<br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS owNrf, turl-Dta oElc^xartoN
<br />I ts*r .tt@ uldq pa.Iy of Ddj,r.y Ult I ! qoqr noE dE codr.cld uc.@ Ltu for lh. folb*nE t@r (5-.?031,,
<br />Bdins &d ?tutu bn Co&): Ary Cit, or C@rit whtt i.qri6 . p6ei lo 6ltrnKl. ill6. irlFo,c &nolirh or rF.i ey
<br />n!. Ft( to t! ierE. .ho ,r{ni!. U. npltd for *h FDi !o tL t .i!Fd rtdr d. ln d dE i li.d Fear
<br />ro rt Fovirir6 of rt cofl...rdt Li€!.a rtr (ctrFa 9. coffiila eil Seib. 70O of DivirioE I of lh. &riE -d
<br />Ptofdbu Co<l) d th h.6 rlE i s.4r $..t!o rd rt. tt ftr rlE il.s.d aaIFbo An, vbhi.6 of sdbn mrt.t b, u,
<br />T?lkr.l 6r ! pE[n ruE .i3 rl'. .p?lid ro r cilil p. i,ofDl @c d!& fi!. tuldld &lbr (1500)
<br />-1.
<br />! ooG ofu. F.Fiy.6 Dy qt,brc *itt e.8B B tt i DlG oDp@tb4 wi! & dE *dl.n $.!rlurc i Dl
<br />inod.d aofilcd 6r.l (Sd.roaa. BoiErd PDEliECo.L: Tt Codtdd,tiEct w&6!o.{prlo.otcof
<br />E FlFty {to tqilll d ie.o€0EEo. -d who &a 1dr $ql li@lfo ha-tfd lht{dt [i d nE oH.4lott .,
<br />FoviLd dlr B! iryovffi c rbr iidLd dofirld 6r rL l[,|ffi. dr b.ts.t d irF.GEr iddwtltn* ra
<br />ofonplnior rli Osra Buil& wi[ lt E & hnb! of F6v4 rnr lE or .l'c dil ol toild or iryoE 0!. FF] n dE F!r.,. of
<br />-1.
<br />!ffiof tlE FlFry, olrraiq wib lidr.d 6d-r6 ro @d!d dE Fojd {Se. 1r4. ArtE
<br />rn hDti! Cod.: TlE Co'nrEai Li.@ 1,, &q mt @ly ro ! oIM ol FoFry who D{ild.6 i4@r6 itE@G
<br />ed *ho 6*-l! tur Bh D.liBr. *irt . Co 8r0(, lt@.d t!Er. lo t[. r U.d tr*).
<br />-l
<br />m d6pr u(b Scriro-. B & P.C lo. thi. ,.&n
<br />D.t.: OrE
<br />.uaarESc..cautldlalq!llcldEAllox
<br />I hqcby rrm ud, Fuly of pqury on. otth. following dcrl8lioM
<br />-l
<br />t Edgil! lddil.Carifi.a.olcdd ro Sdl{Eet *dtar'dq.tria. FDvrLd 5.t,s4ri..lr0oftt
<br />lrt .Cod.. &r(bF6rGoflt.wt tur,tllrt Fua i bql
<br />=6 rra *ilt -ir.a *-r*' c@pcdi6 truiE .
<br />'tqrind
<br />b, s..rb! !700 of dE t bor cod., 6r t F6.@ of
<br />b i.!r.d My m*d conpalair. iroulu. .sir rd Flicy nuBb6 rc
<br />K;4lry'pto
<br />-,
<br /><ariry thd in th. Ffolrlld of rlE wrt fd wti.h thn pdEn i !su.{ I $.ll ml olaby ey Fer i! uy dlF
<br />r . lo bdlE etixr lo tlt wtd orEd.i@ L{ of c.hhd4 rd .sE r,. il l tDdd btotu rli6I lo dE
<br />Nrro' Foriio6 ols<rir !700 otlhc t br Co<l.. I dr[ ftdnunh d'ply with dbr FstlbB..
<br />\T RNINC farltrrrl. sure \orldJNmFlsrk,n.n\sn!er\trnlNr.mdshallsuhr(rafl6rt'l,rwtodnnn.lIEsh6MLI
<br />.nr! fiB up lo onc hun.l,.d lhoasd dollm in add [n lo lhc .oi or $nD.trer'on, dintr36 ar F(nid.n fo, lhc
<br />ilil'?Ti
<br />(oda hra.d .d .ttdEt . aG
<br />x.,.(Cl/
<br />uctlltDrolrBAcM
<br />! tqiy.rEE ro& rdryof Fruryltr I E tcd 6dr Fviior of ChF6 t (.olntltq sih S.6i@ l@) of Divirir !
<br />of rt &!iE nd .rotito CorL. -d oy lic i h tull b.a d.fEct
<br />>(p
<br />(o
<br />r4
<br />ctNtrBllcua!.rEMBclc&lcI
<br />I hs.t, dlro @d. Frtly of psiuy $n $c ir . @dudir ldtdil| reay for 0r Ffolr,c. otth. *ut tu *tti tlti FEi i
<br />is.d (SE. loc7. cir. c ).
<br />6ttlcadLrEcuSauo!
<br />I hlrby.lLE ri& pa.ry orpdic, oE 01lt. buowiry .|
<br />Daolibr P68ir&4.!.r6 Norifi.db. F.&rl i.arlriE (tilc 40. P'r6)
<br />-R.q!n!d
<br />rdla of Norif.rbn
<br />-lqtirytl.l!.Edd.ln
<br />hd tqr&r l.!.3orr@v.l l! !d ?di$& ro rti Fi6t
<br />j-.-_"rr., t ,- *.pCirb. -dir.ri t &E bbr inir.qGr- t ircrocoqlyvtndlcrr.dcodynli@ d srr. r,6 irit to hi!&t 6dirb4 nd H, .ridtE EF.driE of rb Ci, -4 Coody ro d, +o{ tLfiTHXU== ,*?[7Ylr
<br />\-.*".,, tr vOn !ott,-;(Ia
<br />Appliances
<br />Metal Fire Place
<br />Evaporative Cooler
<br />Furnace
<br />Compressor
<br />Misc. Equipment
<br />Duct Work
<br />Pre-lnsulation
<br />lnsulation
<br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled
<br />Rough Ductwork
<br />Vents
<br />Toilet Room / Clothes D ryer
<br />Residential Range
<br />Other
<br />Hood
<br />Type I Hood
<br />Type ll Hood
<br />Grease Duct
<br />Fire Dam per
<br />Openings
<br />lnstallation
<br />F.D. Drop Test
<br />Above Hard Lid
<br />Above T-Bar
<br />R ough Mech.
<br />Final Test
<br />Meter Release
<br />FINAL
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.
<br />,*-*, ?',0>q<>