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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUILDER DEI,CNNAIION <br />I hcrcby arfin lndcr pcnaliy (,f p.rjury rhdr I m fmn rhc conk,cfuu Li.cns tn{ lor rhc lollosin8 rer$n (s(.7011.5 <br />Busin.\s r.d Prorcs\ion C.dc)r Any Cil, or Counly which rcqutcs 0 pcrmn ro consrrucr- alrcr inp.orc, dcmlth ot rcpan lny <br />dflcturc. ,)rior lo ns issu,ncc. rlh rcquircs lh. applicanl ior such [Ennit h rilc r sisned nar.mnr rhar hc or sh. is lianscn Pr{rnl <br />ro $e polhions otrlt Conra.bcs Liccnki be (chrrrcr 9, Comnrmins Nilh Scciion 7OO0 of Divirnn I ofrhc Businc$ lnd <br />Pmrcssiotrs Codc) or lhal hc or shc is excmpt lhcrcfromand lhe basis fo. rhd alltg.d.xcm,,rion. Any viohtiotr of Sdi,. 701I 5 by any <br />,pllicrtrrrorxpcnnir$bjcckrhc,tnlic,nrlor.ivilrcnnhyorRn'mrcthlnfivehundrcddollas(3500) <br />-1. <br />m owncr olrhe l]rolenr. or ry cmpk,rfts wirh saEc\ !i rhct $L onprtrs0rion, will do lhc work und lhc ddm h hor <br />inrc cn or ofcred to, sl€ (58.7041. Busircs d Ptur.s{ons C'od.: Thc Coftacloir LiccnE ljw docs ior ,tPly to ,n o*ncr ol <br />rhc l,nltry elt) 6nild\ or,hs thcmn. dwhodcssuchrorlhnnscllorhcrclforrh u8hhicorhcrowncmployces. <br />pR*i rd rhat su.h imnurrDh uc mr incRldl or oflcrcd l'or $lc lt noMlci rhc bdilding or inlmwmnr is $ld within orc Fr <br />olcotr{lclion. rhc Owncr Auiucr *illhave rtE htrdcn of pmvia8 rtd hc or shc did frn boi[ or irrvmE rh. pmtEny aor llE purlrs of <br />I. o*ncroirhclrn,pdy,\ivoly.ontrcrir!sirhli.cnscd.onlricrosIoconnru(lrhcprcidlsc.701,1.0umc$ <br />Md Pnf.\si c{ c Th.Onrlrnclu s Liccnsc Lrs docs nol Dlyrortrowncrolrn)nt y*hobuilds.rimtrovcsrhctcon. <br />rnd $ho conrracrs ttr \uch pn!.{k wnh , Cdnntun, li..i{d pu\umt k, rhc Conhchis l-icctr{ ltrw) <br />-l <br />rmcrc0pl undc, Sccrn qLUN <br />D.ICLABAIION <br />I h.rcby ilfinn nnd.r n nrlly oipc'jurvonc ofih. f{nlo*i',s dc.laBri{,ns: <br />-l <br />h.v. d uilln$intrir.CcniarcdcolConscnrr.scltlnsurcntrsork.r'$ prcvidcd lhr b) Sccri,n.lTmorrhc <br />bhor Codc. for thc pcrfornDnc. ofrhc wort ao! shich lhc l)crmir i! hsucd <br />-l <br />llrcnnd will rminllir sltrkc co'npc srrn nNrrrn.c. r\ r.\ttrn.d hySdion lT0Oollhc LrhorCDdc- rrrtu p.rr.nmncc ol <br />thc $ork,brwhi.hrhnlcrmil is i\\ucd Mysorkcrr conrcNkrion in\urm((dici dpolkynuftcrarc <br />I c.niryrh,r inrhc p.rronMn.colrhc work lor whichrhis pcflni n G$ed. lshrU no' cntloyriy pcson inany mnncr <br />b a{ lo hGoE su$jsr la lhc workes @mpcn{nn,n h*r.lCalif{nnia. and 4N rhd irl sh.uld beonE suhJc. o rn <br />qorkcrs c.nrtcnsrrion tmvisions olSeclion:l7tx)otrhc hlnr A)de.lshnll, ronhwirh.onrlly qilh th)r provi\ion\ <br />WARNIN(;: FIlrrc b \cc!r lorkc$ .otrrt{trsaridr ..rcr !c -{,,cnrtl.ycr h dirinil pctrrhics ud <br />civil fitre\ !p ro otrc hrndrcd rh.u\rnd dollrs (Sl(x).oul)ion r u8c\ i\ tmvidrd nlr rhr <br />Sccrn,n.1076of rh. Lf,htrCodc.n dcslandlllntrrcy!lccs <br />?4LP <br />DECI,AB^IIO! <br />I hcrcby srfird udlcr pcnslryorF.jury rhal I !m lien$d Dndcr pmvision ofCh4rer 9 (fl,@nci.g wnh scction ?00O) ofDivhio.:) <br />of lhe 8usirc$ md Pofe$ions Codc, aJrl my* is in tull Lr.. ,nd cffccr <br />TNSIBUCUQNIINDINC.&GDI1;I <br />I hcdhyamr u.d.r Fnrlryofpcrjury Ihar rhcrc h 0 on(rudion lcndins ascicy ror rh. pciroflrutrcc ofrhc $ork {in which rhii rrn'ir is <br />i$ucd (Scc .1097-Civ C ) <br />AITUIAILDECI"A8AII()! <br />I h.Etry afim undcr p.nllly of perjlry ok or rh. rollo*ing d*lr.i{bnsl <br />ocmlnion P.irniis.Ashcstos Notiliorion Fcdcrll Rcsuhtions (Tirlc 30, Pd6) <br />-Rcquncd <br />L.lter oi Nolilic ion <br />_l corify rhrrrh.lcdcr.lclul.rions rcAnJinE ashcnos rcnnrvrl ir. nor4plicrhlc b rhi\ !k+.r <br />ihcrh'rr irforrorn hcorcd l oAre lI c.rrnv rh l Ilr\e rc rhn)ml'.rri,n, <br />,{,1'1 tr-. 1\r,rcl r$\rclrr ngr,,h l+ <br />.,1{\r nr irtr rLl fr,tdrv ,{ nFgg.rrn/' <br />^n,hsnr rqr \i*tr utu fY= <br />lu"-,r*.,.",nn,,, <br />.rotrrfl,Nirhrll( 'ryr d C,irit <br />rhn C tr rnd (i)unr} !) rtrd nt{rlr <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Sions (monument) <br />Life Salety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm i Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding i Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueino <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouoh) <br />lVleter Release <br />Rough <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL Ittln/i4 5L1A <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc tr- <br />Site-Work <br />Policy Nurnhcr:-Expncs: <br />- <br />l.ilrnsr ( h\\: l,rcNc Nuorlu <br />Dirr Conr,a! ror <br />trndci\ Addrc*: <br />- <br />tl <br />tt <br />--------r------