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APPROVALS DATE COMMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Groundinq / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueino <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Rool Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouqh) <br />D\ <br />Rough -4-r,Y.V-$il <br />Service lvleter \l <br />4\^.ivt<FINAL t0 rrvlt[t6i <br />Notes Remarks, Etc <br />: J rlo !'u^,1-a oLl+el <br />ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />OWNIIR BUILDI]R DELCARATION <br />I hcrcb! afilrn undcr Fnalry ol F.tury lnll I 0n cnnDr lmnr lh. 6.lroclo,i Licctr$ L!* for rhe folk,wins fuson (SN.70r1.5 <br />Busnrcss &l Prolcsion Codc): Any Ciry or Coutrry *hich rcquires 0 pcnnir k, onsrtucr- ulrs. inpR'vc, dcmolish or rcpan my <br />drucrlrc. ro irs hsume. !l$ rcquid\ rhc lpplk0nr fu \rch Frmir b filc i \i8ncd ,a'.mnt rhol hc or rh. is lianrd flruur <br />to thc pmvnions of rhc Controctols Liccnscd ljw (Chstrc,9. Commcmins {irh S.crioi 7000 ol Division I oflhc BusiNss strd ' <br />Protessions Codc) or rhor hco,she is cicry,r rhcrctlom!"d,tc balh lor rh. sllqcdd.mrrion. Any vnrarionolSdio.ToJl 5hluy <br />,mli.!.r r(r a Frni' \rbjNt lhc arplicatrl Io ! .ivil I'.mhy or tr.r ft,c rhnn livc hundEd dolli,s (S500) <br />-l- <br />0r .Nncr ot lhc pop( ny, {r my .nDk,rce\ *irh wx8.r tr\ rh.n $k ohrNar n'n. will do rlr qtrk aod Ihc (nEre i\ nor <br />id.M.d or olhr.d lnr s lc ( So.7{141. Ausincs\ rnd Pr ofc$i'rns Cod. I h. Conhctois t.iccns I iw do6 nor ,prl, r, a. o$ ncr ol <br />rhc lmpcny wio buil.h., inurov.s rhcNn. aJ $fiod(trssuch$orkhi'nselforhcr\clforrhbu8hhnorh$oqtrcmfhyccs. <br />F)vtlcd rhar su.h inpn)lcnrnh irc mr dcrkt { r .flc l f(tr ",lc ll llosc\cr. rhc huildi,l3 .r irqrrorcnrtrr is v'll * iihin o c ,ur <br />.lc.'Jrtrri{n dr Owncr Brikl$ willhxw thc hunln ol frvnr8 rhtrr lt or rhc did nn huih.r ill{Fvc rhc pnpdy a{r rhc InrFl{ of <br />l.,rowidofrhc pnrlrny. rcr.lusi\rlycotrricir.ssnhh.cnscd.offndoFrocon(ruclrhcDr+cr(scc70.!-Bxnnc'r <br />lnd h)!i\(ir Codc: Thc Conra.rol\ Liccnsc l-aN docs not afflyro rn o*ocr otptr,pcny who hxilds or i'nprclcs rlr.con. <br />rnd rho conlmcrs ntr slch pojcrh *irh n Conrncron r) licen\.dpunuan' brhccotrhndors Liccn* Lnw) <br />.l r .xcmpl urdcr Sccrion .B &P( lnrrhntur\nr <br />Dolc: (r$n.r <br />rvt tnxrm' r r lltt t,t,:t.s,ritoI <br />Dlrl:l ATIIIA! <br />I h.rcly rllirn undcr ncnrlry oftf,rry ok nfrltr tull,rvirt dccl r rid\ <br />-l <br />havc !frj will minriin ( Ceniftde ot Conscnr ro Selt hslrc t'or sorlss .dmpctrstrri.r as rovidcd n, by S(l ion :l?00 ol ih( <br />l-ohor (t)dc. to, lh. Frfornmcc of lhc wort,or whichthc fqnir h isucd <br />I havcrnd will nrimnin work&s .onD.ns t'nin\uan.c.Nr.qundbyScclion.lTlX)ofrhcltr'horCodc,tnth.P.rfornu.cof <br />lh. qork rorwhi.hrlri. !.nnii is nsxcd My workcrs' co'nFNrrnnr nsurm.ccinier orn lolicy numbcr dc: <br />l'(,li.y Nun$cr:-lxpircs <br />-l <br />c.,lilylhil ir lhc p.rl'omflncc olrhcsork li,r whichrhi\ n 'nrir i\ i\\ud . Idrlltror cilPk,yrny P.t$r inntry trnnncr <br />n) rs t, ttuonr \uhacr t, rh. work.h Rnntl.nqhotr hws .r C rlir,min. {nd +rcdh it l \houl(l hcconrc \uhj.rr h rlr <br />sorkc^ conll'cn\!ii,nrp'ovisi(in\.l S..rior l7lX)olrh.l hr(inld,ldull.lidhNilhconrflysilhthoEtrrvi\ins <br />civil ftEs u! lo o.c hunded I <br />::":yl;qib <br />r iri ,brhr!^r!f.o lf,tr\(i, . dinkgcs r\ rrnni lnr rh. <br />I hcNby (flr nndcr rc0dllyolp.rjuy lhrr I ur <br />UiCI.ABAIIQ! <br />IunderpovnionolCnrprcr9(.onn*n.inswirhsccrion r0OO)otDivisnnrS <br />,-,-"*"O*,9 q <br />I hc[hy affin! undc. rEmlrrofp.'jrry rhnr <br />hsucd (Scc 1097.Ci! C ). <br />ri!flrriD lc.dire recRy for thc pcrfornrncc nfrhe $ork fnr shi.h rhi( ltmir h <br />A.IfUCANLDECLAIAIION <br />I r.nby rmm undcr p.nllry of FdDry om of llE follo{in8 dcchral ions <br />Detun bn P.roih Asbdlor Notificdion Fcncr.l R.gul,rions (Tnb40, Pnrl6) <br />RcquiEd L.ncr 6f Notiicdion <br />'"\, "r/" <br />'r""''-"7\'rn'" <br />nnx Eguling !\hcdo\ rcnx,vll !r nur +dicahlc to rhh I( <br />c.rionr sttrlcrhar th.!t vc irloirnl(inr i corccr I lsre <br />burldinE coo(rclion. and hcrcbyaurhori/ rcprcscnui!€s o <br />t>Tgt"^"a/ <br />b conDly wnh oll Cilt otrd Counr]':'{f;i;ii;** <br />ID/SIG. <br />Pole Bases <br />Ivleter Belease <br />wARNING I;riluc ro ecurc {orlcr coarF-n\rriotr c.\trsc is unh$rul. trntl shrll \uh.ic.r ,n cmtlo-\tr to rinriml FNlrics xnd <br />of rh. Btrsi,,.$ rid P(,ri$i,rN Codc. iftlnrt lkcrn n $ tullLn rlclli.r