<br />Set Backs
<br />Forms/Steeli Holdowns
<br />Erection Pads
<br />SLAB Floor
<br />Subf loor/VenVlnsulation
<br />Roof Sheathinq
<br />Shear Wall -1Framinq/oz4a Ll /L.z ) ^^ AOq/o'2y''r9 /Zz.-"-L to/,r/uAlW"iq NK Ho t^l;
<br />lnsulation/Ener
<br />D all
<br />Ext lnt.
<br />lLclrz7{n(tt2/7
<br />7h(7
<br />BroftnrC-oat
<br />Masonry
<br />Pool Fence
<br />T-Bar
<br />Handicap Req.
<br />Deputy Final Report
<br />Enqineer Final Report
<br />Flood Zone Certil.
<br />A I
<br />/^/14/1fi/,Y '-//1_/t {/F|NAL // l"//7_/',Lc Ft
<br />certrica66i Oc pancv
<br />Notes, Bemarks, Etc../1 1t ^t/-,1:-)
<br />a
<br />I h.rcty lllirfl u.dq Fnrl(y of pcrtury rh0r I 'd .r.nFt nsln lh. Co,mfttun l-iss l!* ror trE ft'Ur*in8,h$n lS'{ 1)'rl t
<br />auriFr .'n l\orcren Cod.r Atr, Cit, or Cmdy rhih r.rluiN . Fmn 16 d'HM1 .116. anlpt'rt.&Dlith or "Fn Mv
<br />{MrE.. Frh, ro ilr iriusN. rts rqui.\llEippli.un! rd ru.h Fmir x, fikI ri8Ed nlkmnr lhsl lror dE Li li(neJ punu!
<br />ro ri. F.vshnr 6t rh. Conlh--iitr. Laintn b* ((tq d 9, G)mmnin[ $iri s(rii,. 7(x)0 ol Diviri.r ] of iE auriE r rn
<br />EDr.(ani Cnt)mlhlr lt d3r. ir.r.q,l llEciion iid rlE! n lll ik8.n.rcqrir A,v vrht.n of Sdi" T0l l Sbvlnv
<br />lppli.lnr ttr ! ,rcdil :xhj(k rh. $rticlnl ro , .ivil P.nih y ol mt m'E rhd nv. hud..n doll{s (tsmr
<br />-l.
<br />r osmr ollh. FotEny, or my.nrLltct wnn sa$! r! rh.n sb conllltn\rri,n. willtL,lL krk rrl rh. slntr6 ir n
<br />d6rr.n or oiYc.d l{, qk (s( ,or,{. Bui*i!.nd Ptofcrbnt Cod. Th. (n r.doir Lkm ll* llB d {)tlv r' r o*H nr
<br />rL F,rdy wh' b{ils ( itrln,t! tllmn- rftl *h, &t. sh $ol hi'tr!.lf .r h.rslf or rhmuSh hir or hd own rrFlovc't'
<br />Dmrd.i rhd .kh irvrownl\ E ri iin.ri.d dolH (d rt ll trrtE th. tlildinl ( itrlfrkmd ir sU *rhin oE Fj
<br />;.rfl!i.ri,r rlE O*er Buih.r *ill hIE rt! f.d.n or nn,vinS rhc h. d rrF did mr hiu d iqn'E llE I'olttv for ltl FUIDc 6l
<br />l, tr\ osmr of thc pmn n t, 'm cr.lunEly codft1'n8 rnh lf,lneJ .otrtkk)s to on(tu1 rL F Fl lsa 7(X4 Ausirs
<br />rrd r,rshsir (id. TIE C.nrrrioi r Li...t l rw diB mr .tf l! I' o*nd oflrorEnv{h' buildrtr thnn'!c! !h'r'on.
<br />and who o'nrncrrfor !u.h pnF.:h wilha (i'nrtuk n. r li..n{i ,lnBuanr k, th. (bdBloir l-i.cnc Lr*J
<br />I rh.rrn,tn dndfl Srlrtrrr
<br />\lrafrBlrlJrE]lLua:IISABA]IO!
<br />I ltEt'y .flirn unds Fnnry or tBjlry om of rlr ,olh*inl d*hnti$
<br />-l
<br />h'rc 'd r itl Eint.o r Cdiift.r. of CoEnr ro s.lf lBur fd rctar- .onFnr.rirn. r. F.t al lor bv sdrir l,m ol lli
<br /> Gnc. ror rtt FforrN. of l& Bort lor ehih rtt Ffr r k i(ucd
<br />I hrE .nd rill *orr.R Nll{En!.rin iBu.rr.. I Ealid hy snt hn .1700 of rrE tlhor Codc. fo. rlE FrlmmK ot
<br />rh. mrt ror qhtt lliit Fmit 's
<br />n.ud Mr eort6 omFnsrirn inrunN ceir.d Flkv numlE a
<br />-l
<br />ccnify rhll in ltu ll.rlnrtum. .l lhc *ork a{tr shih rhis rtc il 'r irutd. I rh{ll nol ..l,by .ny Pcfton ii in, f,lnncr
<br />$ .r lo h.$m $hFr ro rlE umrl(i d,qrnutrn L*. of Crhromr .!ri rad ih, il I rrnuld llrrc ruhi.rl
<br />'o
<br />l,E
<br />srtm NqEnsrir lDriiirnrofsdlinr lr(x,olrhc lih. (d..1slBll- todhwirh cohply $iih rb! Pnrvitions
<br />*rllnC i.itur rn o,* *-16'6nF.{t,n dNn!. ir onh*tu|. md rhil ruhFr x (r,krF ro ainid lfrrir r'd
<br />ctr'il lln.. trp h od hurklrcd rlx)tqnd d.lhF lJllx).lxx
<br />SR..ri,,n.11,76ofrl* Iihtr (.<1.. mrc'.drM ln.rEy \ fN\
<br />rr. i', rJd Dn i,' rh. (,\r rl onlro$rion, dmEecr 6 pR,viltd la. rlx
<br />I h.r.ty r,&n un&r FEhv ol pcriry rhd I m liBr.d u,ns rftr nhn of Ct pid I (onmNiry ,irh sdbn 70d)) ot Diviri'n i
<br />or rh.Itu\imrs..d Psf.$i('ns Conc. uri ny lk.M k h full r c.r .llh..l
<br />t
<br />Ih.E-byrmnnu.tlrnrht.rnr/;nnbndiner8tr,lorrh.FrolflreI'trlt$ttLr*hthrhirFmiir
<br />l.c,trr.i\ AJLI'.s
<br />I hoEny rfim ondcr Ftrllryot F.]try oft otlhc forlo$ii8 (hllrErirns:
<br />O.d)lilim Psmi6-ArlElros Mnirr bn tu tll Rcsuldlnr alnk.r0, Pnn6,
<br />_R.aliftn k q of t{rifmriff
<br />I .dit rhd rlE fcn rit hlulrt{ns E8aditrr !\r.{or imrvtl !rc ml qrlilbk ro thn PDFd
<br />I rrnrr) rh.( I hr,.'.r,1 rln\ rnJiltrrrk,r'Rl n c rhxr ;rc inrnturhn r.omcr I i3,a k, mn{'ly *nh .lr Ciry rd Counrt
<br />ddiML!1!'d srnic trsr Eh rns lo hildins .o.{rcht rhrizc r(F.rdri!.s .l lhi3 ( iry md (.(iunly ro .trrd uF,n lh.
<br />,'hLr ir ,rtrralnr,r\d! !r \tr!rnirr/Dr
<br />Appliunl\l!trslu* K V€ut
<br />tr
<br />/4 t4
<br />DATE
<br />UFER Ground
<br />t./ntnY
<br />ir\En tsd 10r)r. cir c )
<br />t.ndd s Nrm