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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />SubllooriVenVl nsulation <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framinq <br />I nsulation/Energy <br />D rywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif . <br />u-lv.rJ,,aFINALloIAG,E,) <br />Certif icate of Occupancy 0 \ (,r'I <br />Notes , Remarks, Etc. <br />OWNER BUILI}I'[ DELCARAIION <br />I hcEhy amrnr undcr rEnalty of pcrjuly rhlr I en crenrpr lioD rhc Conrrrk,' l-i.cnrc Lrw roi rhc rbllowins rco$n (Saloll5 <br />ausirc$ ,nd Ptufcsn Cnlc) A.y Ciry or Cbutrty uhich rcqxir.s a Fynrir to consrrucr. rlrcr. improvc. d.nbliah or tolJn ,ny <br />srru.luE. prio o its issu.ncc, aho rcquncs rh. fo. such pcrmil ro nh ! sistd srarcftm rhdtuor shc k liccn*d pu^uunl <br />h rhc lDlisions ot dc Conra.roas Li.cnsd L2w {Chnpr$ 9. Conmu.ine silh Scclion ?000 of Division 3 of rh. susinc* .nd <br />Pnrlc*ions G)du) or lhr h. or rh. $ cxcnDr lhcEfon d'l lhc hsis lor dc albscd cxcnrption. Anyviolarion.fSc.ii T0ll.5hylny <br />applicrnrior r pcrinil subJaG Ihc !!plicanr ro acivilpcnalryolnot morcrisn liv. hundrcddolla^ (550ol. <br />I. as owmr or rhc ,rcFny. or m, cflrdoyes wi'h waScs !s th.t blc coDrcnsrion. *ill do rh. work dd rh. i*1uc i\ mt <br />inrc cd oroficEal lor el€ (Sa.1C!r,r, B!\im$and Pmlcsion\ Cnlc Thc Conta.roas Li.cnsc kw docs nor ll)nly ro sn owncr of <br />lhr pmfcd, wtxr buiktcor improvcs rlf,Rnr and elr, dos \u.h sod( hinsclt or hcrsc ll or lhrcleh ht or h.r own c t,rloy.cs. <br />rnvi.lcd rhlr ru.h impmvcmnts @ mt inrendcd n orlcEn lbr sh ll no*e!.r. lh. tiliklin! or in{,ovcmnr is $ld wilhil onc tctr <br />of conplctiqr. rhc owrcr Buiklcr virl hos ltr hudcn of povirB rhll lE or shc did .Fr tuih or irymvc rhc poFny ror rrt pxqb* or <br />-1. <br />asoqner oirhc tmpcny. amcxclusilclyconrradins wirh liccnrd conl,acth o.o.docl rlt,, (Scc 7014. Bu\inc\\ <br />and Pn,r6\ioo G,Jc, Th. Contacktr \ Li..ns.I-aw nor +tly t, !n owncr olproFny sho 6uild! or imrrovc\ rht.con. <br />lnd who.onrnKtslorsuchIrl)jcdswirhaconlmcro(rliccnrdpurulnrbrhcconk,.t,\Lkcnsctjw). <br />-lrucx.nrfl <br />undcr Sc.l B &PC lnrrhis rc.rrr <br />]raBtrD&r-(lJllu,Nl roNI)E!L!IAIIo! <br />I lrrdh\ rll 'D utrdcr En.tLriol r)d[].yfn. flrh. n)l[$n,c J..lrrr otr\ <br />_I halc Md {ill tuinrain r Ccnilrarc of C{)n*nr t! Sclf l n{rc fd sorkcri conr,.nsar i('n, !s fmvidcd ir by :17mof rhc <br />Llhor Cdq ri'r lhe pcrfomncc of lhe sork for which rhc Frmil h hsu.rl <br />I hak r J sillmai'nrii *orkcrJ ..iqcn\ari({ insurn.c., r\ rcquncd blS..ri 3700.l Ihc Lib]r(intc.lar rh.lanornhmcof <br />rtu aorktur shih rhis pnnir is irsut\l. M!workcr-co rfisrri(,n irsuntr.c ciricr rnl plicynu'.hcr tre' <br />-lccnify <br />rh0r in lhc pcrturroncc oalhc sork tu $hich rhis F.rnir h hsucd. I \hall mr cmploy tny p.Mn in rny ronncr <br />$n\t,brcorsubj.crrolhcworkcs'.onrtcnsurionlrwsorcahrornir,rndl8ernarilrshouldbcorustrbjccrt'rh. <br />work.* .o 1pciq n'n pmvhions of Sati :l?O0ofrh. tjhor Codc.l st.ll. ion hwir h conrply sirh rlDs pn,vi\io.\. <br />WARNINC: I'rilurc ro ccurc wor[cs c.r,pcnsur cor.'rge is utrhstu!. rDJ \hrll srbi..r r c [hJ.r n) (ririf,'l Fmlrns rn(l <br />cnil nm\ up to onc hundrcJ Ihotsand Jo1h6 I )0.(x1r)). in rd irion t, rhc cos of.otrrtrtr.rrrcn. i.nn8cs r\ F)ridcd li,r rhc <br />Sccrion .l()76 olrhr lrlhtr Codc. inrc( <br />n"",Q9 24- l 8 <br />!lLllnl]!!o! <br />I hrrch! affinn unds r(Mlr! ofNrlury undft fovisiotr ofCnrptcr 9 (comnENin8 wirh Serion 7un) orD,vision l <br />ol rhc lltr\i'r\\rrd l'n,fcsi(trN (ink. rRl ,y\. n i', h,11tu'c( ulltcr <br />14t99iD <br />.^,",01-24-18 R, '.{;l rOl G<nevc,-L(r"1g1rr <br />I hcrcbysflirmu c! Irnaht of p€rjury lhrr lhere h a onrlruclion hndinsdsenc, tor thc p(f6rniRc arrhc work ior which lhn lErmir ir <br />issucd (s... 1097, Civ. C.) <br />a[tllcaNlDlillltxaurr! <br />I tf,ylbr 8Ii, n uxlcr pcnallyofI,c juryonc oflhc rollowin3 dcclaftlionx: <br />D.trrlirionPcnhfs Asb.iosNolificolnrn RcSulaliotrs(Tirlc40. Pan6) <br />Rcquncd kucr oi Notiff,,rion <br />lmguLrn toEldnrg r\hc{os'cnk,!rl rc trornlt)li(iblc t, rhi{tn,jccr <br />;crdxdrhisq',nnM(rrcrhitrhcnhovci hnr ion iscorccr lraBro.o'nplywirhrllCirlrtrdCounry <br />; Irqs-_ldir! b htrildir! cotr{ru.ii.i. dd h.rcDr_Nlhrrizcq)rcs.rlxrnrs ofrhi\ Ciry id((iudyt,ctrrcrnB,nrhc <br />^,.,O9-21:18 <br />Pool Fence <br />*rt <br />trnd.r'i Ad'h... <br />I <br />E*f'Is a @ <br />r-- ---f-----