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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUII,DER DT]I,CARATION <br />I hcrchy ifllim undM p.mlry ol t'.riury dnl I m.rcnp! rft,n rhc Conradon Liccns Lou rbr lhc hllo*ing rcayrn (s( 70-11.5 <br />Busincst rtrd Proicssiotr Cdc) Any Cily or County uhi.h rcsuncs a p.rmir ro dJn\r .'. alrcr. i'Iprovc, d.nrlish or EPtn 0.t <br />{ru.rurc. pri(n ro ils issuore, oho rcqdnc\ ih. aprrltlir lq ruch rEnnir ro fil.a ri8trcd sarcmd rhal hcorsh. n liccnsed ruFurnr <br />ro rhc trevirion\ .rlh. Conlr&ioas Liccned tjw (Chrprcr 9, Commcrcins wirh Sccrion 7(m of Dienion I oflhc Busnrs otrd <br />Pmicsions Codc) or thnl hcorrhc hcxcmpl rhctirono lhe bnsn ior thc lll.gcdcrc.$bn Any!t arionofs(lion7031 5hya.y <br />erli.r ru a pcnnir sul,jftc rhc tDli.,nr r. a.ivill,cnalrlornor drcrh,n livc hundrcd dolltrs($50t|) <br />_1. !s owmr of rhc I)IorEdy. (n ny cmtbttcs wnh wasc\ i! r hct $h comn nsrn,n. will do rtr eo mnth. srnr]lmt nor <br />inrcndsl .r off.rcd f.i sh (se 7(xt, BusiRss dnd ft.i.ssi.ns Cod.: Th. Conlrcdois l,iccns ljw dcs nor anpiy rJ d owncr or <br />rhepmF,y who hilds or nq'mrs rhcMr ard sho des su.h qork himscllor hcrsllo. rhtrro8h hi( 6r hcr dsn.n'ployecs. <br />provacd rhor $ch imlotrmnrs arc mr inlcnd.d tr ofiNd rbr slc It howEr. lhc buiklhs or inlmttunl is v,u wirhrn ,,ft ,tt <br />ol snlshlbn. rlEOwncr Buil:rs eill hrvc llE burdcn or provin8 rhd tr.r shc did nor btrild or in{rcrc rh. pDFny for thc lurrneof <br />_1.Nowncrotrhcrrop€ny,aorcx.lusivdlycoor,,.ringwirhli.!{dc.trkr.toFtomnslrucllhcnroj.rl(S(7{x.r.Busrm$ <br />.od Aofclsion cod. Thccontrror'sLiccnsctiwdocsnoraptlyrortroqDcrollll,pcnywhohuildsornnprovcsrhcaon. <br />lnd sho contmcls l'or such projcts wnh a Conr,!cr.r19 liccnsd puFuunr ro rbc Cont&'.is Ltcn* Lrwl. <br />-l <br />omerchtl ondc. 56r A & IC r{rrhis rcr{)n. <br />Ivaartrf,lraMtliNi]!1]N <br />DECI,AX6.IIQN <br />I hcrcby nfln'n und$ Dcnihy ol pcrjury orc ol lhc loilowirs dcchrlrt,n\ <br />-l <br />hr\c oft will minl0in a Ccr liiEarc oi Con*ni to Scl nrurc fu porkca $mpcnsa'ion,!s In,lidcd r.r byScrnni 37(10 olrhc <br />tib.r Codc. for rhc ,crfmdn.c .r rhc work for which rlE Fmn is ksucd <br />Ihrvcrndeillf,rinrait*.rkcr{.omFn.rrio.i'Nuraft..rrcqundbySccrionl?00ofrh.l,oborConc.forrtcFtlo.nbn..ol <br />rhc *ork f(trwhichrhh pcmir is issu.r! Myworkm$rioi in\urituc .onicr ord Nlicy nu l,o uc: <br />-l <br />ccnilyrhd ir rhc rcrlormrNc ofrhc Nolk rbr which rhn Fnnil t issucd.l \hrll nor cmploy rny Pri<,n h afl, minncr <br />$ r\ h lrcom \ubtcct lo rh. *ork^' .onlTnsnt tun hw\ of Cnllfomir. nd d8(r rhd ifI stuuld bccotrE suhid rorlr <br />workcr{ comp(nsarn,d prcli\inr or Sdrirtr l7m of rhc Lahtr Cod.. I shrll. lonhwirh mry,ly wilh lhos prcvi\ion\ <br />WARNINC Failurc io *curc workcn compcnsolion covcmse is unhtrtul. ad shrll srbjccr rn cnployci ro oi,niNl Fn.his lnd <br />civrl fincs up b onc hundrcd rhousind dollam (SlO(r,(rO0). nr.ddiliotr ro lhe cosl ofcofrFnsarion. d,.Egcs as [ovidcd hr lhc <br />."wliTs <br />I h.rchy rffirflr lndq pcnllryoircrjurr rhar I rm li.anwl !ndc! EorttunofCh.prcr 9 (.ommNitrB wiih Sdion ?0m) oiDivi\i{,n l <br />ol lhc Bu\iNs ond ProlcsiorN Codc. md nry licctrrc h ir lull lorcc orxrcrt cr <br />f+!r1 ,..'.""'",(t9 <br />CONEIAT&IIONI.ENDIN(;}GINCI <br />I hc(by ntnrm u.df Fndlyorp.rjuryth,t rhcrc is a.onirucrion hndins o8cmy forlhe pe,fommc oflh. *o* ld rhhh rhis Fnnil is <br />nsucd(Scc 3097, Civ. C., <br />AIILIIANLDECI,ABAII!]N <br />I tmt') lim undcr ,'.nulry o,pcrjury orc oIrhe folb*in! dmlrari(inr: <br />Dcmlnbn PcinnsArhcsros Nolification Fcdcrul Rc8ulrlions (l'nt 40. Pan6) <br />Rcqutcd klrcr ol Notiliculion <br />ifyttut I havcrcadlhisapDlicolionond{trlclhrr lhc atnvc inrirmorion iscorccr Irardro.o rrlywirhrliCil <br />s md srar. Lrqsrcltllinsro huilding <br />rh)vc,mnrt *d pml.dt f(r ms <br />Appllconi or AaenI SlatuluE: <br />Prmile. mm. ( prinl ): <br />"x*rucrion. r hcrchyrrln r rclrc{nurivc\ of <br />;)l{T_LB <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Lile Salety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor />\ <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER +-26-tf [.U(r0 <br />Torqueino <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Solf it Rouoh <br />Ceilinos (T-Bar Rouoh)z1 <br />Meter Release +-27-ry W-W:10) <br />Rouoh <br />Service I\/eter +-z-b-l l v.u/Fo <br />FINAL l2-11-r\"q.)L$o <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc U <br />Transformers <br />l.dilirhJrrh.lidcirlroguhriotr\r.grJi',Sn\Grno\..fkrrlnr.n.rat)tl(rhl.r,rh\ftr+.r <br />I