjdl to lhe woltsa compas.liofl laws ofcalifomia. and arE thlt ial should b.Loi. subjd to rhc <br />{0lk6'comp.GalionprcvisionsoaSElionlT00olihcL.borCodelshall.fonhvilhcoip}wnhlho*poviions <br />'\!ARNINC: failre lo suE wolksJ comp€nFlron is unhwlul. a.d shall subj$t d mploF lo oiminal FElti6 ed <br />addirion lo th€.osr ofcon!.nsarion, damgc a providcd for Ihccivil nn.s up ro o.c hundrcd lhousd doutrs ($l <br />Skrion 1076 ofrh.ljhorCodc, inrdBt md afioirEy s <br />I lErctry amrnr utulq pemllyoflErlu.)lhar I am licdns.{ u olChaprs I (comf,d.inu snh sdi6n 7000) olDnision I <br />of rh. Busin6s md Pioi6ios Cod.. md ,ny lic.6. is in <br />L(ztto t <br />I hftby amnD u.dd p.mlt, ot pdjury lhal ln6c is a conndcl <br />issucd (S<.1097, Cir. C ) <br />aEocy aor rh. !€aomd.. oarlE sort for which lhis Fmit ts <br />AIfI,I(AILDECI,AIAIIOX <br />I no!b, arm uids pdalry ol pfijury onc of fi. ,iillo*i.g delaotions: <br />Dcooliion P€mils-Asb6t* Noriication F.ddal Rcsubrions ('rir! 40. Pan6) <br />Rcqlncd Llltd of Noricdion <br />-l <br />cslifythat ihe Ld6alresuhtions Esrdins 6b.stos,onoval arc nor apph.ablc lo rhis rroj<r <br />-l <br />cs1iry lhar I hav€ r.adlhis a arc lhal rh. abve infon.arion is cotr€d. I a8re to comply lith allCityand County <br />.'ii',3Dcs and Slar€ t{\$ relatLn! (r <br />aho\c mcnrioned prop.dy for itrrp<r <br />ofihis Cny and Counlylo 616 upon rh. <br />Applicanl or Agenl SiBnolu.c: <br />t t\*\e-r"M'-V/L - <br />DATE <br />Sub-Panels