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PLUMBING.INSPECTOH RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />UNDER GROUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water-Under floor <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Building Sewer <br />Area./Storm Drain <br />lnterceptor/ Clarilier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water Pipinq <br />Gas Piping <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Rouqh Water Heater <br />POOL/SPA <br />P{rap/Drain Line <br />lvlain Drain/Pool Pipinq <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />Rough Plumbing <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL /-{-tO.J)c{t*o fr9 <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />I h.rchy llt undrr rrnrhy of F tury rhd I 0m .rcnl! lrorn r hc Conk{kn- Li.ctrs hw li,r rh. iolL$ing rdrur rS( 701 1 5 <br />Bu!tr.(s .kl Pii'l!!\ion Codc). Atry Ciry or Counry which rquirN a pcrmir lo d,ndtu.r- alr.r, imp(,vc, dcmlis[ . r rutr,t , r) <br />\rrucruc- ! r h ih i\sulicc. al\. rcqut \ rhc rp .!fr lnrsu.h p.flnir h tl.d n8trcd rl h..r\hc n lic..\d ttrr{hnr <br />kr rhc l)n,visnN ol rtu Conlra tr's Liccn{d uw (Chaprcr L Connrc.cin8 sirh SNrn,i 7ofil of Divirn l ol th. Uu{irrs xnLl <br />holc$inns Codo or rh0l tE .r shc is cicnr h.r.rro,n a rhcltusi\ i,n ric rll+cd.\cmrrn,n. Atry vn,hrion or Scction'70.1I 5hyrn)_ <br />rrplicrnrnraptnir\uhjki\rhc,J,tli.rnrtra.i!ilpcnrrryornorfr,crhanfir!hutrdrcddollar\(350(,) <br />l. u\ osrcr ol rhc pmpcn y, or my cnDl{,te\ siih wa:c\ $ rhcn $b armprnqrtr, sill do rlr sdk ffil rt niIirreis ml <br />iorcnd.i or oatcrcd fu eL (S(.7t}14. and Pn'fcrsdns Gxlc Th. Cotrtodoi\ Li.cnsc t w des nol alply ro u owtrcr ol <br />rhc pfl'pcny wl$ ilikho, iryevcsrhB)n, rnd *h des \!ch srl himscllor h.rsclfor rhouBh his oi h.r oancnDloyc.s. <br />phvidcd rhdi such imEownEnh m ml htendcd or olTcr.d lor $L lL ho$cv.r. rhc t ildin8 or i'nFNt,tunr iq v,U wirhir nm )cu <br />of conDlcli . i,^ a -,, . '-;!lJ *ill hn c rh. hurd.n of povinS rh,r hc or sh. dil nn hoi! .r itrllntc rhc pDpcnr tor rh. !u4st or <br />_1. .s o*mr of th. rmr.ny. an w n len*d co rrcro^ to mnsrtucr rh. I' j..r (Sd. 1X4 8aiffi <br />dd Ro&si, Codc: Thc Conn&lor'. Liccnsc Lle dcs er aiply to an owr6 of lropeny who builds or inpmvcs licrcon. <br />.nd who lor such prcj(ls wirh a Co,rr"cio(3) lhmsd pursulnr ro rhc Conr!0clols Lirw LIp). <br />I hcrcby 6ifi rmundcr r.narryof pcrjuryonc of thc followir8 d.clara'hns <br />-l <br />haw dd qill mintdn a C.nif6c of CoNfl lo S.lfitrsuE for rcrkat onp.nqlon. ,s lo. by S@don 3?m of t <br />Litor Codc. for lh. pc.foM of llE {ot for *ni.h dE p.rnjt h isswd. <br />_t har aod eill mintlin worL6 cooFBllbn i6!nrc, I r{uirn by Sccri.ln 1700 of llr t bor Code. f llE Fdolrllft.or <br />th. so* for Bhich rhk lemir is Lrn&d My wo*6 @mlEni8lion inrurMc sio .r!d polty .unb.r @: <br />-l <br />adify lhol itr llE r.rformrcc ol rhc *o* for $ttn lhis |,.rnrir is nso.n, I shlll n,l cnploy a.y pcrn,n an a.y rumr <br />$ 6 16 tiro@ .!bid ro rhc Mrrdj coqEnsdio. l6es of Califon4 ud rgN lhrt if I stbuld tEroft subFl to llE <br />workc^ smpcnsarior pDvirionr of Serion 3T00 of rhc tatnr C.d.. ! sh.ll. lonhwnh comply wirn lho* Drovirio.s.. <br />WARNINC: Fiilur€ b se qorkcs' con{Ensarion covcmsc is u.lawful. and rhall subjccr d cmploFr ro dimin Fmllis dnd <br />cilil 6nes ut, ro oN hrdad rhousnd dolla (, in oddnion ro rlE .oil 6t.ooFneti6r! dr@g.r .s pmvi,.d for lh. <br />\ ,tut <br />lIt( 1, \t{ \l I{)\ <br />ol rhc Btrsirc\\rtrd Pmic$ion\Codc. rftl myli..n\c r rn tull ktrcc and cilcr <br />trffit11 <br />CON$SUCTONIDNDIN{i.&{iEICI <br />I heeby arfiirn !.d.r Fn{lly of pcrjury lMl lh.rc is tr rucri,n hndine .8!my tu lnc pcrformne of rhc work fo. uhrh rhn trmn i1 <br />nrucd (SN lLE7.Cil C ). <br />APPI TCANT DT'CLA RITTON <br />I hsrtynflinnundc. lcnllty ol,crlury onc otlhc follo*in8 dccl.n n,ns: <br />Dcmlirion Pcinirs A\bL{ro\ Norili.arn,n F.d.ral Rcguhrtun\ (Tirlc'lO. Pd6) <br />Rcquncd Lr cr of Norifi.,rk n <br />-l <br />cdily rhd fi. f.dmd Eeuhlions Egadin8 sbcsbs Ermval m nol applicrblc lo ltis pmrcct. <br />I rdil! rhar I hnk lcod rhi\ ap ic!i{'n iofo.nBt n is codd I .Erc ro comply wnh all Cily lnd Colnty <br />onli'rtr.c\ rn,l Srrr.l-r*\rubrirrs n) htr unrhoria r.prc*nbriv.s of rhis Cny lnd County lo cnlc, upon tlr <br />atx,ve nrcmioncd prnncny lor <br />u lor,\A.nlSirmlnft:*,. oa{o'{18 <br />Roof Drain <br />Final Gas Test <br />C.dc. lnd lthmy's fds.