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MECHANICAL-INSPECTOR BECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE rD/srG.COMMENTS OWNEi BUILDER DELQ{RATION <br />I hcEhy alfm undr p.ndry of Friury rnll I d €r.npl fiom lh. ConrEdoF'$ L!* for rh6 followin3 eMn (5<.?0]1.5 <br />Busincss md Pofc$ion Codc): A.y Ciry or Counry lhkh eqliEs a |xmn ro @n{tucr. .116, inp,orc, d.mli.h or rcp8t My <br />slructurc. Irior to irs ksuMc.. lls rcquircs ltE 0ppliel ro. slch Fmrn m fih a siSkd dcmot lh.l lE or slE is lic.nsd l)ursul <br />to th. pmvirio.s ot tlE ContD.rols r,i.cnsd Lav (Ch4lcr 9, Com.ming wirh Sc.rtoo 7000 ol Divi.ion I of lhc SusiBss lnd <br />Pmfcasiotrs Co&) or ind E or shc i-s crcmpt lnd[fron and rhc bdrh f6r ih. llke.d cr.nplio.- Any yhl,lirn ofsNlion 7031.5 hr dry <br />dpplicul f$ ! Frnil subirls lhc applicanl lo . civil pcnally ol mr mrc lhm liv. nundEd dolm ($500) <br />-1, <br />as ownlr of th. poFny. or my cmrlorr.s wirh wae$ {s rhcir sL onpcns{iio.. will do ilr w6dr ,.d tu sndm k mr <br />i.rcnd.d or ofrmd tor slc (Ss.7044. Busircss d ttofcssionr Codc: Tnc C,'\ Lt ns L3v docs ml oprly lo e o*m ol <br />thc pop€dy who buikk o, irprch rlE@n. ord who des sh h* hinsltor h4rslf o, rhoudr hir 6. h.. oen cnploy..s. <br />nt,vidca rhlr slcn irymwals rrc ml inLndcd or otu lor slc. lt howE rlE htildin8 tr i,qmEmnl L $ld wilhb om Fe <br />of complction. llE Owrcr Buihcr wil haw lhc buflrcn or pmvjns rtbt r. e sh. dit rcl hild o. inpree 0E ptrFny for rlE purFs or <br />-1. <br />asosmrollhe torcny. ahd.hsivclyconlnclin8 wirh liccnscd conlncroF tocon(rucl rhc pmrccl (Sec.7044. Bu\inc$ <br />aln htrlssion Codc: Thc conk&'o. s Liccnsc Law d.x! nor apply ro ,o own.r ol pmpcdy uho builds or improvca ,hcrmn, <br />,nd uho o,nlmcls for slch pn,rc.h siln d A,nrEcro(s) I iccnsL{ ,ursuant rorhc Conrreror's Liccns L€*). <br />-l <br />!ocxcn'l undd S.dion- B. & P.C. forrhheen, <br />woR{n [r, co[rPENsaTroN <br />IIECI,AEAIION <br />I bc,cby lffirn lndcr pcnahyoflqj!ryoncoflhc folloqin8 dcchr.lions: <br />-l <br />havclnd aillrui ri,raCcnific colconsetrrl,Sclalnsurctorsorkc6 coflrDcns.rion.0s NvidcdlorbySc(rirn]?0Ooarhc <br />l jhtr Codc. lor thc pc bnmncc ol thc qork lt r which <br />'hc t)cirnir r issucd. <br />Ynr hd will nruinrain worle^ c.dncnsarion insuruncc. {s rcquncd hy SNrion 3?m of lnc Lrh.r Codc. for rlt ,.rr.i,mm. or <br />p.rnri i\ n\ocn Mytrorkcrr ronl^-.lurion iNurln.c crtric. ud F,li.t nunrbrr rce7l-ze-SS <br />3 z<) <br />-l <br />ccnifylhd in lhc p.rformmc of lh. *ork lor whhh lhis Fnnir is issu.d.l shlll nol cmployrnypcMn intrtrymlnncr <br />s s ro h.&m sltFl ro rllc ertdi cotrqxnsarion L$s of Culifoni!, $d lgN rhlr if I sholld b€coft suhier to dr <br />erts' oopcnsalion porisions of Sclion 37m of lh. L3hrr Codc. I stdl. tontpilh coDply aith rhos pn,visions., <br />WARNINGT Fdilurc b surc aorkcm .omp.ns,rion cblc6rc i\ u.ln*rul. d shlll subjdr M dnploycr lo diDinal Fmlics md <br />civil fincs uI ro onc hnndrcd d dollaA (5100,000). in lddirn n ro rhc.o{ .l.dnF.erion. da@8ts rs I'rovidcd lor rhc <br />urrNrulcoNrrd(jla.&lrEc!$Aua! <br />I hcrchy llnnundcr!.noh,ofpcrJuryrhd Iam licrnd undcrtmvirn of(hllncrrrcomnEncinA*irhScdioD7(x)0rnfOilnbn.3 <br />ol thc Busnrss.kl Pnr'cJshr*Codu. ud nry lien\c i\ ir fullr(tr( mJ cffL{r <br />Cz-c) <br />qoNslBlcllol.LBplgtilcElrl <br />I hcEby lilrm und.r Fmlry of r.rjury riar rh.E t r oistrocrioi hndiig lgcicy for rlt p.rfoM of lh. wrt for whth thn p.rf,I is <br />i$ucd (Scc. 3097. Civ, C,). <br />APIIIIAIIDECI.ABAIIAN <br />I h.Rlry iltinn uM.r ,.oJry or !.rjury onc of lhc aollowing dNlr.r ions: <br />Dcmlinrn Pcmitl^sbcslos Noli6crlion Fcderal Rqulalions ( rnb 4,0, P!n6) <br />-Rcqutcd <br />tlricr of NorifEuridr <br />-l <br />cenifythot lhc fcdcrul rcBU lll io ns rcSudinB $tEsor rcDoval arc nor lptlicrbh ro lhis rmjd <br />-l.cnily <br />rhlr I hrvc rcad rhir ll)llicarhn and sr.rcrhar Ihc alnvc intomltion ir.offir I Uie m oody warh dU Ciry and County <br />ordinnnccs ond Srorc tiws rchring to building consrrucrion. 0nd hcEby aulnori,c rcprc$nralivcs of this Cily and Coonty ro cnrs upon rhc <br />!bo!c nEnlioacd pmpcny lor <br />Applicunr o. Signaru 7 <br />Appliances <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />R ough Ductwork <br />Venls <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Ranoe <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech. <br />Final Test <br />Meter Felease <br />FINAL //-/7-/8 21" <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />Metal Fire Place <br />D.l!: Orm.: <br />inrfc( and ln.rry s lcc\ <br />7760/ <br />I <br />--T_------