<br />Site-Work
<br />Underqround
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Light Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Fountains
<br />Sions (monument)
<br />Life Salety /Low Voltage
<br />Fire Alarm / Dampers
<br />Buildinq
<br />Under Slab / Floor
<br />Bondinq / Groundinq / UFER lo-t r - t9 !fulo-
<br />Transformers
<br />Torqueing
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Roof Top Equrpment
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rouoh)
<br />Ceilinos (Hard & Soflit Rouqh
<br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough)
<br />lvleter Release
<br />lb'21-lq tut lotRough
<br />Service Meter
<br />FINAL tn-Z) - tg uaat la
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.
<br />I krcby !fir ufttcr rulry.r F.rjury rhlr I m cr.r9r In,m rlE (lnrruk,n' l-t6< t ! for 'lE folh*n! Esoi ts."Oil 5
<br />Aurims\ lnd Pnrr6sin c(i,€) Any Cily or ('ount, *hth rcqltci d Frd ro .nnndcr' rk6 imflntt. d..rrlth or Ep.i] a;v
<br />{turun, rn. (' & ia3ud.. s t nuiE. lh. .|lPltur lor 1uh Fmt kr fik . rilicd {!r.nEnl lh.l lr ot rh. t la.nsd nmtr!
<br />k' ltc ptr,viriotrs .f rh. Conl.rl,t r t-i.co{d uE (Chd cI S. Colrmtrn! vith S<ri.!n 7lt[ of Ditnion ] nr rh' Bu'im'r rii
<br />Ar,f.(bnr CN!.) or !i!l h. i, rh. is.r.ry, thmfom 'nd rhc h\ir for ltc tllcs.d.r.nqrion An, viobrionofSalhn 70.1I t hrany
<br />rmkr nn.Fdn hj.rk rlE rntli. torovilFNtroln m,r rhln tiYc hundEn d.ll6 ( 15{Dr
<br />()\t \trR 8t t)t k Lt t.( \R\Il0\
<br />-t.
<br />rr or ftr of trr In,tEnl. .r my .'itli,Fr s h r!8c\ !s rhe t slc uln{Ensurion- witl do r,r st* {rl rh. {rurE n
<br />inr.nril or oftrcn nr gk r sft 70!1. Bu.iBs .nd t\oa.iri'nr cd. 11ic Codrdr'r trt.s l,\' dxr mr rlt lv lo rn osN ol
<br />rhc IDFny *hll hurldr or irymwlrtrft..lrl uh dE\ LEh qrn hinNlior h.rtlf ot rlmuah hn or h'r oln'mptllr$'
<br />[ori,.n lhi sNh rln*ft r e nn i{cn&rt i, ofldsl td {l. ll. lt'*\s. rhc hoitlin! or iqmEmd h sld 'nhii mc rtrr
<br />;l corpld htr rh. OsE Buildd willh.w rlE bud.ollnuls llEl rtd\lrdn nl! d inln'E tlt InFnv ad rlt F,Frol
<br />-1.
<br />{sowftr nrlhc F'Isty. !n.r.lurikly.onl8lin8 *irh lidt!.d cn reroFlo on{Mr rlr F,irtl (Sc 7(x'r. a6e*
<br />rn Itr!ft.*h ('od. Th. Cont.dor'r l-kcne Lrr rnB mr rmly ro 0tr o$.cr ol Pn)!.n, who h! ild\ or imProvcs thcron.
<br />,nd *h' odtu1\ftarkhDrordt*nhrCo sr(fld liftncd pusBd ro'h.Codtt1.n r lirrc ljr)
<br />-l
<br />hlk ari l rll mintd. . ( stifr.ll or (ir*.l h S.lr'lnsud ror *0*6 .rmpcniarion 0s Imv'dcd au t, Sdl mn r'7(lr or rh'
<br />trhor (ln.. t( rlE Frr()lrrEN. .fllE *,1 ld rhkh rlr Fmn i( knEl
<br />tJ
<br />4\-L
<br />-
<br />I h!!. r l r ill Ernr.in rod.6' .oqxnr.! i,n in.urlrxc. ar r.qu,nl hy S(ri,n .17(r) or rh. I lhor Codc. r(, rh. Frolrrlrd or
<br />rhc work for whkh rhis lEmir it i3{cn M, *0116 drtrIE6.rii insnmc otrir dd Flry runh.r e
<br /><fn n r.r e't- ?" < .
<br />SxwWro iqr
<br />l).r. ()rn€r
<br />lIokr tr\' ( (rltPr\sIr(lli
<br />u[(Ia8ar!.]N
<br />I h(drr rfitrnond( NBlrrolll(rj,r! o'r Dl rh( n,lh'tr inB 'irlllrri,6<
<br />-l
<br />ccnrrythdr !nrhc tlcrnrlruftcof !h. *urr id shich lir n(rnrir 1{ i\rucd.l shlllnor.,r{'lot uv P.'$. i.rnvNnrr
<br />qr !. ro tEdrE rubr{r h r,t rdt6. s'rytnsrhn l,*\ orc'lrftmir. nl aBN rht! il I +nuu lEoft rrhFl ro llE
<br />eorkc.onlnrnsrionnr'ei\i,ni.rSdionlT{x).flh.l,h,(.ln.l{bllriih*ilhdrrlY$ithibtpnrvnin\
<br />f/i
<br />tr' suE *vts siqEntlrnn orm!. ir u.herul. !trd \hnll \uhr..r {n cmpk,ycr h dminll p.MIi'\ und
<br />huftlrn rhouqnd dolh^ (ll(lr.(xDt, in rrtiri,n i, ltE .o{ .r c.t{xnqri.n d.m8cr.r lNrdcd n{ th.
<br />'hr ('odc. rnrcrc{ !nd ! orftr'1f..\Lo, ^rrn*,,
<br />y' 4+lI r rLarts$lr ctrvrn^crui
<br />I h.Ehv tlltrn uftt r F..lrvorpcrjurr rhlr I m lic'ns! undo nn'vition 'lch'Prs 9tc'nftri.s lirh s'<ibn 1(n)r orl)ivLbn t
<br />.l llE Bu.iBt d Plor.(nonl Gi.. rd n,la..$ as in rull Ioc nnd.fi('
<br />LseYl! )
<br />,".,-",..x. P r.--
<br />I hcEl,y rfli,ft rndcr lxnah y or !.riur, rhor thdi i. i .onslru.ii)n lndins r8.fty for rL iErfornlN ol llE n'l ror rhth rhn Fni i{
<br />nr*d lsr t09?, cir cl
<br />l.dd r Nrfr
<br />,).r. 1
<br />atrYc nrnri)kr lln,Fdt lor iosFtri,
<br />,tppli.rrr o. Aror sEtuluR
<br />A[lug6Nu[cL68arl0!
<br />I hdtb'lnm und.r F.rxt.IFrlrty om nrrh. tt l.*in8d.(ldlrDn\
<br />I).fr,liri,n Pcrmirl Alh.rnr Ndifr.rhn ltrLrrl RcSrLrrN (Tnk {,. Pr 6l
<br />R.quiEd l.ns oI tlorarrdin
<br />-l
<br />c.n iry rhr trE f.ddal E&hrnnr r8!din8 .rh.(or Emrd e mr rlllk.hL ro thn F.itl
<br />-l
<br />cniry lhrl I hst E d rhn op,llic.r ion .,n d.l. lh,l rlE rrns inlomlbn h ffi. I .gE lD 6r!lv ,nn .U Cl, .,t Cd'rv
<br />(d:drff; Sr.kt er rbi* io b.ildin8 onim.la"tr .rd lFrctry rullbriz. EpEsnbtiv4 ol iri! Cilv .ld Counlv ro cnrd ulnn dt
<br />,,.,. 1 - t'lq
<br />I
<br />*P
<br />'a
<br />Communications Cable
<br />/L-..'E-
<br />lrnLr'r Addr.(
<br />\