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SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS Own.FBuild.r D€claralion <br />I h.r€bvannnr undcrleraltyofp.rjurylhar Irnrex€npr lorm rhecontacros l-Ense L,w aor rhe aollowinr lason (sec 70:r1.5 Busincss <br />and ftof.ssionCode): AnyCilyorCounr, whichr.quir6. p..mir ro .oturtucr. .lr.r. improve. d.m.lih or rcpair ry itudu.. prio o irs <br />issuin .. ako r.quir6rh.appli.,nr ror su.h pcnnil ro lil. a stncd slal.mcnr llrr h.or sh. n lic.Ecd puuurnlro rh.rrevir$tu orlhc <br />Conhcrois L'c.nsed l-aw (Ch3pr.r 9. Commencr.! wiri Scd'on 70{D ofDivu'o. r olrhe Bu$ne$ and Proac$'ons Cod.) or rhal hc or <br />sh.iscx.oplrh€r.liomsndlh.bainiorthc!llcscdcx.mplionAnyviolatiooolScclionT0Sl5byanyappli.antlorspennirsubJcclslh. <br />0!pli.a.r ro r civilD.n.hy ofnot mor. than flk hu.dr.d dolld( ($500). <br />I- as oen.roflh. pror.ny- or my .mploy..s wilh was6 as rhcirsolecomp.nsation. rvrlldo rh.sork andrlE rudur. is not inrcnd.d <br />o' ofie'ed for $le( Sec 7041. Btryne$ ind Profess'ons Code lh.Conracroisl-rc.nseLrwdocsno!rpplvroanosrcrofrhepord, <br />who buil& or i,npror6 th.rcon. ind who do.s $'ch (ort hi,ns.lfor Ihidush ht oi h.r own c rploy.B, pft\ idcd rh6r su.h <br />i,nprovenr.nls .rc not im.nd.d or ofrcrcd for strl. li hotrev.r, rh. buildin* ori,Dpro\.mcnr is sold sthinonc yearof.onrplction.rlr <br />Osn.r Build.rwill hilclh. hurd.nolprovrslhar h.orsh. not turldorimplovc ror rh. IuIPos. or $1.) <br />1.6 owncroathc prop.ny, trm .onkrclinA sirh l,c.B.d conkrcron ro.oBrrud rh. ( S.c. 7044. ed <br />Prcfcssion Cod. Th. Lrc.ns. t.w do6 nor iprly ro in ow.s ofpropdly who borlds or rnrp.o!6 rh...on, and who <br />co.rr.ct, fo.,ucn projEt wnn.Conr6clo(e) |cd!.d puBu.nt to rhc Conr.ctoai L$.ose t w ) <br />I ad crcn4, und.rSccriu) <br />!!.qBEras!o rE$arloxl)ls4-8arar <br />I hcr.hyrfinm! crpc.llyolF'juryo.of lltfollo$in!decla'alions <br />I ha!.0ndwillmainraiD ro S.ll-lnsu,. aor worke{'conrpensar'oi. as prov'ded for bySehon lTo0 oldre <br />lib.rftd., iJr th. praormn.. o l rh. sork forwhich rhc l.rmir i5 irsued <br />llrvedndw'lln).rnr.maorleraconrpensr'onnsu.rnce.dsr.qurcdbySeoonJT0Ooirhelr&rCode,loirhepello.nunc.otrhc <br />wo.kforwh'ch rhisperm u su.d My *orken' compensar 'o nsuhnc. cani.r and Foli.y nurb(.r.r <br />l'olicy Numb{ Iapfts <br />(l ht secli{,n rccd nol h. con,pl.tcd irdr D.flnir is rr One hundred dollars (Sl00l or l.s) <br />l.cnifyrhd in rh. pnlornDn.. ofthe*ork forwhichfih prmir is hsucd.l rhall norcmploya.y p.uon inrny ma.n.rsoasro <br />b.camesubBcrrorhewo.l.'.ln,peasatdnhwsofCsl'forn!r.rndaBrftrhlr'llshouldb.conrsub.,ecrrorliewor[e]s <br />comp.oelion pro\6ions olS<xon 3700 otth.lihorCod.- | shall. forlfiryirh .onfll snh rhdsc povisions <br />car5rBu.(Jlo.LlErolNc_LcElel <br />I hcleby afirm uodcr penahy olp.riuly thal th..c is a coBlruclion lcndinr ar.ncy to,lh. p.rfomancr orrh. $ork lor I hi.h rhis,Rrmir t <br />tsu.d (Scc. 1097. ( iv C ). <br />.\r'Pl.l( \N r's DL( l,\R \r ro\ <br />I)eNoLirion l'c"n s,4shcnos Nor'licanon Iicd.r.l R.guhrn)ns I lnt {0. Pan6) <br />Rcqrircd I crlcr olNorillcal otr <br />lc.n,lyrh.r rhc f.d.ralr.!uldrioB r.!r.din! aib6ros r.n$$ldr. nor rpplicablc ro rhis Uojccr <br />I c.dilylhal I nav. rcld this applicationandsl,t.lhatlh.abovc information B I a!rc.loconrply trilh allC(y ud Coumy <br />ordinan..sand State llss rel insrobuildinrconslruclion.andhcrcbya(hor;.rcDrscnrarivcsorlhisCnyrnd(ounrylocmerulrnrh. <br />above nrcnrion.d propen) for lnsp.ctnn puq,os.s. <br />o <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />U FER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subfloor/VenVlnsul <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />[,4asonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />4-{-/s .I)-is+t'-yt) <br />Certificate of Occupancy <br />M 1\Permil-lnspeclionForns\Building lnspection R€cod.doc 0331.06 <br />BUILOING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />D . ppl'(.nr <br />WARNING F ilurero conD.nsation cov.r.s. rsunlawful. ind sh.llsubjd on .mploy€r lo .riminnl pclalrrs rnd civil <br />fin6 up Io on. thous.nd dorla^ ( $ 100.000).in addtion ro rh. con'ion. danEsB 6 p,oyid.d forlhc Scclion 1076 of <br />rlrc t,bo, Code. rl.r6t and.rlorneyi ls <br />UC&NSED.CQIIBAqTABiSICLABAI!9I <br />I h.reb, rfiim undrp.mhy ofp.rjury rh.r I m li.cns.d nndcr pmvisio. ofChtrptd 9 (co,mcncin8 Nith S€ction 700{) ofDivisioa I oa <br />rhc rnd P.of6sio6Cod., and hr lic.E. is in tull forc. ed.lI.(1 <br />FINAL <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.