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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUI I,Df,i t'ET,C R TTON <br />I hd.t t rffm uidd pa.hy of Fjury rhd I D d.n1pl foo rh. CornreroG LitM ti* for llE folb$hg r.e. lsd 70t l 5glrind rrd Profaion Cod.): An, Chy or (.oulny shkh r.qut6 . Fni ro (onnruc1. .h6. iinFove d.mlifi o. lq.i ey <br />llru]im, Fir ro irs &un:.. dto Equt6 rtc 4plirur ao! such Fnn lo fiF . riSnrd {ise lh.r lE or 3lE i li.o!.d p@r!n <br />lo (h. ForilioG of rlE Co rdd! l-t.N.d L.* ((L9rd 9. Com*6s snh s..iion 7000 of Divbbn I of lL BuilB od <br />PmteioB ( od.) ot rhd ti or rk a ddF lhs.fron a'd <br />'h. <br />t-i! lor rh. nk*.d .tad bn Any violstion of Sdih 701! S b my <br />rppltd tor r F nit lbjdu rlE rpplicar to a civ il !ou[ y or ior hoB rhr, fiu. hund.d doll$ (1500) <br />l. 6 o*G otlt! prcrsly. or h}6phy6 snh wr*6 6 th.n $k onF!.nl,G *ill & lh. sdt !d lh. nEl@ 6 nol <br />i,ncrLd .r o,f.rd frx $L {se ?044, B6ind md Pr.lB66 C.d.: Ih. C6it-rd r Lt.e l$ d.6 mt +t!ly ro oMq of <br />rlE FoFD $l, txilA d itrslrG tha@ &d utn &6rch *! hinklf or hdklaor ftmu8nfik d hG o|nc6phyd. <br />rrorid.d rhd io(h mForqcr! e ''l iridn dtrolE.d li,rrt.l[ hw6s. th. hildnts or nnFu-dEr trH"ihumy* <br />ot.onpldion. rhc (}ns Buil&r $ill hln rlE h,rkr ofpm$g rh, lE or lr dil mr hild oJ irDhr! 6c FoFry &r dE pu.Fs of <br />l,6osnd.l'h. FoFnt. m .r(laiEly.odr.<ring $nh li.6!ed ..dr..rou r. 6'Ktud rlE Imid (S< 704.1. &aitB <br />ed ltlr($i ( od.: Th. Co.rdo.s l,k6sc l,!s'&'6 m'.ppl! ro M orns olprop.ny lho hlild! or impro!6lhdan. <br />lnd Nh. conttus for skh Fojdr wnh . ftddo(, hc6n d p{ed m rh. ( o dtoar l-rce lru) <br />I Mrc\mfl trndd SRrmn <br />D.r. - onnE: <br />w()RxF[\i( oi! Pi,rii al(ii <br />DESIAAIIO! <br />I hd.hylmrn unJ6 pcnatly ofr'6lur) om of rlEfolhsin,r d.(ledhB <br />I h!\. .n * ill rui.rri! . C6r iliclr. ot colHr lo aor {.rta' frnFdion. a F \ ilol aor by Sarn,n l?0o of <br />'h.IitE. Cod.. rm th. FfM. of lh. snl aor *hkh rh. lon i! su.d <br />IlBy.. ls'llh!'nli'n\orl6s'comFtull n iEu..trc- a r.qund h\ sd n)n uu) of rlE I iho. (-od., for lh. pqfomrR. of <br />P.$o,ria\hrhrhut6. N 'eal M! $, tm' (^np.M,nn rhurRc \ffi {d F,l(\ nunho !.. <br />L",,., 5rzr z F",un <br />(,,.,^.,"- t2't|ztc ,,-^ 1'-71-Z' <br />tI c.nifyrh.t <br />'h <br />rh. praomift. otrh. $o* aor *hih rhir Fnit B iqu.d.l shallnol dlhy an) FFn i...) ndF <br />s e ro tE o.t subjsl kr lli. *o,t6' NmpqBrion I.s! o f ('.hnrmia .nd +c thd if I dnuld b..o.'. !!hj6l h rh. <br />{0116 orrFsrhn rn,f.ioN ol SRli.n .tT0(, of lh. tlhy ('od.. l sl*ll- torhs iih conply sith rtns p.oiioB <br />W RNINC: t!'lur. ro 5r. strld &!ln'n cor@-r. ir unld\ful. and i,r.U 3!bj<t M drplorG lo cnninal ltmtis sd <br />d'l nn6 up 1,, on. hlndr<j lhousd <hlla t5l{x,.(xxr). iD .rldilion to lhc cot of.ompdelron. dffils6 s Fo\al.d fo lh. <br />s(r(rn:1076 0l rh. t2htr coda 'nr6d md dnllrE' <br />/>".. P-/7- 19 ,,,u-*, <br />I @ .mm ui&r pq&lly of psju.,- lh5l I h lic6lol uRl6 !.\irhf,oa(-h.Fs 9l$nnx*ins *lth S<lion 7lD0l orDr\Bion ll <br />oa rh. B$ind ud Pmf6iE (-od.. !n mr lic.* ie D alll f6ic..nn.fir! <br />x....,,",. (-31 <br />("", to^t't'tl <br />li.cnst Ntrnl\Y <br />(or,.r(,or 4+N/, <br />q <br />^/< <br />COITSTRUCTION LENDING (;EN('}' <br />t ha.t! rr"r,nd.r! ol Fjury thll tnd. i. . contudrn lotdins isdc-a ro. rh. Ffffi. otrh. tr$\ 6, r htb rhi! Frrt ! <br />i$u.d(sft.1097.( ir ( ) <br />aStutatrLlu{;t48d1rl,lt <br />I hdd,- lrlm unl6 oa pajury on. ol rh. folhsins d<lvdioN <br />Dnn hion PmnlAth6ro! riorifrcarhn FaldlR.xullltutu (T lc.l0. Pan6) <br />R.q!n.d l-.lrd ot Norifrcn$. <br />I cqrityrhar lh. f.dq.l r.ruliioN Erodio8 a$6r\ ronlral.r. nor qnnc l. r, rhk proj.r <br />_ I csr rf! ttur I h.v. r.6d rhis strlkdion dd d.i. rhr !h. .h,r . 'nrodio. i! .ond I rsa b .omtl! snh r (n! .nd counr) <br />o.din!m6 Dd 91. tru chrng ro hildins coNrulihn, s{ hd.b rdiom. BFeddir6 olrht ('nt rd c.urt ro 6rd uFn rh. <br />i. mdriord ln,Fd) n, iNr<rion <br />).\tDli.tu <br />orrlg sicnin'rr <br />I'dn'ir( nrntlprnrl,:1l4x,ce 21ru4 ! <br />lo <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />SubfloorfuenUl nsulation <br />Roof Sheathing /0-zll-tg Ec zt 7 <br />Framing <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Mason ty <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enoineer Final Re port <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL t0-)o r1 Z. Z1 <br />Certificate of Occupancy <br />Notes Remark s, Etc <br />Shear Wall